By using Add to calendar button
I can’t display post title and post content in Google calendar
Here is my code
[add-to-calendar-button styleLight=”–btn-background: #E97F03; –btn-text: #fff;” debug name=”{sc_start}post_title{sc_end}” options=”‘Apple’,’Google'” startDate=”{sc_start}acf field=date_evenement{sc_end}” endDate=”{sc_start}acf field=date_fin_evenement{sc_end}” label=”ajouter au calendrier” location= “{sc_start}acf field=lieu_evenement{sc_end}” description= “{sc_start}acf field=post_content{sc_end}”]
Even though I am signed in to outlook the outlook button takes me to a sign up page in mobile.
Hi 19 mos ago someone asked in this support forum about adding events also to email. You replied it is on roadmap and will update when it’s available. However I doubt you remember that ticket from 19 mos ago so wondered if there is update.
Here is that previous ticket:
(So Yes, some of us DO search the forums before asking a question!)
Thank you.
I’m trying to add inside a shortcode different fields to add when adding in calendar
[add-to-calendar-button name=”Post title page”
startDate=”event_date (ACF field)” (i attached my ACF date field config to know if it is well formated)
location=”event_location (ACF field)”
description=”short_description (ACF field)” ]
Can you please help me or maybe is there a sample showing how to add kind of acf fields in this way and the post title off course.
Lat but not least > is there a way to change or translate “Add to Calendar” name ?
Thx in advance
I have seen a few questions regarding the use of ACF and generating a button, but I cannot seem to get this to work.
Here is my shortcode
[add-to-calendar-button name=”Add” options=”‘Apple’,’Google’,’iCal’,’Outlook.com’,’Yahoo’,’Microsoft365′,’MicrosoftTeams'” startDate=”{sc_start}acf:welcome_page_date_and_start_time{sc_end}” endDate=”{sc_start}acf:welcome_page_date_and_end_time{sc_end} description=”Description with {b}bold{/b} text”]
Am I missing something that means this will not appear on the frontend?
Hi everyone,
Wondering if anyone know how to fix the calendar plugin. Every time we add events to our calendar from the website, they automatically add to the calendar as all day, instead of the specific time we entered for the event even when using the code: startTime & endTime.
This is how the code we used looks:
? name="[Reminder] Test the Add to Calendar Button"
? startDate="2024-07-20"
? startTime="10:15"
? endTime="23:30"
? timeZone="America/Los_Angeles"
? location="World Wide Web"
? description="Check out the maybe easiest way to include Add to Calendar Buttons to your web projects:[br]��
[url]https://add-to-calendar-button.com/|Click here![/url]
? options="'Apple','Google','iCal','Outlook.com','Microsoft 365','Microsoft Teams','Yahoo'"
? lightMode="bodyScheme"
I am trying to get a dynamic startDate – which updates dynamically every Tuesday at 18:00.
I found a shortcode using ‘WP Date and Time Shortcode’ which does that perfectly:
[wpdts-custom format="Y-m-d" next="TUE 18:00"]
I can insert this code into another shortcode plugin called ‘Shortcoder’ and it displays correctly.
I tried to insert the shortcode above into the ‘Add to Calendar Button’ startDate=”” field but it does not work. Any help to make this work would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks so much in advance.
]]>Hi! I run a multi-language concert website with WPML. Concert pages are generated with ACF templates. Is it possible to use this plugin with dynamic ACF fields, so effectively I’d only have to set it up once and it’d generate Add to calendar buttons for all concert pages? And would this plugin also work with WPML? Thanks!
]]>Hi, I created a add to calendar button for events that I created with the ‘ACPT’ plugin. I styled the button with custom CSS using the ‘parts’ attribute as shown in the documentation. Everything is working fine with a little issue I am facing.
When I click on the button to access the dropdown, the button gets pushed up. This also happens when I set the trigger to ‘hover’. It was doing this even before I styled it with custom CSS, so I know it is not a styling issue.
I noticed using the chrome dev tools that when the button is clicked, a div element with id ‘atcb-bgoverlay’ appears that seems to push the button up:
Plus, this element also creates horizontal and vertical overflow.
