I’m currently using your age gate plugin on our website to comply with regulations related to gambling and betting, which require us to restrict content to users aged 24 and older. We’ve received feedback asking for two specific opt-out options, and I’m hoping you could guide me on whether these can be implemented with your plugin:
I haven’t been able to locate these options within the current settings. Could you let me know if there’s a way to enable these features, or if custom development would be required to achieve this functionality?
Thank you very much for your help, and I look forward to your advice!
I’m experiencing an unusual issue with the plugin. It takes over the top of my website and displays incorrectly.
I’ve attached a screenshot to show the issue.
Any guidance would be appreciated. Thank you!
I’m very happy with Age Gate. However SEO bots/crawlers are including the Age Gate plugin in their analysis. I’ve tried a few tools such as PageSpeed Insights by Google. I do get a complete analysis but it is based on performance degradation from Age Gate. It seems like there should be a way to test, for example, page load speed without turning off Age Gate.
I’m using WordPress 6.2.2. Age Gate 3.5.2. WP Fastest Cache 1.3.1 free version (I just switched from WP Total Cache . . . same problem). I’ve tried different combinations of the settings. Currently I have:
Age Gate: Java script method, render element is script element, all the options in Advanced -> caching / performance are off.
In WP Fastest Cache, I’ve turned off combine js.
Can someone tell me what the correct settings are to have the SEO bots not take Age Gate into consideration?
Thank you.
]]>Hi, is there any way to set redirection time.
Problem is that when user type date who is too young, message isn’t able to read because redirection to link is immediately after click Submit.
Thanks for any advice / help.
in plugins, the automatic update is disabled,and i can’t enable it
On clicking yes, I am redirected to some coding, how do I fix this: https://app.screencast.com/0zwbCOWcCZqNk
Many thanks in advance
How do I change teh H1/H2 tags ?
This is what I want to create: https://app.screencast.com/laKkYN6dB3huA
The plugin Age Gate version 3.5.0 is throwing the PHP notive below:Creation of dynamic property AgeGate\Common\Settings::$isBuilder is deprecated
File: /…/wp-content/plugins/age-gate/vendor/agegate/common/src/Content.php
Line: 515
Please fix the error.
Hello, I installed Age Gate and Complianz on my website, and I’ve recently encountered an issue. Users have to first validate the age restriction before being able to accept or decline cookies, but the cookie banner is covering the age restriction prompt. How can I hide the cookies banner on the Age Gate widget?
I set up two languages. German and English.
I thought the english version would be visible on the english startpage, but on both startpages the german version is visible.
What am I doing wrong?
Best regards and thank you
]]>Thank you for this plugin!
Is it possible to open the redirection URL in a new window? If I set a link in the backend, there is already a checkmark for this, but it seems that this setting is ignored in the frontend.
Thanks in advance!
After instaling Age Gate and set “All content” Age Gate form is showing for website and everything is OK.
But trying to set only one category with its posts -> “Selectet content” – it does not work at all.
There is no Age Gate form when entering to chosen category.
All settings in CONTENT section are done:
Looking at your documentation https://agegate.io/docs/v3/cms-settings/content/restricting-bypassing-individual-terms it should be Age Restriction button on category page (when editing).
There is no Age Restriction section shown in documetation when editing category (posts or producsts)
Why? What should be set else?
Is it possible there is a problem with them or using classic editor?
]]>While the birthday challenge may concern visitor’s privacy giving away personal data (birthday date), the Yes / Not challenge is too obvious to be overidden by a minor.
My proposal is a more intermediate challenge:
Before Enter/Exit buttons, a checkbox certifying having 18 yo.
An example would be Clips4sale: https://www.clips4sale.com/
Please watch the URL example above. They are such a hugue adult company and I’m sure they know well what they are doing.
Hi there,
On google pagespeed insights i have this appearing (sorry if i make mistakes but english is not my native language, thx for understanding) :
Elements with role=“dialog” or role=“alertdialog” have no accessible name.
ARIA dialog box elements without accessible names can prevent screen reader users from understanding the function of these elements. Find out how to make ARIA dialog box elements more accessible.
Non-compliant elements
Day Month Year Enter SI VOUS NE FUMEZ PAS, NE VAPOTEZ PAS ! En entrant sur …
(SI VOUS NE FUMEZ PAS, NE VAPOTEZ PAS ! En entrant sur = means if you don’t smoke….)
Any idea how i could fix this ?
Thx for your help
Best regards,
]]>Im trying to enable age verify for a specific. category and its products on our website, the category and slug is adult. I’ve set age gate to ‘selected content’ but can’t find anywhere in the settings to do specific categories or slugs?
I tried to go to the category and click the toggle icon for age verify but I still dont get any popup and the icon doesn’t seem to change color or show a lock/unlock icon, its always the same?
]]>Note: this is an adult website.
I’m not even 100% sure of this is from Age Gate, but I am pretty sure it is. We’re getting an SEO error because there is an empty ALT tag and I suspect that it’s coming from Age Gate.
Here’s the are that I’m encountering an issue with:
<input type=”hidden” name=”age_gate[confirm]” /> <div class=”age-gate__errors“></div> </form> </div> </div> </template> <img src=”” id=”fsb_image” alt=””/><script>
It’s the empty ALT tag on the last line: “<img src=”” id=”fsb_image” alt=””/><script>”.
