It seems that as of today the plugin has stopped working. Instead of showing the actual advent calendar, only the tag is shown.
it worked yesterday and I see that the site was updated to the latest version of WordPress today. So might there be a version compatibility issue between the plugin and WordPress?
I like this plugin but it doesn′t work under php 8.
Can anybody please update the Plugin?
thanks a lot
Is there a way to make the title disappear from the doors. So that only the picture is displayed?
]]>I installed the plugin for
I think the overview looks ok but whenever one clicks an entry the link creates a 404 error.
I tried using the search with the string “december” that finds the entry for deember 1st and shows a preview but when trying to access the actual page there is still a 404 error.
this works for me (in GERMAN):
Damit das Adventskalender Plugin auf der Kirchenwebseite funktioniert, habe ich einige ?nderungen vorgenommen:
1. Damit die ben?tigte Thumbnailgr??e für die kleinen Bilder bei ge?ffnetem Türchen verfügbar ist, in functions.php des Themes weit oben folgendes einfügen:
add_action( ‘after_setup_theme’, ‘theme_setup’ );
function theme_setup() {
if ( function_exists( ‘add_theme_support’ ) ) {
add_theme_support( ‘post-thumbnails’ );
set_post_thumbnail_size( 150, 150, true ); // default Post Thumbnail dimensions (cropped)
// additional image sizes
// delete the next line if you do not need additional image sizes
// add_image_size( ‘category-thumb’, 300, 9999 ); //300 pixels wide (and unlimited height)
add_image_size( ‘advent-calendar-preview-image’, 65, 100, true );
Damit die neue Thumbnailgr?sse auch verfügbar wird (auch für bereits hochgeladene Fotos in der Mediathek) das Plugin “Regenerate Thumbnails” installieren und benutzen.
2. Damit die grosse Ansicht beim Klick auf das Türchen funktioniert, so wie in
single-advent-calendar-entry-custom.php beschrieben:
* Customize it to your own needs, a good starting point is to copy yur whole “single” template from the theme
* directory here. Make sure lines 32 – 36 from this template are still included, they output the featured image.
durchgeführt, und somit die Datei single.php des verwendeten “Themes” mid den beschriebenen ?nderungen (Zeile 32-36) als single-advent-calendar-entry-custom.php in das Plugin Verzeichnis “/www/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/advent-calender/public/views” kopiert.
3. Damit man als Türcheninhalt ausser dem Bild auch Text in den Kalendereintr?gen ver?ffentlichen kann, folgendes am Ende der functions.php des verwendeten Themas folgendes einfügen:
function acal_change_post_type_params( $custom_post_type_params ) {
$custom_post_type_params[‘supports’] = array(
return $custom_post_type_params;
add_filter( ‘pvb_acal_cpt_params’, ‘acal_change_post_type_params’ );
add_theme_support( ‘post-thumbnails’, array( ‘post’, ‘page’, ‘player’ ) );
4. Um das Hintergrundbild des Adventskalenders zu erzeugen wurde zun?chst ein geeignetes Bild auf die Gr??e von 325×500 gebracht (IrfanView etc). Dieses Bild wurde in Gimp in 25 gleiche Teile “zerschnitten” (mit Gimp und dort Bild->Transformation->Guillotine). Diese 25 Bilder müssen dann in die WordPress-Mediathek geladen werden. Die Datei advent-calendar.css in /www/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/advent-calender/public/assets/css ist wie folgt anzupassen:
als Beispiel:
.acal-bg-01 {
background-image: url(“”);
.acal-bg-02 {
background-image: url(“”);
.acal-bg-03 {
background-image: url(“”);
Das mu? fortgeführt werden bis .acal-bg-25 und die Links zu den Bildern müssen entsprechend angepasst werden.
Weiterhin muss die Datei shortcode-entry-future.php in /www/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/advent-calender/public/views folgenderma?en angepa?t werden:
<div class=”advent-calendar__day advent-calendar__day–future acal-bg-<?php echo get_the_date( ‘d’ ) ?>”>
<!– <p style=”background-image: url(‘’);”> –>
<span class=”advent-calendar__day-number”>
<?php echo get_the_date( ‘d’ ) ?>
<!– </p> –>
And here is the link for the site:
Greetings and Merry Christmas from Germany
I tried to follow these instructions but it doesn’t seem to work for me
It actually adds the title, editor, thumbnail but:
1. I want visitors to be sent to an existing post on my blog instead of a new advent calendar entry. Is it possible?
2. Right now, when I click on today’s entry, it sends me to a page that it says doesn’t exist when the advent calendar entry is actually published.
Here is the link to the page that has the advent calendar on my dev site:
I have used this plugin in a beta site with success.
Now customer want to have it in their live site…
The page with 24 days shows up. I have created one for 2014 just to see it works…
But single page does not show up. We jsut receive a not found page message.
there are 24 posts in de advent calendar entries menu. they are publiced.