Upon inspecting the add to calendar buttons in the documentation on the plugin’s website, I found out that this element is actually supposed to be positioned at the top-left corner of the screen. However, in my case, it is being positioned at the top-left corner of the drop down, which is causing all the issues. I cannot use CSS to fix that as the element doesn’t have a part attribute.
Please let me know how to fix this. Thanks
]]>Hi. I have no idea what I am doing or if the following is possible.
1. I have created a custom post type with acf date field named party_start_date that outputs date YYYY-MM-DD and field named party_start_time that outputs time HH:MM
2. I go to elementor post templates and add shortcode
label="My custom label"
How or can I put the post title, date and time in the shortcode. I read in docs that if I use startDate=”{sc_start}party_start_date{sc_end}” then it should work but it’s not cuz I am doing probably something wrong. Do I need to use the attributes box also to input there something? Never used the attributes box before, no idea what it’s for.
i love your plugin and when i started to use it on my site, i found your documentation website very helpful. but recently, the webpage text changed to some undechiferable symbols. this happens in chrome and in firefox.
funny thing: in the browser inspector the texts are readable. i can turn off the css font setting for the body element and delete the font “Inter��, then the text is readable again for me on your website.
is it just me or why is the text on your website shown like this?
cheers, pigsound
I have installed the 'Add to calendar button' plugin for my site, i have just installed and have not made any settings or any of such kind, there was only one option visible under 'Add to calendar' menu in my wordpress that is 'Load script unstyled'. And later to display the calendar in my site i have used a shortcode, which i got from your documentation site. The code i have used is
? ? ?<add-to-calendar-button
? name="[Reminder] Test the Add to Calendar Button"
? startDate="2024-03-29"
? startTime="10:15"
? endTime="23:30"
? timeZone="America/Los_Angeles"
? description="Check out the maybe easiest way to include Add to Calendar Buttons to your web projects:[br]�� [url]https://add-to-calendar-button.com/|Click here![/url]"
? options="Google"
? lightMode="bodyScheme"
But nothing is displaying in my site. can u please help me with this
When searching for a page on the site that has the Add To Calendar element active, the search result on Google displays the plugin’s logo as the page image, not the actual featured image of the page.
When I view the source and try to search for the image, the image is in fact the page’s featured image, so I cannot see why it is showing the plugin logo.
The search term in question is “Jenkinson’s Easter Sale 2024”.
I hope you can help with this.
is it possible to get the data from a plugin like WP Event Manager? In getting the data filled dynamically per event:
global $post;
$start_date = get_event_start_date();
$end_date = get_event_end_date();
$start_time = get_event_start_time();
$end_time = get_event_end_time();
$address = get_event_address();
$location = get_event_location();
$separator = get_wpem_date_time_separator();
$check_ticket_visibility = get_option('event_manager_enable_event_ticket_prices_filter', true);
$event = $post;
<!-- Add to Calendar Button -->
<div class="calendar-button-container">
name="<?php echo esc_attr(get_the_title()); ?>"
start-date="<?php echo esc_attr(date('Y-m-d', strtotime($start_date))); ?>"
start-time="<?php echo esc_attr(date('H:i:s', strtotime($start_time))); ?>"
end-time="<?php echo esc_attr(date('H:i:s', strtotime($end_time))); ?>"
time-zone="<?php echo esc_attr(get_the_event_timezone()); ?>"
location="<?php echo esc_attr(get_event_location()); ?>"
description="<?php echo esc_attr(wp_strip_all_tags(get_the_content())); ?>"
:options='["Apple", "Google", "iCal", "Outlook.com", "Microsoft 365", "Microsoft Teams", "Yahoo"]'
<!-- End of Add to Calendar Button -->
Hello, is there any way to change/customise the name that appears on the frontend for specific calendars like Microsoft 365? Thanks a lot
]]>Would be very helpful if we can insert Custom Post Type shortcodes.
]]>Hi, is it possible with FREE version, to hiding this link via CSS o it is not possible for a license/copyright problem?
Thank you!
