That Was Then, This Is Now
What with the ongoing Admin UI changes of late, many additions to capability, and removal of capabilities rendered redundant, are incorporated into the code of new plugin versions. Some of these are significant departures from previous versions targeted to older editions of WordPress.
Staying Current (It’s Important)
Being a careful WordPress user, I am diligent about keeping its code up-to-date. Seems with each version a database update is in order so, if there are more than one version of WordPress on our server, keeping their databases separated is essential. Therefore, I only maintain the current version and one major version back from that upon which to test. The WordPress stats indicate that these cover greater than 75% of installs.
Backward Compatibility And The Pitfalls Thereof
Versions older than these are updated with the new code where applicable. Some code is universal across versions, but other things are an extrapolation and may not exactly fit an older WordPress version as well as they do a current one where they can be fully tested.
A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words
So, if you have a feature request, are asking a question or reporting an anomaly, please be as specific as possible; providing the version number, other Admin plugins/themes activated, front-end theme used and screen grabs, so that I may better understand your environment and make an appropriate alteration.
Stars In Everyone’s Eyes
If I am successful in correcting an issue, please consider re-evaluating your Rating and also add your observation to the Compatibility (Works/Broken) section, so that others may benefit from your experience.
Seems to be broken with Version 3.9.1.
Does nothing if enabled by itself.
If Ozh’ Admin Drop Down Menu is enabled by itself, images are now broken in the header.
If Both plugins, Ozh’ Admin Drop Down Menu and Admin Menus Fixed I get the same result with just Ozh’ Admin Drop Down Menu enabled.
So it seems this plugin is doing nothing now.
]]>When WP_DEBUG is activated I keep getting this:
Notice: Undefined index: minimode in /.../wp-content/plugins/admin-menus-fixed/fixedadminmenus.php on line 51
I now have Ozh Drop Down Admin Menu and the Admin Menus Fixed plugins both installed. Before I installed the Admin Menus Fixed plugin, the WordPress Toolbar had the screen options tab and the help tab both appearing in the “old” location, as hanging tabs below the toolbar. After installing Admin Menus Fixed, I cannot find them. I have hovered over every item in the toolbar and the menu that I can think of.
Could someone point me to the correct location, so I can use the Contextual Help feature of WordPress?
]]>I’m experiencing the following issue, sub-menus fly-overs getting under the main content:
Am solving with this rule
#adminmenuwrap {z-index: 9999 !important}
]]>While troubleshooting a plug-in conflict I disabled Ozh’ Admin Drop Down Menu and was using the built in menus on the left side of the screen but still had Admin Menus Fixed activated. In this configuration all of the flyout menus that area when you hover over an option in the left hand admin menu all display behind any of the content in the main window.
For testing I disabled all plug-ins except this one and I still had the same behavior. WordPress version was 3.5.1.
]]>The plugin’s closing PHP tag ?>
has extra characters after it and is generating an unexpected output warning on plugin activation.
The same message is also being caused by global $wp_version;
not being declared previously to the first verification of its value ( is_admin()
The following line is dumping WP_DEBUB notices:
wp_deregister_script( 'admin-bar' );
Works ok disabling this line, though.
]]>The plugin works with one exception. I am using Ozh’s drop down menus and the ToolBar Removal – Completely Disable – Admin plugins. When I disable the built-in toolbar the Ozh drop down menus stop being “fixed”.
I’ve tried this with many other admin toolbar removal plugins and they all result in the same behavior. The one exception to that is if I use the AG Custom Admin plugin and disable the Admin toolbar. In this case the there is a 28px (guessing) gap at the top of the screen before the Ozh drop down menu and the Ozh drop down menu stays fixed, but you can see the page content scroll behind and above it.
]]>hi, BJ, I’m glad that that other post was deleted, i think it was a language/timing/culture misunderstanding, and please take my sincere apologies.
While developing I noticed that the Upload window was throwing a 404 error for this file /wp-content/plugins/admin-menus-fixed/css/fixedadminmenus-nb.css?ver=1.1
This can be corrected putting this at the beginning of the function fixedadmin_enqueue_css
global $current_screen;
if($current_screen->id=='media-upload') return;
. . .
very very cool banner you made for the plugin,
]]>much useful plugin
specially after discovering ozh’s admin menu and having installed it in all my sites…!
i was already going to include the fixed menu functionality in the next version of my plugin (first one too), but now i’ll probably have to borrow your integration with ozh’s
Now My Scrolling Finger Can Heal