Gostaria de um suporte a este plugin, pois quando usado ele n?o carrega o slide da pagina principal, tendo que fazer um reload na pagina e n?o carrega também outros css de outros plugins, como resolver?
Um suporte por favor!
]]>The plugin does work, but when I click a link to load another page, first the current content disappears. This leaves a gap, which collapses quickly.
So the page footer bumps its head against the bottom of the header. That is SUPER ugly.
Then the new content appears, pushing down the footer and all looks nice again.
Because of this, the whole page ‘jumps’ to almost the top. It looks so ugly that I disabled this plugin. It’s unusable.
How can I prevent to collapse the section that’s replaced via AJAX and let the old content disappear as soon as the new content appears (so no gap in between)?
Your plugin is great but there is some issue what I notice on the my project from the last update.
Your plugin block all contents to be searchable for the non registered users and that’s big issue.
I notice that problem inside advanced-ajax-page-loader.php on the line 42 inside function admin_init_AAPL()
if (!current_user_can('manage_options')) die(__('You cannot edit these options.'));
Please review that and made some better aproach.
Relative to Highslide JS plugin:
I managed to get the reload code in order to expand the image when click the thumb:
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
jQuery('.ngg-gallery-thumbnail a').each(function() {
jQuery('.highslide').each(function() {
jQuery(this).click(function() {
return hs.expand(this);
But I still having problems with the expanded image controls (prev, play slideshow, next). The related event is the same for all these buttons:
function() {
return false;
It seems like they are internally binded…
Any suggestion?
]]>On the link provided, try to go to Blog or any of the other pages. Nothing happens. Now to go /blog (refresh after clicking on Blog) and try to go Home. It loads forever, and only in the content part of the page. I use Elementor and a slew of other plugins and I’m fairly new to WordPress. Any help is appreciated! I really do like the look of Ajax loaders compared to traditional loading. I can provide any other info that may be helpful; just ask!
]]>Author propose many shortcodes for javascript refreshes. But it does not help. I propose add callback function in plugin. Now I make it for me:
1. file ajax-page-loader.js add somefunction in 265 line
jQuery('#' + AAPL_content).css("left", "");
jQuery('#' + AAPL_content).fadeIn("slow", function() {});
2. now you can use this callback in your theme
function somefunction(){
alert(“Hello World”);
Hi, do you guys have a reload code for the WP Owl Slider plugin please? I’ve Googled & looked all over but have yet to find one.
Also, any idea why my very basic site takes an age to load via AJAX?
]]>Ive tried your ajax page loading plugin. Its amazing!
I have a question, ive seen some problemes with VisualComposer not loading correctly. For example, background color is removed and also margin within the design tab on VC. Is there a workaround for this? I guess its some stuff that loads dynamically, that needs to run after all content is inserter through your plugin.
We found an error using your plugin, if the siteurl
and home
option are different the plugin is not working because it can’t detect the correct URL. See https://plugins.trac.www.ads-software.com/browser/advanced-ajax-page-loader/trunk/advanced-ajax-page-loader.php#L235 and https://plugins.trac.www.ads-software.com/browser/advanced-ajax-page-loader/trunk/advanced-ajax-page-loader.php#L236 both lines are inverted.
Hello bro.
There is a problem I faced. It’s jquery version conflict with Bootstrap latest.
it’s shown
Uncaught Error: Bootstrap's JavaScript requires jQuery version 1.9.1 or higher, but lower than version 4
Here is the problem
You call jquery from your plugin. but this method is not supported by WordPress.
Can you fix this problem, please?
I just fixed this annoying trouble simply changing single quotes by double quotes in the code and adding “current_page_item” also.
Now, its working like a charm \o/
// highlight the current menu item
jQuery(“ul.fusion-menu li”).each(function() {
Plugin works great for me except for one thing:
The plugin forces its own version of jQuery to load – replacing WP’s default version. Problem is, the plugin’s version of jQuery is out of date and causes errors when using, for instance, Bootstrap.
To fix this, I commented out lines 168-170 of advanced-ajax-page-loader.php to stop the plugin from loading its own version of jQuery.
If the plugin instists on loading its own version of jQuery, it should make sure its version is not lower than the site’s currently loaded verison.
]]>Hey guys,
I’ve installed your plugin.
Unfortunately it adds a parameter to the pagination:
so that the pagination does not work and users (and google bot) can’t get to the next site..
Can someone help me out with this?
]]>I assume that there is no support here? And given the link to the ticket system has no ticket system, there is no support on the dev website either?
Looking over the posts without responses going back months it looks pretty quiet in here?
With no docs and no support – this isn’t a very good idea to use this I guess?
Is this still maintained?
Is there any documentation on how to AAPL_ignore?
]]>When clicking on the Journal page from the home page https://murrayfredericks.oleymedia.com/ (using AAPL) My Instagram feed wont load.