This plugin is really perfect for what I was looking for. So lightweight and flexible. I just have a couple pieces of feedback for your consideration.
The responsiveness of the buttons works overall, but it would be great for the CSS to have some consideration for the available width using calc()
. When the button is in a wide enough container all works fine, but when it’s put in a column next to others, it often breaks out of the available width.
I love the ability to customize the labels, but when using pastDateHandling="expired"
it would be great to be able to customize the label when the date is expired. So that instead of “Expired” it could say “This event already happened”
I believe this is really a no-no for the Plugin Handbook rules, but you have branding="true"
as your default which puts a link to your paid version website on the frontend of your users websites. That really needs to be false
by default. I was glad at least to see the ability to set it to false manually.
Great free plugin, thank you for your time and generosity to the WordPress community!
]]>The plugin will not work for (regular) admin users on a multisite installation.
Admin users are able to add and configure the block in the post editor. With in the editor, the configured block will preview as desired. However, the published page/post will not include any HTML generated by the block. After reloading the editor page, the block will show the message ��This block contains unexpected or invalid content.��
As a super admin user, the block works for me as intended, producing the desired code on the front end of the website. Also, I can recover and successfully publish buttons that regular admin users attempted to publish.
If a regular admin subsequently edits the post, the block will revert to this “invalid content” state and the button’s code will be stripped from the front end.
My guess is that the block requires users to to have unfiltered_html capability.
Is there a workaround for this or can the plugin be modified so that users do not need unfiltered_html capabilities to use it?
I’m happy to set up user(s) on our staging server if you would like to work on this. Thank you!
]]>I see the correct HTML output for the Add To Calendar button on the page when I view it in the inspector.
<div class="calender-button-wrapper pt-1">
<add-to-calendar-button name="MGMA Leaders Conference" startdate="2023-10-22" options="Apple,Google,iCal, Microsoft365, MicrosoftTeams" location="Nashville, TN" hidecheckmark="true" buttonstyle="default" stylelight="--btn-border: #eb2a31" liststyle="modal" atcb-button-id="atcb-btn-1" style="visibility: visible; opacity: 1; position: relative;">
#shadow-root (open)
<div class="atcb-initialized" style="display:none;position:relative;width:fit-content;"></div>
</add-to-calendar-button> </div>
The attributes and attribute values are being pulled in correctly from the shortcode but I’m thinking the issue is the inline display of none in the shadow root. I don’t see any errors in the console relating to the ATC button. The current version I have for the plugin is 1.5.1. Any help you can give in troubleshooting would be greatly appreciated!
For reference, the shortcode I’m using is –
$shortcode = "[add-to-calendar-button name='$event_title' startDate='$ymd_date' options='Apple,Google,iCal, Microsoft365, MicrosoftTeams' location='$location' hideCheckmark='true' buttonStyle='default' styleLight='--btn-border: #eb2a31' listStyle=modal]"
I am using the following shortcode but its not displaying. Checking in console and the only error pertaining to this plugin is saying “no valid options set”
name="Real Estate Lunch and Learn"
location="100 Central Road, Bensville, PA 17011" description="Event description here if needed"
My shortcode looks like this:[add-to-calendar-button startDate="2023-10-05" startTime="10:00" endTime="11:30" timeZone="America/Chicago" location="Zoom" name="Test" options="'Apple','Google'" description="Test"]
and yet it doesn’t show up. The console shows this error message:Add to Calendar Button generation failed: required setting missing [startDate]
Obviously, I have the startDate
parameter. What am I doing wrong?
EDIT: By the way, I used the <add-to-calendar-button>
code from the demo and it works fine. I can use that instead of the shortcode, but you might want to look into why the shortcode isn’t working.
I have noticed that, when using the Add to Calendar Button block in the WordPress block editor, and make any changes to the “Other Attributes” in the block’s settings, it deselects all the selected Calendar options, and the block changes visually to indicate it is not valid.
I finally figured out what was happening, and became used to reselecting the Calendar Options after finishing with “Other attributes”.
It’s rather disconcerting, and not ideal. Could the interface be changed so that the Calendar Options not be sensitive to changes in the “Other attributes”? It would save a lot of potential confusion, and extra annoying steps.
