Rating: 5 stars
I’ve been using sportspress for a number of years now and though their current sorting criteria functions – it is really limited. Especially when trying to incorporate head to head and where in your sorting order this would fall under. This plugin completely revitalizes the sorting ability and allows you to set custom sorting orders for each individual league (should you want this).
Great work Savaas!!!
Side Note: beware that this plugin currently does not function out of the box with Dan FIsher’s Alchemist theme though can be incorporated very easily by editing the league-table.php sportspress template file found in alchemist/sportspress/ folder.
You would open that file and replace the code below (found on or around line 41)
$table = new SP_League_Table( $id );
With the following
$sah2h_criteria = get_post_meta( $id, 'sah2h_criteria', true );
if ( 'default' !== $sah2h_criteria && '' !== $sah2h_criteria ) {
$table = new SAH2H_League_Table( $id );
$table->h2h_criteria = $sah2h_criteria;
} else {
$table = new SP_League_Table( $id );
That is all I’ve done to have this advanced h2h plugin function with the Alchemist theme. *Use at your own discretion.