I made some changes I hope they can help you improve your plugin!
Just to notify you that Address Geocoder is not compatible with WordPress 5.5. I updated to 5.5 and addresses can not be geocoded anymore.
Thanks for your help
Hi, is it possible to geocode also Woocommerce Customer Addresses?
thx, christian
Hi Marty,
let me start by saying that this is a great plugin.
I’m curious if you’d be willing to add a way of triggering the geocoder via PHP. For instance, I’d like to dynamically update the “martygeocoderaddress” meta and programmatically trigger the geocoding.
Thanks in advance!
Sorry I have been doing a plugin check while having a problem on the editor of Flatesome. I identified that by activating you plugin the editor can’t load the media library.
It would ne great if you could resolve this with Uxthemes. I’m gonna send them the link of this page.
Thank you.
]]>Hi, I know this plugin has not been updated for a while — is there any plans to update to newer Google API or even add option to use OpenStreetMap and/or Leaflet?
Cheers, David
]]>on the daily version of the plug is
Address Geocoder Yandex Mappes
how to change to google map?
]]><h3>is there a way i can add more than one location to a particualar post types taxonomy.</h3></br> I have created the post type and I need several locations for each of them
We are using Address Geocoder plugin for creating geolocation for FacetWP.
The plugin works great!
Would the contributors consider the following modifications/improvements:
1. The accuracy of the location coordinates depend on the quality of the inputted address. It is expected, in our case, that some users will not be able to enter their address in a proper way. Will it be possible to add the Google help in the address field that will provide address options for selection while typing an address?
2. Address Change – Assuming you have already entered an address and translated it to lat/lng coordinates. If now you edit the address or enter a new one, the lat/lng coordinates will not be updated by simply clicking on Geocode Address. lat/lng coordinates must be deleted and only then new coordinates will be recalculated by clicking on Geocode Address. Will it be possible to recalculate the lat/lng coordinates on each click on Geocode Address according to the address in the “Address” field?
Thank you!
I have the Google api key.
But your plugin doesn’t give me any coordinate. I have to enter them manuelly to geocode my pages.
I work with divi theme.
Can you help me, please ?
The latest versions of your plugin are not correctly tagged with their version number within SVN.
I rely on these version tags in order to update my platform.
I can see the correct tag for version 0.9 but since that release, I am no longer seeing the correct version tags.
Please can you fix this so we can update the plugin?
]]>Hey, love the plugin, it is very helpful.
Would you consider adding a filter to the post types so that we could add additional exclusions when conflicts arise? I had a conflict with the soliloquy slider post type, so just wanted to exclude it.
Here is new admin_init function:
function admin_init() {
// Class properties
$post_types = get_post_types();
$excluded = apply_filters( 'address_geocoder_excluded_post_types', array( 'attachment', 'revision', 'nav_menu_item' ) );
$this->available_post_types = array_diff( $post_types, $excluded );
$this->options = get_option( 'address_geocoder_options' );
// Set some default options if none are already set
if( !$this->options ) {
$this->options = $this->available_post_types;
// Actions
add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'admin_enqueue_scripts' ) );
add_action( 'add_meta_boxes', array( $this, 'add_meta_boxes' ) );
add_action( 'save_post', array( $this, 'save_post' ), 10, 2 );
// Settings
register_setting( 'address_geocoder_options', 'address_geocoder_options', array( $this, 'validate_options' ) );
And here is an example for other users, on how to use it (use post type slug):
add_filter( 'address_geocoder_excluded_post_types', 'dont_geocode_sliders' );
function dont_geocode_sliders( $excluded ){
$excluded[] = 'soliloquy';
return $excluded;
I just activate and define post type where it will come .Then i submit a new post ,I also gave lat/lng values and save my post .but geocoder is not diplay in my post how to show geocoder in frontend when someone view the post
]]>I have a map displaying markers for the location of projects and it’s all working fine with latlng coordinates as a custom meta box field which are inputted like, 57.3668346, -2.0791946.
I need to make it more user friendly for a client and I’m using your geocoder plugin which is working great, however I need the brackets to be removed from the value that is created and be outputted like the coordinates above with no brackets.
Is there something simple in the code I can change to make this work?
This looks like a great plugin – thanks for making it.
I am evaluating a number of geocoding plugins and your plugin is the first one that requires an API key.
I am not well versed in the Google maps API but from what I can read, the key is no longer required with the latest version of the API.
Also I understand that if one does use an API key, the Google monitors the number of geocoding requests and limits them.
If you could expand on this that would be much appreciated.
]]>My install had a couple of existing custom post types before installing the address geocoder plugin.
I just added another custom post type called ‘www_events’.
When I go to the ‘add new’ event screen, I get this error:
Notice: Undefined index: www_events in C:\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\address-geocoder\address-geocoder.php on line 111 Notice: Undefined index: www_events in C:\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\address-geocoder\address-geocoder.php on line 99
The geocoder metabox is added to the events edit page, even though I have not checked the option to do so in geocoder’s settings page.
If I go to the settings page, the www_events post type is not listed.
]]>We use this plugin in the same WP installation as Wordfence that uses the same function.
Please wrap the Function in a “if(! function_exists(‘geoip_load_shared_mem’)){…..}”
wpgeocode->includes-> geoip.php line 241
Please let me know if you have more questions
]]>Is there any hook to automatically to do the geocoding?
I have gravity form and user submit content and now I have to always manually go and press button. But it would be great if this could be automated somehow.. for example when user submit form it will be done automically behind the scenes.
]]>If importing multiple posts can related addresses be geocoded upon import?
I’m getting an error from Google stating the developer API Key has been disabled.
]]>Google has disabled use of the Maps API for this application. The provided key is not a valid Google API Key, or it is not authorized for the Google Maps Javascript API v3 on this site. If you are the owner of this application, you can learn about obtaining a valid key here: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/tutorial#api_key
I’ve just upgraded to v0.7 of the Address Geocoder plugin, and the Settings page no longer lists the post types.
PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /wp-content/plugins/address-geocoder/address-geocoder.php on line 148, referer: https://domainhiddenforsecurity.com/wp-admin/post-new.php
Is there a fix for this?
]]>Thank you for developing this plugin. Exactly what I was looking for.
Is there any way to display the posts (title only, with link to the original post) on a Google map?
]]>Hi i read on your blog that you used this for user map submission with gravity forms?
Please could you let me know how you did this?
thanks very much