HostedScan’s active OWASP ZAP scan vulnerability report says that ‘Strict-Transport-Security Header Not Set’ and provides ‘uri:’ as the source.
Do you know how that could happen?
Many thanks
After updating in latest Woodmart theme version, the buttons are broken. Woodmart changed some classes. Do you have any fix?
thank you
]]>Hi, I have used your plugin for another client with no issues with REDIRECT from “BOOK NOW” to external URL.
So for my new client site, I have installed your same plugin and disabled the “Add to Cart”
Disabled Cart Page
Disabled single page checkout
Enable redirect on add to cart
Custom URL added
Disabled Continue Shopping button
And in the Add to Cart section of your plugin – I’ve changed Add to Cart button text to “BOOK NOW”
And saved
It should be working, but when I look on page it still shows “Add to Cart” button and not the “BOOK NOW” button.
NOt sure what setting I have missed?
Could you please help?
]]>Hi, I enabled the plugin and activate the “buy now” button. Works well, but the “add to cart” button, adds 2 items even if I choose only 1 item.
I disabled the plugin and the add to cart button works well again.
Thanks for your support and for the plugin. It’s amazing!
]]>how can i find the plugin of this version?
Great plugin. Thanks.
I want to translate the texts to Hebrew.
I already made the translation with POedit and uploaded them to language directory (po and mo files).
What’s the next step?
The wordpress claims the plugin is not 100% ready for translation.
Appreciate your help.
Your styling of select 2 choices are conflicting with other ACF boxes or places on wp-admin that use select2 also.
.select2-selection__choice {
background: #ee6443!important;
color: #fff;
border: 0px !important;
padding: 10px !important;
This class is in add-to-cart-direct-checkout-for-woocommerce/admin/css/pi-dcw-admin.css
and should be explicitly targeted to places from your plugin and not globally editing all select 2 choice fields.
Example –
I am willing to buy this plugin but on free version i am facing issue. When i click on buy now button on single product page instead of redirecting to checkout page it opens the ajax cart. Buy now button works fine on product archive, if you check homepage products buy now button redirects to checkout page but its not working on single product page. Please check this issue thank you.
At checkout, quantity selector
1. Can it be displayed directly? Not hidden
2. The up and down buttons can be bigger
Thank you, great creator
I have a subscription based site which I made a custom table for and used a custom checkout button. This button uses the instant checkout plugin and works perfectly! But when switching subscriptions an error occurs. Does this plugin provide support for switching subscriptions with woocommerce?
I duplicated a website for a client from hebrew to english.
In the hebrew site the buy now button is in Hebrew.
I didn’t find where can I change the text of the button back to english.
The free version is installed but I didn’t find the text in the DB or in the files
Also, I saw that when pressing add to cart a text is shown above the buuton.
I didn’t find this text as well.
Can you please help me with that?
Thanks for creating this plugin. Its works well.
But when I using this plugin, My checkout page shows product images at the top.
It make users scroll down a bit to enter their shipping details.
Without this plugin, my checkout page only shows the shipping details collum and payment options.
Also Add to cart button and coupon code button collide with each other!
How do I remove products at the top from my checkout page?
]]>Hey ! I’ve been tryin to resize the size of the Buy Now button to match the width of the Add to Cart and Quantity selector.
This is how it currently looks like
I’ve seen another post that was similar but the code didn’t work properly, it just displayed the buy now button and add to cart the same size one next to the other, not the Buy Now below the Add to Cart.
I only care about it looks in mobile so please open the website in mobile.
Your plugin works fine but if I want to use with a composite products (for example with this plugin:, buy now button disappears from a shop page). Do you have any solutions? or I’ve done something wrong?
Thank you.
I noticed there’s a rendering issue on the Quickview feature on smartphones : the featured image is not properly resized.
See :
Could you please fix it?
I cannot update the cart (no “update” button) after quantity change.
Am I missing something or is it broken ?
Thank you.
Please publish a changelog when you do a plugin update so we can track what might break on our side
]]>I have added buy now button in my product page. I want to give it hover effect like on hover background color changes. I tried with additional css but still it isnt working. Can you please help me with this?
]]>How to put link button so it will go to checkout without go to add to cart page.
I have installed the direct checkout, but how to setting it. In fAQ they said need to disable cart page. I could not find the option.
Please assist.
]]>Hi, is it possible to have plus/minus buttons instead of up/down arrows for the quantity selector? And do you have hooks to insert custom infos to the lightbox?
Thanks, Stefan
Hi, after I press on ?lo quiero! (add to cart) nothing happend, so I was expectig a redirection to checkout page. I hope you could help me, thanks!
]]>Check Checkout page in MObile. It’s not working Properly
]]>when i reach to the checkout page after clicking buy now button the page keeps refreshing after 5 seconds.
Good day. Im using your plugin and everything looks amazing, however, at the moment of using your Quick Buy button it takes from 4 to 6 second to load/deliver the checkout page (without any signs of it being loaded), which may cause incertitude to users.
Is there any way to include an animation of loading in the quick purchase button once the it’s clicked? or to improve the speed it takes to deliver the checkout page?
Thanks in advance
Thank you for this amazing plugin!
I have one question regarding “Buy now” button size, is it possible to do some resizing?
Please check the current appearance:
]]>hey, using this plugin cart notices (i.e. when coupons are added or when cart is updated) are not showing. Any workaround?
I am looking for a quick checkout system but ONLY for admin.
My client d’like to sell by woocommerce directy from his (real) shop. He doesnt’ want to show the quick button checkout on his webpage. So we have to hide it in customer version and to show it when admin is connected.
Can you help? Can we do this with your plugin?
After installing and testing the plugin, I have deactivated it to test other plugins have found the the redirection does not disappear even after uninstalling the plugin.
The plugin redirects from from ‘’ to ‘’ and this is the persistent issue. After I uninstall the plugin the page is not uninstalled either meaning it’s leaving the data behind.
Ideally, if I were to continue using the plugin, I’d like to change the slug from ‘checkout-2’ back to ‘checkout’ regardless, is this possible?
Many thanks!
]]>Hi, recently installed your plugin to try it. It works but it is not compatible with WooCommerce added to cart popup (Ajax)
Is there any possible solution for this??
I need to co-exist your plugin and the other plugin. thank you!!
]]>When the plugin is enabled with default settings it adds in extra payment details fields and also ads in postal code fields in the payment section.