Hi there,
Just started to use the plug in and am finding it very useful..
Just a couple of issues that I am finding:
1. When I check the Pages option for “Disable ad display on these pages (when checked):” the advertisements still show on “Pages”
If I tick “Posts” then the ad will not show for Pages and Posts. So it is like it is treating the Pages as Posts.
2. I then tried using the “<!–noadsense–>” within the Page and the advert still shows
example is https://www.kyokushinaustralia.com/dev/sample-page/ which is the sample Page which comes with WordPress. I currently have the “<!–noadsense–>” tag in there (you can see it when viewing source) and I also have the Pages checked in the disable ad display.. so not sure what is going on.
Any ideas?
thanks heaps
]]>I noticed that some of the admin options (like the color chooser) has buttons written in Chinese. When I started digging into the code, I noticed lots of Chinese bits there as well.
How can I change the Chinese into English easily?
Is this a localization issue?
Can you make an all English version?
Thanks in advance!
]]>First I have been testing this plugin, and out of all the other adsense plugins, this one is my favorite! Thank you! Soon I will be using this plugin for my member blogs on my 3.2.1 wpmu/buddypress multisite. Since I will not be able to use my adsense ads on their blogs, I thought that creating my own donation option just underneath yours would be great in the case that my members would want to donate to me as well for providing a free website.
1.How can I duplicate your donation percentage option for my site, and how would I implement my adsense pub i.d.?
2.How can I set the default percentage for the donation options? (I may choose to hide the field and take an automatic 10-20% as well)
Any thoughts on this would be great!
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