With all due respect, I detest your Ajax interface and implore you to implement a more sensible user interface for the following reasons:
1) Your Ajax version does not play well with high-end tablets like the MS Surface Pro 3.
2) The “help” bubbles do not disappear on tablets. They persist to remain visible.
3) The look and feel of your Ajax implementation leaves a lot to be desired. The aesthetics feel like something from 2006.
4) The user interface is completely alien to native WordPress UX best practices. It doesn’t look or act like any of the native WordPress user interfaces.
I actually paid to upgrade to the “Pro” version — and I have used the non-Ajax version since you first released it years ago. While I like the features that the Pro version has (mobile detection, etc.), the Ajax user interface implementation is so bad, I’ve deleted the plugin and had something custom made with an interface that conforms to WordPress’ native aesthetics.
For those who don’t want or can’t create a custom alternative, you should consider scrapping your current UI aesthetics/implementation and try to more closely adhere to WordPress UX aesthetics and best practices.
]]>I’m building a website: https://saprecepten.be/, but I’m having trouble hiding the plugin widget title. It doesn’t matter if I select to hide the widget title or not in the settings page. It keeps showing the title: “Sponsored Links”. How can I fix this?
]]>If i activate the plugin and go to the admin page the following error comes up:
Warning: require_once(./wp-includes/class-wp-ssl.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /…/weblog/wp-blog-header.php on line 7
Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required ‘./wp-includes/class-wp-ssl.php’ (include_path=’.:/usr/local/lib/php’) in /…/weblog/wp-blog-header.php on line 7
What must i do to run the plugin?