I have also tried to see the page using the link by the post list in the backend, but also from this point it says no page found.
What else could that be?
]]>Hello I like the plugin but I need to open my views in a separate window. Where can I edit this in the code? Would you let me know?
at first many thanks for the plugin. But I have alittle problem with it. The single view of the custom post type advent-calendar is empty.
Also when I use the extended version with the editor field, the admin view is o.k. but the single post view is empty. I have copy the copy “wp-content/plugins/advent-calendar/public/views/single-advent-calendar-entry-custom.php” to my theme folder, but nothing. Also the trick with the permalink-change I have made, but nothing to.
Any Ideas?
Best regards Wolfgang
first, the plugin is great ?? But I have one problem. I’m from germany and hope the english from school is understandable ??
The calender design itself is great. But when I try a entry, the post is on the left side under the sidebar.
Can you help me?
How do I get the advent calendar posts to show in the main RSS feed?
I could not see the text from a day so I have followed instructions as here described:
Now I have a too full page with a kind of sitemap and other info.
How can I get to see only the featured image plus the text I have typed for this day?
]]>Can I have Advent calendar in my
Make: A WordPress template by The Theme Foundry
]]>If you don’t have it set already, make sure to set your Permalinks to Post name or you will get a content not found error message. Found out the hard way ??
A future feature request would be to have the option to use Day and name instead or a special post category/tag so that those who need to use a different format (perhaps due to their theme, other plugins, etc.) would have the option to do so.
]]>i′m having trouble resizing the post image. It keeps setting the full post image size to 440px * 330px. The thumbnail image is OK.
Any hints′ to resolve this. I′m using headway themes.
]]>Hi guys
is there any way to put a back round image behind the days rather than just have 1-24 on white?
Thanks in advance
I just installed the Advent Calendar and it all displays nicely, BUT I cannot see where to set my featured image.
When I open the editor, I only see the post title and SEO and publishing options.
This is how my first post is displayed.
The numbnails look a bit messy. Is it possible to change the position of the icon?
]]>Hi –
I would like to link each image through to an existing page on my website, rather than a customised page.
Is there a way to do this?
My site is (advent calendar not activated yet).
hey there can anyone help me
when i click on a calender entry the side bar moves down and cant find where to adjust the width of the image
]]>Is there a way to open the original image when clicking the thumbnail/number instead of opening a new theme based page?
Or a better idea would be to open the image as a lightbox…. as the days progress you could scroll through the images.
Would this be easy to do or would the plug-in need totally recoding?
Cheers in advance,
Thanks for your Plugin. Guess its great.
But I got one problem: I changed the functions.php, I created the posts, I changed the publication date, but when I want to edit the posts, it looks really chaotical:
Could you help me out of this?
Been looking for a decent, easy to use Advent calendar. Good job! All the others require using someone else’s calendar, paying for a calendar, or is broken/hard to use. Thanks for doing this ??
]]>hello i cant fix this theme error :
can you help me ?
I use this plugin “Advent Calendar” at my homepage.
Now I have the problem, that I don’t know how I can use my own pictures in the calendar. I will take every day a different picture.
Can you help me?
Tanks a lot.
]]>When I try to see a post, I get this error.
This webpage has a redirect loop
The webpage at https://…/advent-calendar/24-december-2013/ has resulted in too many redirects.
Hi there!
Just installed the plugin and it’s such a great plugin.
Testing an “advent entry” – setting back the date – is showing the page on the overview. Clicking the number and showing the page shows a “Oooops, page not found” error.
Could you please give an advice how to narrow this one down?
Using the must current Version of advent-calender.
Thank you very much for your help.
We are installing this nice plugin but we can’t see any text!
I have added to single post.
It now looks like this:
<?php if ( has_post_thumbnail() && ! post_password_required() ) : ?>
<div class=”entry-thumbnail”>
<?php the_post_thumbnail( ‘advent-calendar-full-image’ ); ?>
<?php if ( is_single() ) : ?>
<h1 class=”entry-title”>
<?php the_title(); ?> </h1>
<?php else : ?>
<h1 class=”entry-title”>
” rel=”bookmark”><?php the_title(); ?>
<?php endif; // is_single() ?>
And in functions php I have added:
function acal_change_post_type_params( $custom_post_type_params ) {
$custom_post_type_params[‘supports’] = array(
return $custom_post_type_params;
add_filter( ‘pvb_acal_cpt_params’, ‘acal_change_post_type_params’ );
Can someone please advice?
I want to put a text and a link with the picture in every entry.
Best regards Ulrika
]]>I changed my computer system date to december 20 – 2014 and expected the post with dates between december 1 – 20 to be clickable, but without success.
]]>I am only able to change the post title and add a featured image.
Is it not possible to add text in to the post?