Until Max gets a chance to update the plugin, here’s what worked for me.
In advancedtext.php, search for…
add_action('widgets_init', create_function('', 'return register_widget("advanced_text");'));
And replace it with…
function advanced_text_register_widget() {
return register_widget("advanced_text");
add_action( 'widgets_init', 'advanced_text_register_widget' );
Hope this helps someone!
]]>Fatal error: Cannot use $this as parameter in …/wp-content/plugins/advanced-text-widget-pro/pro/functions.php on line 87
(at least Pro version)
Also thows some warnings:
Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; advanced_text has a deprecated constructor in …/wp-content/plugins/advanced-text-widget-pro/advancedtext.php on line 22
function create_function() is deprecated in …/wp-content/plugins/advanced-text-widget-pro/advancedtext.php on line 96
Notice: The called constructor method for WP_Widget is deprecated …
]]>When I installed your plugin I see few warnings in admin section of my blog with path to the your plugin files. How to fix this problem?
]]>I have one ATW in my sidebar where the title is appearing as a link to a post. I have no idea how this happened as I didn’t enter a link and I don’t even see how it’s possible to set the title as a link. The other ATW widgets in the sidebar are all behaving normally.
My site is https://sincemydivorce.com and the problem widget is called “Popular Posts” although it’s hard to see the title because it is a link.
Any suggestions on how to fix the problem?
]]>Want to get all my fonts the same on the front page and need to change size also
How can I change the fonts…
Using twenty-eleven theme with child theme
See site…
I have a question: Can i have do change like in this link: with this editor?
I’m trying to include in ATW this line : <?php echo get_post_meta($post->ID, ‘quote’, true) ?> to display on my sidebar the custom field ‘quote’ i created for each post but it does not work.
I tried with the_meta and it works but i want only this custom field…
What am i doing wrong ?
Thanks for your help,
]]>I just updated the Advanced Text Widget to it’s most current and I’m getting the following error… Can anyone help?
Fatal error: Call to undefined function fc_get_repeat_start_date() in /home/content/80/2699980/html/wp-content/plugins/advanced-text-widget/advancedtext.php(105) : eval()’d code on line 17
]]>Please help. I have tried looking all over for an example of the correct php to enclose an img tag so I can include an image in the sidebar. I managed at some point to get close, the image appeared, but it did so withextra bits of things around it… like < or ” etc. I tried removing those and the image disappeared and I couldn’t find the right combo of code again. ??
I searched the web and could not find an example. I don’t know *any* php, just css and html. I found a site called “lorelle on wordpress” or something like that and it talked about the wordpress text widget AND adding an image…. but something is different in ATW because her line of code doesn’t work. That was my start point. this is what she showed:
<img src="[Image Link URL]" alt="[description - what is this]" />
But in ATW it doesn’t result in an image… it results in this:
<img src="imagesourceURL" "description">
that shows up as code in the ATW and not the actual image.
I’m about to cry. I can’t learn all of php just to make this one thing work.
Please show me exactly how it has to be written so I can copy it. It should be easy for anyone with php experience.
thanks in advance
]]>Forgive me for being green with this… I don’t know php so I can’t manipulate things easily. I would greatly appreciate helpful responses.
I want to display a block of text on the homepage, and would like to have it show up at the top of the text content in the 20-11 theme, instead of in the sidebar. Is this possible? I just want a parargraph or two to appear under the header and stay there, with the blog posts appearing below that.
I installed this as the best option I could find to create a block of text that I could designate to display on one page only – the blog page. I don’t want a static homepage, but I do want a message of welcome to remain on the page permanently. My efforts to find how to do this are confounded by the way people use “sticky” to mean text that moves with you as you scroll.
Is this possible… how? and please, if it is, please tell me exactly where to place the code that needs to be there… remember that php is foreign to me.
thank you.
]]>It’s a pitty but this plugin is not compatible with WP 4.2.2
Will this plugin in the future be updated for WP 4.2.2?
In WP 3.9.1 you cannot select where to show. So nothing will show at all.
]]>Maybe it’s a Genesis-theme compatibility issue (they’re all I use), but it just stopped working for me recently. Bummer, too – I love this plugin. Thoughts?
]]>Is this compatible w/WPMU?
