because it seems that the plugin is no longer updated at all: What working alternative is there to AddQuicktag? Does anyone know something? Not a huge plugin with too many features, but something like AddQuicktag, which works fine with current WordPress versions and is lovingly maintained by the author?
Plugin AddQuicktag last updated: 1 year ago. Can you easily use? Will I be done with it?
I will add that I like this plugin. Thanks.
]]>WP 6.0: The Import doesn’t work, exported JSONs from another system are recognized but no quicktags appear, existing qucktags are overwritten with nothing, everything is gone and has to be recreated by hand. The editor is buggy. On creating a new quicktag, only the start tag field is beeing saved. All other fields are not recognized and have to be filled out in a second step. Creation via hook doesn’t work at all.
]]>As shown in the figure above, newly uploaded files will be ranked in this position, and later uploaded files will still be in this position instead of being ranked first.
Version: 2.6.1
wordpress: 5.8.1
In ver2.6.0, new tags cannot be set.
When I press the setting button, the display check of the existing tag is unchecked.
The export is not registered either.
The display name of the new tag disappears. Overwrite can be registered with, but it cannot be used because the display check is cleared.
I can use it by downgrading to ver2.5.3.
I have seen similar error on many of my sites.
A similar error was confirmed with a new WP that had a clean installation.
Similar error were confirmed in WP downgrade ver5.6
The WP ver I’m using is 5.7.1-ja
]]>Плагин то появляется в редакторе TinyMce advanced, то исчезает
The planito appears in the TinyMce advanced editor and disappears.
There a many bugs after the update to WP 5.6 with the visuals. No icons, strange colours and tables …. Hope to get an update of the plugin soon.
]]>Hello Frank, since the upgrade to 5.5 the “buttons” are no longer displayed in the various articles, both with version 2.53 of addquicktag
Am I the only one?
Kind regards
Das Plugin wurde vor 3 Wochen aktualisiert, zeigt das System. Allerdings wird darauf hingewiesen, dass das Plugin nicht mit den letzten drei Versionen von WP getestet wurde. Ich verwende es in der aktuellsten WP-Version dennoch, soweit ich sehe ohne Probleme. Wann kommt ggf.eine Aktualisierung des Plugins?
]]>Is the plugin compatible with php 7.3.?
]]>I read the other thread about Gutenberg (that is marked resolved), but I’m still left wondering if there are plans to integrate this with the new editor.
Unless I’m missing something, it still seems like there’s no easy way to add extra non-block tags (‘span’ or ‘cite’ for instance).
]]>Hi Frank,
ich liebe das Plugin!
Mittlerweile habe ich so viele Quicktags angeh?uft, dass ich gerne im Text-Editor statt des Button-Textes Icons anzeigen lassen würde. Beispielsweise die Icons, die man für den Visual-Editor festlegen kann. Oder eben eigene Icons 20x20px oder so.
Gibt es da einen Weg? Oder habe ich was übersehen?
I really like this plugin and I use it on many sites. My concern is if it will work with Gutenberg. Are there plans to make Addquicktag compatible with Gutenberg?
Thank you in advance!
I have a lot (!) of Quicktags and need to delete also a lot inside the list.
Do I really have to kill the content of the fields, to delete a Quicktag?
A “delete” button next to each Quicktag item would be great, to bulk delete them.
Hi, First I would like to thank you so much for such a usefull plugin. It has saved my tons of time throughout my last few years of working with WordPress.
Unfortunately just recently after the latest WP update I don’t see the AddQuickTagg button in my “Visual” editor for custom post types anymore, although they do still show up when I switch to the “Text” editor and also everything is still working just fine for the built in “Post” type.
Please check into it. Thank you.
]]>1) After do some first time settings I get this message: Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home/deb96951n3/domains/website.com/public_html/wp-content/plugins/addquicktag/addquicktag.php on line 161
2) Also see no toolbar at all despite my settings are saved.
3) Deletion failed: Deprecated: Non-static method Add_Quicktag::uninstall() should not be called statically in /home/deb96951n3/domains/website.com/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php on line 298 {“success”:true,”data”:{“delete”:”plugin”,”slug”:”addquicktag”,”plugin”:”addquicktag\/addquicktag.php”,”pluginName”:”AddQuicktag”}}
How can I solve this?
there is an issue between this plugin and the new WP version (4.8).
Unfortunately I have an error in the js console. The error is a strange character: ? and is in the file addquicktag/js/add-quicktags-js 1:798.
This error cause issues also in other js scripts.
When you can please take a look at this.
]]>While using the code you provided here…
…i’m not able to include quicktags for the Simple Links custom post type editor (post_type=simple_link).
Thanks for help, Hans
I have an ACF option page with a WYSIWYG field and I don’t know how to activate addQuickTag in this field.
Any help?
]]>I use the plugin “advanced custom fields” to place an editor on the front end.
Quick tags created using “addQuicktag” can be used on posting screens, but they can not be used on the front end.
How can I use “addQuicktag” at the front end?
The latest update introduced a bug when using the plugin in a multisite:
PHP Fatal error occurred: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function is_plugin_active_for_network() in .../wp-content/plugins/addquicktag/inc/class-settings.php:100
Can be resolved by adding
if ( ! function_exists( 'is_plugin_active_for_network' ) ) {
require_once( ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/plugin.php' );
in this file. See https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Function_Reference/is_plugin_active_for_network
Help me please. very necessary )
Now there is only one drop-down list with the buttons. how can I add 2-3 drop-down quick buttons?
My Server’s PHP version is now 7.1.
So i think the plugin does not work on php7.1.
Please check it.
If possible, i can use it on php7.1.
]]>Hallo Frank,
vielen Dank für das geniale Plugin, dass ich auch bei meinen eigenen “Custom Post Typs” verwenden kann.
Zudem betreibe ich über das Plugin ?wpShopGermany“ einen Internetshop und kann hier im Backend unter einem Menüpunkt einzelne Produkte verwalten. Es wird dort vom ShopPlugin mit folgendem Code der Standard Editor von WordPress aufgerufen:
wp_editor($pa['value'], 'pa_'.$pa['id'].'')
Siehst du eine M?glichkeit, dass ich auch hier die Quciktags verwenden kann?
Die Url, wenn ich eine Produkt bearbeite, ist:
Viele Grü?e.
]]>Hello Frank,
I’m using your plugin (version 2.4.3) on WP 4.6.1. It is working good in text mode, but not in the visual mode.
When selecting the text in visual and then selecting the created quicktag it does nothing and when placing the cursor before the first letter of the paragraph and then selecting the quicktag, the text is deleted.
Would you please advice?
I’m using Black Studio TinyMCE Widget as visual/text editor.
I installed the plugin, but I cannot to find “quick tags” there (both button lines visual are open). Does the plugin support this editor?
]]>Start tag is <span style = “font-size: 14pt; color: red;”>
End tag </span>
When I use visual editor, I change word red and big by that.
But then I change text editor, tags are disapear.
Other tags is no problem but only that tag has problem.
Please help me.
Thank you.
]]>Hello , I created a span , it appears well in the HTML editor but not in the visual editor , I use wordpress 4.4.2
Always upgrades plugin or.., archive AddQuicktag always gone,
can get back from the backup file copy(json-Format).