I have the instafeed.js script in the head of the page and I have added the inline script into reload_code.js:
feed = new Instafeed({
get: 'user',
userId: 'XXXX',
clientId: 'XXXXX',
accessToken : 'XXXXX',
resolution: 'low_resolution',
template: '<li class="col-lg-3 col-md-3 col-sm-4 col-xs-12"><a class="animation" href="{{link}}" target="_blank"><img src="{{image}}" /></a> <p>{{caption}}</p></li>',
The feed wont load and I can’t figure out why?
If I refresh the page, the script works fine – it’s only when using AAPL it doesn’t.
I turned on debug and got this:
1. Error description: AAPL_data_code is not defined
2. Error description: AAPL_reload_code is not defined
What does that mean? How can I resolve? It shows no errors in the console so I’m not sure what’s breaking?
Also, once I’ve access the page, ajax breaks and the pages load normally (not with ajax) SO, If I access the page again (i.e. click the Journal link again) the feed loads fine – it’s only when using AAPL it wont load and I have no idea why.
I’ve followed your FAQ and added script to reload_code.js but that doesn’t seem to fix it?
What am I missing? Is there any documentation anywhere?
]]>hi, thanks for great plugin. it works very well. but when i click on gallery page. it will not open. but when i reload page. it works, please help me how can o fix that issue
thank in advance ??
Having this problem since a month now, that the website when loading shows only the loading icon, nothing happens after that…
The searchform is not connected only the id=content is added on the pages….
How do we solve this problem…. disabling this plugin the website loads but not as it was before…
Theme: JKreativ
and AAPL doesn’t work.
4. make sure your theme has the content area wrapped in a tag such as a DIV with an id attribute called “content”. (data within this div will be replaced with AJAX content). SEE THEME GUIDE IN FAQ.
So this is the template I use to create build with Visual Composer but I don’t know where to put the <div> tag:
Template Name: Landing Page Builder - Visual Composer
if ( ! post_password_required() )
$navobj = jeg_get_navigation_setup();
$bottomnav = 0;
$bottomnavclass = '';
if(vp_metabox('jkreativ_page_landing_vc.bottom_menu', 0) == 1 && $navobj['navpos'] === 'top') {
$bottomnav = 1;
$bottomnavclass = 'bottomnav';
<div class="headermenu">
<?php jeg_get_template_part('template/rightheader'); ?>
</div> <!-- headermenu -->
<div class="landingpagewrapper <?php echo $bottomnavclass; ?>">
<div class="contentheaderspace"></div>
<section data-id="up-page" style="position:absolute;visibility:hidden;">
* build heading page
$headingtype = vp_metabox('jkreativ_page_landing_vc.heading_type');
switch ($headingtype) {
case 'slider':
$sliderid = vp_metabox('jkreativ_page_landing_vc.heading_slider');
$slidertype = vp_metabox('jkreativ_slider_setting.slider_type', null, $sliderid);
if($slidertype == 'fulltextslider') {
} else if ($slidertype == 'splitslider') {
} else if($slidertype == 'parallaxslider') {
case 'parallaxheading':
$uselight = ( vp_metabox('jkreativ_page_landing_vc.heading_normal.0.light_heading') == 1 ) ? 'light' : '';
$coverbg = ( vp_metabox('jkreativ_page_landing_vc.heading_normal.0.cover_parallax_background') == '1' ) ? 'cover' : 'auto' ;
$backgroundimage = jeg_get_image_attachment ( vp_metabox('jkreativ_page_landing_vc.heading_normal.0.heading_background') );
$overlaybgimage = "<div class='parallaxoverlay' style='background-color: " . vp_metabox('jkreativ_page_landing_vc.heading_normal.0.overlay_color') . ";'></div>";
<section class="nomargin nopadding headingparallax <?php echo $uselight ?>">
<div class="bgholder">
<div class="bgitem" style="background-image: url('<?php echo $backgroundimage ?>'); background-size: <?php echo $coverbg ?>"></div>
<?php echo $overlaybgimage ?>
<div class="sectioncontainer sectionheading parallaxtext">
<div class="span6">
<h2><?php echo vp_metabox('jkreativ_page_landing_vc.heading_normal.0.first_text_heading'); ?></h2>
<span><?php echo vp_metabox('jkreativ_page_landing_vc.heading_normal.0.second_text_heading'); ?></span>
case 'shortcode':
$fscontainer = !vp_metabox('jkreativ_page_landing_vc.heading_shortcode_fullscreen') ? '' : 'fs-container ';
echo "<section id='slidershortcode' class='". $fscontainer ."nomargin nopadding'>" . vp_metabox('jkreativ_page_landing_vc.heading_shortcode') . "</section>";
case 'noheading':
if(vp_metabox('jkreativ_page_landing_vc.bottom_menu', 0) == 1 && $navobj['navpos'] === 'top') {
echo "<div class='landing-bottom-nav'><div class='landing-bottom-space'></div>";
jeg_get_template_part('template/navigation', 'top');
echo "</div>";
<?php if(vp_option('joption.enable_footer_landing') && !vp_metabox('jkreativ_page_landing_vc.disable_landing_footer')) : ?>
<div class="section-footer">
<div class="landing-footer">
<div class="sectioncontainer">
<div class="landing-btm-footer">
<div class="sectioncontainer">
<div class="landing-footer-copyright">
<?php echo vp_option('joption.website_copyright', '? Jegtheme 2013. All Rights Reserved.'); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if(vp_metabox('jkreativ_page_landing_vc.enable_landingnav', '1') === '1') : ?>
<div class="landing-navigator <?php echo vp_metabox('jkreativ_page_landing_vc.landingnav_type', 'default') ?>">
global $sectionnavigator;
foreach($sectionnavigator as $secid => $section) {
if(!empty($section['section_name'])) {
<li data-for="<?php echo jeg_to_slug($section['section_id']) ?>" data-title="<?php echo $section['section_name'] ?>">
<div class="navigator-block-fill"></div>
<?php endif; ?>
(function($) {
$(document).ready(function() {
} else {
Hope you can help me out.
