Hello, I have out-of-stock products that appear in the search. How do I remove them from the search?
Is it posible to increase search weight for best selling products with Advanced Product Search For WooCommerce? Can it be done directly without using other plugins and ACF?
]]>Woo said:
? This plugin is incompatible with the enabled WooCommerce feature ‘High-Performance order storage’, it shouldn’t be activated.?Manage WooCommerce features
]]>Hi, we use eStore theme and plugin breakes the site main menu. I looked to css then ‘clear both’ make this. I tried to correct it with custom css but it not worked.
The second, i could not seen translate ‘all categories’ string in settings menu.
And thank you. It is nice plugin.
]]>Greetings, I want the category search to include only the main categories, currently all the categories on the site are there, I want only the main categories without subcategories. Thank you
]]>Hi, I’m looking for add a scrollbar when the search results appear, but I can’t find how to do it, as the results’ presentation is not very user-friendly.
Please update the “Advanced Product Search For WooCommerce” plugin; the WordPress version is not compatible with this plugin version.
While searching from search bar it shows product description with html tags.
I tried to fix it with editing the following file.
I have added strip_tags() in following function.
public function apsw_ajax_data_content( $id ){
$content = '';
if( apply_filters( 'apws_show_description', $this->option_search_results['show_description'] ) == 'yes' ){
if( $this->option_search_results['content_source'] == 'content' ){
$content = mb_strimwidth( esc_html( strip_tags(get_the_content( absint( $id ) )) ) ,0, absint( $this->option_search_results['length'] ) );
$scontent = mb_strimwidth( esc_html( strip_tags(get_the_excerpt( absint( $id ) )) ) ,0, absint( $this->option_search_results['length'] ) );
return $content;
Please add this change to your plugin so we can get future plugin updates without breaking things. Or please let me know how to extend this to functions.php so i can have this issue fixed.
Thank you,
]]>Hello, The link on the categories does not work. Can you help me ? Thank you.
]]>I am using this plugin for the website and it is working fine but i have 2 issues or question:
1) I am not able to check any option or button to reset search result( like: If any customer want to reset their search result ).
2) IF search filed empty and click on the search button then it do the empty search that is not good so i want to restrict this.
Please let me know if these are possible or not with this. Thanks
]]>Hello, i’m trying to use it in a site with WPML and 2 languages, despite having plugin options translated (via WPML string functionality) it never shows the translation. And if I try to change the setting in the seconda language, the option is also updated in the main language.
Is there any way to use it in a multi language environment?
]]>Advanced WooCommerce Product Search Plugin, How do I make a search based on the desired category, So I just want to lock the search only looking for the poster category
]]>search in woocommerce categories var is wrong
category / product_cat
And opntions page dissapear after install and save options (see bug in console)
jquery.min.js?ver=3.6.0:2 Uncaught Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: https://athemeart.com/downloads/advanced-product-search-for-woo/
at Function.se.error (jquery.min.js?ver=3.6.0:2:13639)
at se.tokenize (jquery.min.js?ver=3.6.0:2:21650)
at se.select (jquery.min.js?ver=3.6.0:2:22477)
at Function.se (jquery.min.js?ver=3.6.0:2:7116)
at Function.s.find (jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=3.3.2:2:2230)
at S.fn.init.find (jquery.min.js?ver=3.6.0:2:25047)
at s.fn.init.S.fn.init (jquery.min.js?ver=3.6.0:2:25536)
at new s.fn.init (jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=3.3.2:2:1827)
at S (jquery.min.js?ver=3.6.0:2:1051)
at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (admin.php?page=advanced-product-search-for-woo:510:40)
Hi, I’m creating french translation files but I have no idea where I should put the new .po and .mo files.
I have tried naming them “advanced-product-search-for-woo-fr_FR” and putting them inside the /languages folder, but it didn’t seem to update the text from the plugin. I’ve also tried naming those files “apsw-fr_FR” and “apsw-lang-fr_FR” to no avail.
If you try typing anything in the search a big, ugly, distorted search wheel pops up. I tried fixing it on my end but a recent update reset it, so I’ve come here in hopes of it being fixed at the source. Thank you!
]]>Hey, how do i get the German translation? At the moment I’ve installed the pro version but can‘t find any related settings in the wp_admin page. I want to use the German translation and maybe change some things in terms of the layout.
it seems, that searching for SKU is not working?!
Have I to activate something in plugin preferences?
I’ve got the pro-version including in shoper-theme.
Please help!
]]>When we search in the search bar using the search phrase “N**t” it shows results, but when you click “View More” there is no results.
]]>Hi! I am looking for the shortcode to add to my menu. But I can not find the shortcode.
Please help!