Since this plugin has the ability to add hidden fields, I was wondering if it was possible to include the IP of the visitor who is submitting the form, either via shortcode or JavaScript/jQuery.
In a hidden field, it’s possible to add the title or id of the page (by using the_title
or the_id
) from which the visitor submits the form, so I was hoping something similar would be possible for an IP.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks ??
]]>Hello. I’m running Converts theme that includes this plugin on a Windows machine and I’ve experienced some issues. The plugin doesn’t work properly and causes func.js to trigger a 404. I have investigated and discovered that it’s caused by code that compares file paths to generate a relative URL “path” for home_url() function of WordPress. This approach works fine in Linux where forward slashes are used in the filesystem, but not in Windows where there are backslashes.
A “Hack” that fixes this is to replace _getCurrentWPDir function’s code (line 223 in to this: return strtr(str_replace( strtr(ABSPATH, array('/' => DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)), '', dirname( __FILE__ ) ), array(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR => '/'));
Maybe it helps soembody before a fix is released.
]]>Has anyone had any luck with this, I had the same problem not being able to access the spam prevention tab while on WP 3.5.1 so I figured it was the core files.
I’ve since updated to wordpress 3.9.1, and while the tab is accessible on one of my other installs, the problem still persists with this one. Anyone figure out how to solve this issue yet?
Could you please give me direction on where I would go about adding a Google Conversion Tracking Code to a couple of my contact forms I created with your plugin please?
Thank you!!
]]>Hi there,
I pretty much love your contact form so thank you.
Although I can’t seem to fix the layout and it seems to not fit with the rest of my page. It looks like its indented and the text boxes flood over the side of our page. Please see here:
How can I fix this? Thank you.
]]>I installed it and set the settings. How do you place the form where you want it?
]]>The ReCaptcha has stopped working after upgrading to WordPress 3.6. This happens only for forms that are displayed as part of the post content. An extra textarea is displayed below the captcha box and the bottom of the captcha box is a bit funny. It also keeps saying that the entered captcha is invalid. Has anyone else seen similar behavious? Thanks
Here is the screenshot:
I am using AJAX-Contact version 2.04. It is the simplest and friendliest contact form, I’ve tried so far. Congratulations for your work!
But as you may guess from the subject of this message, I am having trouble with some kind of feed-back to users. The form is mailed to me ok, but users don’t have a clue if their message was sent. There is no success message and the redirecting is not working.
I even tried the solution posted here by asit:
I will really appreciate your help!
]]>When I access the settings menu for AJAX Contact I can set the General settings but cannot seem to access the “SPAM Prevention” ascpects – there are two plain text lines showing:
Spam Prevention
and if i create new forms with some labels ans i try to save it i receive this message:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function mb_strtolower() in…….
anyone can help me?
Hi, just installed ajax contact on my website, put it on widget on the front page got these errors:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare _recaptcha_qsencode() (previously declared in /home/xxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-recaptcha/recaptchalib.php:47) in /home/xxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ajax-contact/inc/recaptcha.php on line 55
I have recaptcha plugins installed and working fine for my comment form.
Any solution?
P.S maybe you can add/integrate this plugin too ?
]]>My form shows that I successfully submitted my info, it shows my responses in wp, but it is not submitting to my email (I have checked both spam and inbox folders).
How can I fix it so it works? I need this to go to an email….
]]>hello there. Thanks for a great plugin. Just one thing….When will you add the upload field to the plugin? That’s the only thing that is needed in this plugin.
Is there any way to add it to the plugin? Can you tell me what code and where I could put it to make the upload field.
Thanks so much in advance.
when you select a ?required? field for a NAME filed or any of them, and you try to fill the form on the site, you get an error on that fileds saying: You left a required field email empty/
any idea why ?
here is the site:
I created two field without a field title and now they show up as lines in the editor and can not be edited or deleted.
The 4 headed ‘move’ arrow appears if I hoover over the lin and I can reposition the un-titled field but can not edit them.