I cannot find any image file in our media library named “fsb”, & I am unable to find any setting that would allow me to insert an ALT tag to that line.
Is this code from Age Gate or someplace else? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
If your site has thousands of tags, the Content settings page loads insanely long. Additionally, may easily exceed PHP max_input_vars as long as all tags are loaded (and saved) within one form.
]]>I have a website with age gate plugin and WPML for translations. For product categories in all the languages age gate works perfectly. My problem is with individual products. I have chosen for english product categories to restrict products which belong for example to wine category, but when I change language and choose categories for french product categories for example it then works for french but not for english. How can product restriction work for all languages?
]]>Hello all !
Is it possible to test, from a theme function or a plugin, if a particular content (page, post, category, etc.) is restricted ?
I would like to automatically apply a specific thumbnail on the links to restricted content in order to warn the user that he will navigate to restricted content before he clicks on the link.
Thanks in advance for any indication ??
Over the years we have created a lot of content, so the list on
/wp-admin/admin.php?page=age-gate-content is quite long (especially tags), but when I try to save settings there, all I get is:
[Mon Sep 02 07:09:23.236464 2024] [php7:error] [pid 254625] [client] PHP Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 60 seconds exceeded in /var/www/page.com/releases/bac3c84cb2b7e73068294b43eb7975c8f391fbd7/wp-content/plugins/age-gate/vendor/asylum/utility/src/Arr.php on line 37, referer: https://page.com/wp-admin/admin.php?page=age-gate-content
Even if I set this to 600 second, we still exceed the time limit.
I had the same issue when trying to activate the plugin, and I was only able to do it from wp-cli back then.
Hi, is it possible to change the message when people fail the age verification, standard message is your not old enough to view this content.
]]>Can you look into the age gate on the Moss Crossing site and see if there is any particular reason you can find in the back end that it is not letting customers through unless they deselect the “remember me” check box? This was happening mostly on mobile.?
]]>I seem to be getting some skewed analytics due to the Age Gate plugin. I am experiencing the following:
Do I have something setup incorrectly? Shouldn’t the plugin be automatically set to not allow search engines to index it? Any help is geatly appreciated.
first of all thanks for providing this plugin. It is exactly doing what I need and can easily be customized with CSS.
However I noticed that after confirming the age via the age gate popup, a preloader image is showing for >3 seconds on my website. The network monitor shows that during that time the browser is waiting for some server response, which takes >3 seconds.
What is age gate actually requesting from the server and why might it take so long?
My server is not the fastest but 3 seconds seem quite unreasonable just to confirm that the user clicked “yes”?! Why is it even happening on server side instead of client side? Is there any way I can get around this server request or at least speed up the process?
Thanks in advance!
Best Regards
I have encountered an issue when using Age Gate on a client’s website where the First Contentful Paint and Largest Contentful Paint as measured with Lighthouse in Google Chrome is very different between desktop and mobile. The owner of the website is concerned because on mobile, they are long enough that it appears that the site is broken. The site is loading a large background video that I thought might be causing the problem, but I have tried removing it and there appears to be no difference. I have also tried various other methods to optimize loading speed and nothing seems to help much. I was wondering if anyone else has encountered a similar issue and if so, what possible fixes there might be? Thanks.
The plugin has a red flag on the PageSpeed Report that says:
“Polyfills and transformations allow older browsers to use new JavaScript features. However, many are not necessary for modern browsers. For your integrated JavaScript, adopt a modern script implementation strategy by detecting module/nomodule functionality to reduce the amount of code sent to modern browsers while maintaining compatibility with legacy browsers.”
The file in question is from Age Gate: https://dourowineselection.pt/wp-content/plugins/age-gate/dist/all.js?ver=3.4.0
Please find the screenshot in this image: https://prnt.sc/hFl7q7Jmj-tk
Best regards,
I use Klaviyo for a popup to capture users details for marketing, however when the age restriction page loads, the popup appears in front.
Additionally I am using Woomotiv – Live Sales Notification for Woocommerce which also suffers from the same problem of notifications appearing in front of the age restriction page.
Is there a way to ensure this does not happen?
]]>Is it possible to load the logo from an URL and not media?
I know I can just load the image to the media, but I would rather save one HTTP request and just insert the full URL to the logo that’s hosted on the theme folder, not media.
]]>Can’t find a solution for a problem in multilanguage website. The website is available in 3 languages (EN, FR, PT). In English and French all is good but in PT version there are 2 areas the plugin does not show the input message in backend. It shows the original message in EN. It happens in ‘Yes/No sub question’ and in ‘Remember me’ checkbox. In the first one I’ve tried to change the %s for an actual age (18) but no success.
The website has WordPress 6.6 (but happens the same with the previous version) and WPML.
Any ideas about the issue?
If the plugin is used in another language, for example German, then the yes / no button will have very different lengths. And the yes button will then visually be significantly shorter.
Although that’s the button you have to choose (hopefully).
Hence two questions:
1. Can I somehow make the buttons the same size so that they look nicer and would also be better in terms of usability. The ?Ja“ button is very small.
2. Is it possible to color the buttons somehow, for example the yes button in green. So that the user is visually guided.
I appreciate any help. Thank you.
Best Regards,