Hey guys,
We were hoping to remove billing_address_2 (which is what we use for shipping) from our checkout page. When we did so, the plugin had trouble validating the address. Not a surprise, since it was looking for address line 2! ??
So, we’ve temporarily restored billing_address_2. Is there a way we can modify the plugin so it doesn’t check for address_2?
For reference, here’s the code we were using in functions.php to remove billing_address_2:
function wpb_custom_billing_fields( $fields = array() ) {
return $fields;
]]>Can I use google address api only.
still having problems with the reply info (i will try to explane)
(Use version 1.9.4)
Seach address “ingerslevsgade 179” screen reply is “Ingerslevsgade 179 K?benhavn V”
thats OK but the data reply is “Ingerslevsgade 179” “1705” “K?benhavn”
Where is the “V” “?” “S” same problem with “K?benhavn ?” “K?benhavn S” “K?benhavn N”
F. eks :Englandsvej 55, 2300 K?benhavn S
I’ve just started using this plugin and it’s exactly what I need but there seems to be a problem when putting in unit number addresses.
ie, if I type in “2105/231 Harbour Esplanade, Docklands, Victoria, Australia” The street address updates to “231 Harbour Esplanade” but there is no 2105 anywhere. I submitted this order and in the back end for when I print a label the 2105 is missing completely so I’ve had to deactivate this plugin.
Another example is if I put in “2/3 Balmoral St, Braybrook, Victoria, Australia” then it only changes the address to “3 Balmoral St”
The plugin is currently disabled so you wont be able to test this on my site but I am getting the same issue on https://addressvalidationdeliveryestimatedemo.wooforce.com
]]>This plugin adds an extra field to the checkout page. Can’t the autocomplete not be done via the (default) address field?
I want to use this plugin, some question is require to figure out before proceed further movement. My question may seems crazy, but I must confirm it.
Address in Hong Kong are also covered with this plugin?
]]>Hi! I use Address Validation and it works great. Also I want to use Autoptimize plugin foe optimize JavaScript, but it blocks Address Validation plugin. And I need JavaScript of Address Validation to exclude this script from Autoptimize options.
Can you give me script of Address Validation plugin, or tell where I can find it?
I Have some problem with the plugin (for Denmark)
If I Type “Kastrupvej 123” ect..
The reply is “123 Kastrupvej” ect…. but in Denmark we use Streetname, streetnumber
How to fix….?
I use “API”&language=dk®ion=DK
And i using it with “Woo Checkout Field Editor”
How to remove some af the field (not in use) (gets error)
Regards Denmark
]]>I got a Google API key but then I get an error: Oops! Something went wrong.
I see a JS ERROR: Google Maps API error: InvalidKeyMapError https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/error-messages#invalid-key-map-error
I got an EasyPost API key but I don’t see any validating happening.
Thanks in advance for your help.