]]>Hi, can I make this form send a copy of the email to the sender of the message?
Thanks, Grietje
]]>Hi there…are you aware that this does not work with the iPhone or iPad?
]]>Is there a way to change the “Contact Form” display on the top of the [AJAX Contact Form].
Can anyone tell me how to make that change.
Also, Is there a way to add a background color to the whole widget.
]]>I made a form and entered the shortcode and im getting a bunch of distorted text on my website that looks like this… How can i fix this?
Warning: trim() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in /home/content/93/10805593/html/wp-content/plugins/ajax-contact/form-display.php on line 160
Warning: trim() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in /home/content/93/10805593/html/wp-content/plugins/ajax-contact/form-display.php on line 160
Warning: trim() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in /home/content/93/10805593/html/wp-content/plugins/ajax-contact/form-display.php on line 160
I would like to put in a request. Can you add new feature so I can get the submitter’s location information? Such as, Country Name, City, Region, IP Address and maybe other information.
When I receive emails via the form the from address is [email protected] (my webhost)
When somebody fills in the form they have to input their email address, is there a way to set this as the from address so I can simply click reply in my emails.
Thanks in advance
First of all, thanks for creating such a easy to use plug-in.
I have installed both WP-reCAPTCHA and AJAX Contact, but there seems to be a conflict if I enable Google reCAPTCHA in the AJAX Contact options.
Can you tell me if there’s a fix for that?
much thanks!
I have a weird problem.
I open add new form, input some fields. Edit them. And after i click publish button all disappear and I only get blank form.
I created and edited 100 times, but it just cant make it work.
How to fix this?
Using Version 2.0.4 of AJAX Contact(latest), and I would like to have the reply email address correct so that the customer can simply hit “reply” to reply to the correct person. The tag is getting the correct email address(from the form) and I am using this as the custom email body:
–Custom Email body start—
From: %%name%% <%%email%%>
Subject: Request for quote for %%year%% %%make%% %%model%%
–End of snipit–
So, I do receive the email, and the Form line is correct, however it is not setting the email address correctly to simply hit reply(still sending from the email address set in the setup(From Address). Any suggestions on how to get this to work correctly would be GREAT!
I don’t receive any mail when you try to contact me through the contact form created with Ajax Contact.
Do you have a solution?
Thank you.
]]>the redirections after success is not worked,
I saw on ajax response found something like this
what may be the wrong?
please help
I created a contact form, and one of the fields is a multi-line text box.
I can’t seem to find anywhere in the css file where I can resize it.
form.iwacontact ol.iwacontactform input.input { width: 200px }
this line only resized the single line input field and not the multi-line textarea.
Right now, the textarea box is abour 300px, but I’d like it around 200px
Please advise the best way to do this.
Thank you
thanks for an awesome plugin.
i was wondering if you could point me in the direction of which files to modify to make the “Default Value” text disappear when you click in the text input field.
something like this:
thanks a bunch
]]>I’ve installed the WP 3.4.2 about 4 times now and continue to not be able to access the spam protection tab (which is what i’m assuming is needed to get the captcha to show up in my forms). Here is a screen capture of what i’m talking about :
From the official plugin site, the screenshots show that there should be a ‘General’ and a ‘Spam Prevention’ tab. Clearly something is missing here because the text is there but they are not being drawn into clickable tabs. Is anyone else having this problem. Any suggestions? This plugin seems like one of the nicest ones out there for sure in terms of contact forms with ajax but if there’s not way to get the captcha to fire it’ll be pretty hard justify using it considering all the spam one would get. Thanks -Scott
]]>Thanks for a great plugin.
I recently moved this blog to our hosting and one of the forms has this repeated at the top over and over:
Warning: trim() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in /home/mothersh/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ajax-contact/form-display.php on line 160
The other is fine. Can you please help with this? It’s quite urgent to get fixed as they have some sponsors looking the site.
]]>I have entered the public and private keys, selected the google recatpcha option as well as checked the box on the form for it, but it does not appear.. am I missing something? Thanks