Rating: 2 stars
Unfortunately, it does not work well, at least on version 6.6.1. Some of the colors apply immediately to preview, others require a Save/Refresh and some like hover and active simply do not work. Also, there is no indication in the UI what color applies to what, making it a trial and error game.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
I’ve been using the Admin Color Schemer plugin from the WordPress Core Team for almost a decade, and I truly depend on it. I manage sites for many clients, and each dashboard is set up with a scheme that uses that client’s brand colors, so I’ve got a deeply ingrained association between whose site I’m working on and what colors I’m seeing. When PHP 8.1 broke Admin Color Schemer I was devastated – until I found this little guy. I don’t know why it doesn’t have any reviews yet – it took me about 10 seconds to install it and set up my colors on the first site. Simple, and works. What more can you ask? Thank you, thank you to the developer of this plugin!!!!