I’m trying to import a whole boatload of posts (events, actually) and the system works beautifully, HOWEVER something went a little wrong on the first try so I trashed (then emptied trash) all the imported posts and tried to start over — now when I import the csv I see the message, “Posts were already deleted.” Is there any way to clear this warning and start clean? Thanks!
]]>Where to place this line?:
3. Place <?php do_action(‘plugin_name_hook’); ?> in your templates
I placed it in the theme’s function.php – was an error.
then I put it in the indes.php – get this:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function ACSV\finfo_open() in /home/satravel/public_html/dir/wp-content/plugins/advanced-csv-importer/lib/ACSV/Main.php on line 270
What to do, please?
Excellent plugin !
Added support for the featured image as shown on github
add_action( ‘acsv_after_insert_post’, function( $post_id, $post, $helper ){
$id = $helper->add_media( $post[‘post_meta’][‘post_thumbnail’] );
update_post_meta( $post_id, ‘_thumbnail_id’, $id );
}, 10, 3 );
2 questions :
– Is it possible to import media to the library without duplicating it, just using the provided URL and keeping the file there.
– How would I go about importing media for another custom field ?
Best regards,
]]>I was wondering if I could get help with this, my auction_cat and auction_location fields are typed in, I have tried even using the ID # for each and no success. All other custom fields work and really love the plugin in comparison to others but really need to see if there is any specific thing I can do because I am sure it handles categories/locations as just categories for posts, and I have my custom post type set to ‘auction’
Any help would be great! Thanks!