How do i remove a site from Adstxt Manager?
Or how can i delete the account?
]]>Is this plugin still actively developed?
The current version has a vulnerability
I′m no longer using Ezoic, but my ads.txt file keeps being redirected to?“https: // srv. adstxtmanager. com/ (authorization number + mydomain)”?instead of?“https:// my domain .com/ads.txt/”
I don′t have the plugin anymore, I′ve disconnected the integration, there′s no redirect in my .htaccess, I already have my ads.txt file under my public_html directory at cpanel, but I′m still having the same problem!
I can′t find an option to disconnect /disable / remove my account in Ads.TxTmanager. I can′t remove my site from that platform either. Is there a place where I could revoke the authorization given to redirect my URL?
]]>I’m trying to sort this ads.txt and struggling. Can you please help?
]]>i have an existing ads.txt file but it is not in my database .recently you created ads.txt for my website through ezoic kindly help me i have to add my adsense ads.txt code in my ads.txt file which is created by you contact me.
]]>my website ads.txt file was not found in my website file manager when I tried this plugin and import my existing ads.txt file it failed to import the existing ads.txt file.and my ads.txt of adsense does not upload in my website link kindly help me please
I am getting this error to my Ezoic account. I got approved by Google Adsense. But every time it shows me the below error.
Ad Manager Domain Status
Your domain has been disapproved by Google. You may reapply using the button below.
May I know what is the problem and how can I resolve this.
Following on from this thread from six months ago:
I too am getting this error. In fact a redirect checker actually says /ads.txt returns a “200 OK” status code, which is wrong as there is no /ads.txt locally on my server.
I removed the htaccess
entries for adstxtmanager then re-did the set-up. Here are the htaccess relevant lines:
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
Redirect 301 /ads.txt
These are correctly positioned from line 1, also. And bizzarely, I can load my /ads.txt URL correctly in the browser. So I have an error but I also have an ads.txt file (that isn’t actually in that location on my physical hosting)?
Can anyone out there shed light on this please?
]]>I took over this site and am trying to replace old ads.txt with the one associated with my adsense account. Even when I created a new account and linked to it in the plugin, it still goes to the old ID tag. Not sure what I’m suppose to do. I’ve tried clearing cache, and looking for the old ads.txt file in cpanel but cant find it.
After following informations from my ad platform, Ezoic, I installed your plugin and setup my Ads Txt Manager ID tag, which existed already, I just had to re validate after somehow my ads.txt was missing after moving my website to my new serveR. Why the file seemed to be integrated back with Ezoic, when I enter the 4 digits ID in the WordPress Plugin, i receive an error message :
Oh no! Your ads.txt redirect is not setup correctly! Rerun setup and recheck redirection.
The ads.txt is not redirecting to the correct location. Please remove/fix any existing redirections to your ads.txt file.
Why is that ?
]]>Is it tested with the 4.9.8?
Is that mistake?