This plugin is great, but after changing hosts (PHP 5.5) it stopped working for me. The warning “PHP Warning: mysql_real_escape_string(): A link to the server could not be established in ../advanced-custom-sort/acs.php on line 225” ultimately resulted in a SQL syntax error.
Here’s is a fix, which I think would be backwards-compatible:
- $group_name = mysql_real_escape_string($group_name);
- $group_id = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT ID FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_title = '$group_name' AND post_type = 'acs' LIMIT 1");
+ $group_id = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT ID FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_title = '%s' AND post_type = 'acs' LIMIT 1", $group_name));
I’m looking at using this as a queue system for a Home Page query.
If the queue is empty, however, all posts are returned.
Ln 257 of acs.php is:
$post_ids = $this->get_post_ids($group_name);
but would it make sense to wrap that with an if conditional?
if (get_post_ids($group_name))
$post_ids = $this->get_post_ids($group_name);
Is there a way to have all posts with a certain Tag or Category to be added to a Group? It looks as if the posts can only be manually added to a group.
]]>Greetings. At first glance, it doesn’t look like this plug-in supports custom post types, or at least I don’t see my types or custom post titles in the UI. Is this correct? If so, any plans to include this feature?
Also, many thanks for bringing the functionality of one of my favorite Drupal modules into WordPress.
]]>Can this “Sort groups” menu item be visible only by capability?
is there any possibility to select posts only in the current language?
]]>I just changed from MySQL to postgres to be able to run a blog on heroku, and all of a sudden ACS stopped working. If I remove ‘group_name’ => ‘Name’ and leave the array blank it lists all posts, but if I add anything inside the brackets the loop goes blank. Any idea?
Like this: no posts/pages are shown
<?php $acs -> query_posts(array(‘group_name’ => ‘Name’)); ?>
Like this: all posts are listed
<?php $acs -> query_posts(array()); ?>
]]>I liked your plugin but why don′t you use WP_Query or even get_posts to create your queries?
I am noticing that query_posts method can be bad…
]]>I can create and save a sort group without issue. When I go back in again, make a change, and save it, it turns into a Post and I lose the sort group information.
Just wondering if there is already a proper method for determining which list a post is in, given a single post ID.
Then, of course, I would want to display that list.
If not, is there a field I can use get_post_meta() to read and figure it out that way?
Many thanks
]]>Hi there,
I hope you can answer this soon..
You see, what I’m trying to do is to have a next and previous link of the post that would work using ACS query. However, when I do that with get_adjacent post which I’m using, it’s not getting the query if it’s within the loop.
The code used is this
for next:
< ? php echo get_permalink(get_adjacent_post(false, “”,true)) ; ? >
for prev:
< ? php echo get_permalink(get_adjacent_post(false, “”,false)) ; ? >
I’m using it because I kind of need to get the permalink URLS of each post that comes next and on previous so I can add my class which is needed within (ie < a href=” ” class= “class here ” > </ a> )
I can’t seem to make it work even when my query is within the loop
< ?php $acs->query_posts(array(‘group_name’ => ‘mygroup’, ‘posts_per_page’ => 9, ‘paged’ => $paged)); ? >
< ?php if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ? >…. (cont)
This is the code I’m using with my other page templates..(above this line)
Note that I add spaces so codes can be viewed. Not familiar with posting here much ^u^
]]>The admin interface has stopped “working” after the site was uploaded to my client’s server. It worked just fine when I tested it locally. Basically, I cannot sort posts by drag and drop anymore nor can I add new posts.
I’ve tried a few different things, the sorting works in IE, and on other websites that I manage (both IE and Chrome). It doesn’t work for this particular domain in Chrome.
Any help would be great!
]]>Hi, I think that Advanced Custom Sort (ACS) is a great and useful plugin.
I’m using it to group posts in a a category template with 5 multiple loops and it works great, but I also want to print the title of each of the groups at the beginning of the loop. It’s possible?
Thanks in advance
]]>Hey thanks for a nice and useful plugin. It works fine in admin panel but when i tried to view in template, i got Fatal Error message like “Call to undefined function have_post() in F:\xampp\htdocs\project\barta\wp-content\themes\twentytwelve\single.php on line 314”
I have wrote following code to display:
<?php $acs->query_posts(array(‘group_name’ => ‘Exclusive News’)); ?>
<?php if(have_post()) while (have_posts()):the_post(); ?>
<div><?php the_title(); ?></div>
<?php endwhile; ?>
Please help me to solve it.
Thanks again.
]]>first of all, nice plugin. i like the admin interface. But when it comes to sorting it does not seem to work for me.
when I put $acs->
in front of the query_posts()
call, the query returns nothing. when I omit the $acs->
, the query returns the group, but unsorted. hope you can help me out on this.
]]>I have this problem on a static page on which I want a single category of posts to show up. Before, I had used this
<?php query_posts('cat=6'); while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
and it gave me the results I wanted, but in the standard reverse chronological order. So I used this instead
<?php $acs->query_posts(array('Case' => 'My Group')); ?>
and I simply got the name of the page printed over and over and over…
Now, part of the problem might be that I have no idea what ‘My Group’ refers to, so perhaps that’s wrong. But frankly, this is the same problem I had, minus the recursive issues, before I inserted the original query_posts. I need a list of posts to show up, of only one category, and in sortable order. I’ve managed to get the first two.
I just added the Advanced Custom Sort plugin to the repository. If anyone could provide feedback, I would be very appreciative. I’m hoping that this plugin proves as useful to others as it has been to myself.