]]>I am trying to use an Add to Calendar WordPress block within a page in my WordPress website. I have placed it inside a Cover block, and then inside a Row block so I can center it inside the Cover block.
However, if you hover over it, you will see that the dropdown list is occluded, presumably because its z-index is lower than the outside of the Cover. It is cut off, without displaying all the items. (I have selected all the options available in the block’s settings.)
I have tried setting the z-index of the block, and also tried to figure out how to set the dropdown list to be scrollable, without any luck.
Incidentally, if I change the listStyle to overlay, it, too, is occluded.
How can I fix this problem, ideally so that the dropdown list does not get occluded?
]]>I am trying to use a shortcode for your plugin on my website’s home page, which uses Elementor.
Look for it just below the main slider, inside a yellow bar, to the right.
The shortcode is:
[add-to-calendar-button label="Add Rehearsals to Your Calendar" name="SVC Rehearsals" startDate="2023-09-12" startTime="19:00" endTime="21:00"
location="First Congregational Church, 10 Union St., Milford, NH 03055"
description="Souhegan Valley Chorus Rehearsals"
Unfortunately, when you hover over it, it only displays the first three calendars in the options list, and I have been unable to fix this problem. Am I doing something wrong?
]]>Hello – I installed the plugin but the Gutenberg Block isn’t available in my block list. Could this be a theme conflict? How do I start to troubleshoot? Any advice appreciated!
I’m experimenting with this plugin and trying to incorporate it with a event custom post type, that utilizes the Advanced Custom Fields plugin (ACF) – I’m trying to use the Add To Calendar plugin, where the <add-to-calendar-button> details are populated automatically based on the fields I have setup. For example – I have an ACF field called “event_date” – I’d like that entry to auto populate in the startDate field. I’ve tried this:
startDate=<?php echo the_field(‘event_date’); ?> – but this appears to break the code as the buttons no longer appear.
I’ve also tried this:
name=<? php echo the_title(); ?> – which seems to partially work, but it only shows the first word, if there is a space in the title anything after that doesn’t show up.
I’m hoping to make this work, but it may not be possible. I did post this question on stackoverflow, which shows my shortcode if that helps with more detail – https://stackoverflow.com/questions/76268092/add-to-calendar-button-plugin-and-shortcode
]]>Hi there,
I have inserted some add to calendar buttons into the gravity forms journey using an html block and it appears ok.
<add-to-calendar-button name=”Session 1″ options=”‘Apple’,’Google'” location=”World Wide Web” startDate=”2023-04-16″ endDate=”2023-04-18″ startTime=”10:15″ endTime=”23:30″ timeZone=”America/Los_Angeles” ></add-to-calendar-button>
How would I go about inserting a javascript variable I create during the progression of a gravity form into the add to calendar markup?
For example if I wanted to insert a javascript variable for the ‘name’ parameter?
]]>Excellent plugin, good job!
I want to ask if there is a way to add alert and specific time too, since on some calendars (Apple) the default is no alert. If there is a way, will it be implemented?
]]>Here are the attributes I’m using in the Add to Calendar Button block:
name="[Reminder] 2023 ONHSF Gene Haynes Open"
description="Join us for the Omaha North High School Foundation Gene Haynes Open at the [url]https://goo.gl/maps/J1Zextgzv96o7M3v9|Shore Line Golf Course[/url]. Shotgun start is at 10 am"
location="Shore Line Golf Course, 210 E Locust St, Carter Lake, IA 51510"
organizer="ONHSF|[email protected]"
styleLight="--btn-background: #eef2f5; --btn-text: #0055b5;"
The event starts at 10 am and goes to 7 pm on June 4, 2023. Central time zone.
In Google Calendar the times look correct:
10:00am to 7:00pm June 4, 2023 (GMT-06:00) Central Time – Chicago
but in Outlook.com the times come in wrong
6/4/2023 11:00 AM
6/4/2023 8:00 PM
In Outlook the times are wrong even if I change the time zone.
Any help you can give on this will be appreciated.