]]>Under ‘Widget visibility’ I only have the option to select ‘show/do not show’ but there is no option to select the page to show it on. I have tried entering the slug and pageID but the widget does not display on the site page. I don’t think it is a theme compatibility issue because the theme’s tutorial makes the suggestion to use this plugin. I uninstalled the plugin, deleted and started over but still no luck. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
]]>Is it possible to embed a YouTube video in the widget? When we enter just the video URL we get the URL displayed in the widget space. If we use an embed code which works in the body of the page, we get nothing in the widget space. The embed code we tested is like this:
[embed width="300"]https://youtu.be/aaNBmVw0t4Y?rel=0[/embed]
Should this work in the Advanced Text Widget, or do we need to look for another solution?
]]>When I’ve debug active I have:
Can you fix this please? I like to have plugins that make no fuss. xd
The plugin generated 282 characters of unexpected output during activation. If you notice “headers already sent” messages, problems with syndication feeds or other issues, try deactivating or removing this plugin.
]]>I just purchased the PRO version of you plugin specifically so that I could apply the Child of Page ID condition to some custom menus. But once I upgraded, that option is no longer listed.
It’s available in the free version but not the PRO?
I know that you can add custom conditions, but I’m unclear on what would work for that.
]]>I just purchased the PRO version of you plugin specifically so that I could apply the Child of Page ID condition to some custom menus. But once I upgraded, that option is no longer listed.
It’s available in the free version but not the PRO?
I know that you can add custom conditions, but I’m unclear on what would work for that.
I am using Advanced Text Widget Pro.
The options in the widget seem to be either show/hide all, or selected pages, or blog, or selected categories, etc. How can a show on more than one of these options, eg, on a specific page and also on all posts/archives?
I have installed the random-image-gallery-with-pretty-photo-zoom plugin from https://www.gopiplus.com/work/2011/12/12/wordpress-plugin-random-image-gallery-with-pretty-photo-zoom/#.Un570ST1vDk.
This uses a widget but this does not show the Advanced Text Widget Pro show/hide options.
Can you advise what I should do about this please.
many thanks
Since I don’t see any posts about this problem, I suspect it’s just me. The problem is that if I put the widget in any position other than the last widget on the sidebar, the rest of the widgets disappear. The only way I can get all the other widgets I need on a sidebar with this widget is to put it last.
Is it me or does anyone else have this problem?
]]>Whenever I try to activate the plugin, I get the following error:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class advanced_text in C:\xampp-1-8-1\htdocs\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\advanced-text-widget\advancedtext.php on line 85
Nevertheless, the plugin is up and running and the status is “activated”.
Any idea ?
Hi, I’m having an issue with this plugin. It works fine for the most part but when I try to apply the widget to posts in a category, nothing shows up. For instance if i assign to a category it only shows in the category archive and not posts. If I assign to posts in category it either doesn’t show up on any page or shows up on every page of my site. I believe the problem is that i am using a plugin that removes the category slug from the url. Is there any way around this problem? I cant go back and change all my urls so deactivating it isn’t an option.
when i in chrome and the adblock is working
2 advanced text widget disappeared
how can i solve that?
]]>Just doing a validation check and this is a snippet from the source code that is generated:
<div class='AdvancedText'> <style>
#wpgmza_map img { max-width:none !important; }
Might want to fix that; this error from W3 Validator:
Element style is missing required attribute scoped
]]>Okay, I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong. I’m trying to get a widget to show on a custom post type ‘news-story’.
I tried
No dice.
]]>is there a way to join both of these TOGETHER? so that the text would show in the sidebar for both specific category and the posts assigned to that specific category as well………in so doing no where else on my site would have text in the sidebar…just the specific category of my choice and post within that same category
]]>When I try to change settings I get this error:
Warning: file_get_contents() [function.file-get-contents]: Filename cannot be empty in /home/danes591/public_html/wp-content/plugins/codecanyon-1256755-advanced-text-widget-pro/pro/functions.php on line 274
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/danes591/public_html/wp-content/plugins/codecanyon-1256755-advanced-text-widget-pro/pro/functions.php:274) in /home/danes591/public_html/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 876
First I wish to say that I’m enjoying very much using your widget. I intent to purchase the premium version when the site is a bit more developed.
I upgraded recently to 2.0.4 and am now encountering a very strange problem – when I use the ‘post in category’ rule to try and show an image in the header of blog posts with a certain category name, the image also appears under the header on the homepage. This only started with the upgrade. It worked perfectly before.
Here is a link to a post where the image appears just right: https://bit.ly/12GXlvp
and here is the link to the homepage where the same image should not appear: https://bit.ly/VWuY6x
BTW – the ‘Category’ rule doesn’t seem to work at all.