]]>Hello Dean,
“The old code here was RETARDED – Much like the rest of the code… Now I have replaced this with something better ;)” on line 234 of advanced-ajax-page-loader.php.
My name is Jirrod and I work for a public television station in Missouri. My company is using your plugin on our website. We got a message from one of our users who saw comment in the source code of our site. They were very very offended by the use of this language.
I have already removed the comment from our site, but I know it will just come right back in the next update. We have thousands of users that use our site on a daily basis, and on a professional website that is unacceptable!
Just a suggestion, if you are going to put “funny” comments in code, please keep them in php… less damage that way and us developers are more likely to laugh off stuff
]]>Seems like some kind of parsing error? There is this code “–> -> – .site –> te –>” outputting directly after the content closing div tag. https://pillpop.cool/news to see the bug. The code changes to “–> /html> >” when I am logged in. When I hit refresh, It goes away
]]>If i activate this plugin other users like editors and authors are unable to access the wp-admin as they open wp-admin there is message saying You cannot edit these options.
if i deactivate this plugin they can access the area. so why is this happening?
]]>It seems, plugin doesn’t remove current-menu-item class from navigation. Is there any way to correct this?
]]>I’ve installed Advanced AJAX Page Loader and would like help with using this plugin:
Mp3 Sticky Player
to play continuously throughout the site.
Right now every time you got to a new page the player restarts. Any way to tell me what options to make on Advanced AJAX Page Loader to get this to work?
]]>Thanks for a great plugin. The only question I have is that I have a form to search posts of a custom post type. The form submits and the results are found, but the plugin strips out the search queries parameters in the url so when someone clicks on the post and hits the back button the search results are reset.
Is there a way to preserve the search queries parameters in the url?
I’ve familiar with your code and have been trying to hack it to keep the parameters but am not able to do it.
]]>Is there an easy way to load custom fields from a post rather than the full post? Let’s say I want to be able to turn my one post into three different pages by showing the content on one page, a set of the custom fields on a second page and everything else on a third page. How can I customize this plugin to do that?
Where I have a single post at https://www.mydomain.com/mypost/ but I want to be able to load it as 3 separate pages using 3 different queries
Thank you!!
I am having trouble with this plugin in some areas of my site, mainly the product pages. I really want this plugin to work and will pay for support to get this working 100%. My main issues are, product zoom, product image flipper, product colour switcher, product detail tabs, instagram feed, stop working. I am using plugins such as woocommerce and and magiczoomplus. Please contact me and I will pay you for time.
google recaptcha is not active when the page changes …
Anyone know how to get the contact form 7 google recaptcha to work when the page is loaded using ajax?
I tried enqueing the google recaptcha scripts in my theme but the recaptacha is still not displayed on the contact form when loaded via ajax.
Many thanks in advance!!
]]>Hi, I searched around for this, found people having the same issue but did not find and answer.
I’m using anchors in some of my links, but the plugin completely ignores what comes after the hashtag on a link.
Eg: This link opens a page just fine: /2016-02-25/
This link opens the same page but doesn’t follow the anchor to the bottom of the page:
Which renders the link useless, unfortunately.
I’ve removed the hashtag from the HREF Ignore List, with no success.
So, is there a way to allow anchor links to work properly with this plugin?
Many thanks
When I activate Xdebug, I’m getting the following error on the options page in admin.
Notice: Undefined variable: src in /Users/Jonny/Sites/jeanie-foods/wp-content/plugins/advanced-ajax-page-loader/options.php on line 132
Any idea what the fix is for this?