Since the error message when typing a wrong email,username,password is covering the fields and wont dissapear, i was wondering if there was a way to add a simple X close button to the error messages?
Como posso mudar as cores do modal, cores do fundo, cores da janela….. você pode me informar o caminho do .css para fazer essas altera??es, eu preciso modificar as cores do Login
]]>Thankfully, thre has been an update released. Yet the error I was encountering has not been fixed:
On my dashboard, I keep getting the banner notice at the top, “AJAX Login & registration modal notice:?you have installed version 2.0 that contains a lot of updates and tweaks. Please review your settings and reconfigure?after-login/registration actions!”
I simply cannot dismiss it. If I click on the “X” on the right of that notice, after a moment, I will get a popup with the text “undefined” and the only option I get is “Close”, and the banner will reappear.
I have had this with a different plugin before – there, it was because of my WordPress installation being located in a subdirectory. I had to find the link for the dismissal – and add my subdirectory to the URL – and it would go away. Here, I cannot find such a workaround.?
How can I dismiss the notice for good?
]]>mobile or phone icon not showing see the image email icon showing
can you please comment – i have found by the security plugin Security Ninja that your plugin code contains a backdoor:
// if ( $_GET['hash'] !== md5($_GET['key'] . NONCE_SALT . $_GET['save_to']) ) {
Line: 52
Located here: /home/u188246671/domains/
Can you please kindly comment on this finings?
]]>Hi im searching an Plugin like yours. But i see the development / updates are old.
So will Plugin discontinued?
]]>When a new user is trying to register, they get this error:
You cannot register with this form. Please use the registration page found on the website instead.
Any ideas?
I have 2 questions, for the free version of the plugin.
1) Is it possible to disable/hide the registration page proposed by this plugin? (for the registration form we use another technology)
2) Can I disable the specific “invalid user/invalid password” error messages that appear in real time? and instead only “invalid credentials” appears. This in order to make brute force attacks more difficult (we use Wordfence and have parameterized “Do not allow WordPress to reveal valid users in access errors” in the firewall configuration)
I try to explain in the following image
Thanks for your collaboration
]]>Hi Team,
I could see the issue, The Forgot password and hide/show password option not working in popop. I have placed the short code on normal pages and its working.
I have deactivated all the plug-ins, but still these two feature not working. Could you please help on this.
]]>Enabling the “New User Approve” plugin causes the following error message on the login page’s “Forgot Password” functionality.
Can’t process this request, the error happens in file /plugins/new-user-approve/new-user-approve.php on line 813
Error: Too few arguments to function pw_new_user_approve::lost_password(), 1 passed in /public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php on line 310 and exactly 2 expected
Disabling the AJAX Login and Registration modal popup plugin and using the default login page, the “Forgot Password” functionality is working properly.
Hey, thanks for this nice plugin, im trying to make the google login button work in the form, ive tried these two options (from different plugins) but, in both cases, when you click the button in the registration form, it goes to the sign in form and when you click the button in the login form, it doesnt open googles page, instead it focuses on the email field. (if you try right click and open in new tab it works) but not normally.
its important to mention, that other than that, the google login works in other parts of the site (for example in the wp login page and the google popup message)
this is the code
function google_login_button() {
echo '
echo do_shortcode( '[google_login button_text="Login/Sign up with Google" force_display="no"]' );
add_action( 'lrm/register_form/after', 'google_login_button');
function google_signup_button() {
echo '
echo do_shortcode( '[google_login button_text="Sign Up with Google" force_display="no"]' );
add_action( 'lrm/login_form/after', 'google_signup_button');
ive tried these two plugins, the code is from the first
any help, is much appreciated.
]]>There is an incompatibility with the Searchanise search plug-in. When a visitor is not logged in, the search modal is stopped by this plug-in.
I have opened a ticket (we use the Pro version) however, not getting any responses from the developer.
The action “Auto-login and stay on the page” is not working. It does the same as the next option “Reload a page and auto-login” but instead it does not reload the page. Even has exactly the same message “Login successful, reloading page…” when the first option is not supposed to reload…
I would like to see an option after registration that does the same as the action after login “Hide the modal and elements with classes lrm-hide-if-logged-in/lrm-show-if-logged-in” which works just fine in the login case.
Thanks for the plugin!
]]>My Business Logic involves Referral— where I expect people to refer other people to buy from me, then I offer 15% Commission of the deal to the person who referred client to me.
To get this Logic to work, I need to generate a Unique Identification Number for each person who registers on my website.
This problem has been raised in Stack Exchange in about 10 Years ago, as can be seen here:
1a) I need the same thing. Is this possible with Ajax Login Registration Form?
1b.) If not possible, can you Please help me with PHP Code Snippets that can make it possible?
2.) When the Unique ID of each member is generated, I will like to display it on the User’s Profile Page.
How can I achieve this?
Needing to hear from you soon.
How do I remove wrong password message and link in the popup?
When user enters the wrong password, this message is displayed:
Error: The password you entered for the username rtyhr is incorrect. Lost your password?
]]>On my dashboard, I keep getting the notice, “AJAX Login & registration modal notice:?you have installed version 2.0 that contains a lot of updates and tweaks. Please review your settings and reconfigure?after-login/registration actions!”
I simply cannot dismiss it. If I click on the “X” on the right, after a moment, I will get a popup with the text “undefined” and the only option I get is “Close”.
I have had this with a different plugin before – there, it was because of my WordPress installation being located in a subdirectory. I had to find the link for the dismissal – and add my subdirectory to the URL – and it would go away. Here, I cannot find such a workaround.
I’m just using the login function as a menu item,
And hiding the login link when user is logged in.
Can I show a logout link instead when user is logged in?
The logout link should take them back to the home page.
Recently, (I can’t be sure exactly when) the opening of the modal has stop working on mobile chrome.
It seems that the registerd event is “touchend” for mobile and tablet.
When switching the event to “click”, the modal is opening as usual
Tested on emulator and actual devices
Any idea why the “touchend” event does not trigger the callback ?
]]>The plugin re-directs the wp-admin page to your login but I use wordfence and 2FA, two factor authentication for administrators is far higher a priority than a pretty login page for my users.
How can I remove your wp-admin redirect?
When an administrator session times out my only recourse with your plugin is to rename the folder so I can re-access my admin page… and that forces me to either connect via FTP, SSH or via my web server panel.
In other words a plugin I use for something minor interrupts the most major of functions.
After updating to Version 2.23, I cannot get rid of the two notifications. One requesting that I check out the after-login settings and the other telling me that registration is disabled. I do not want registration on my site. So is there a way to stop these two notifications from appear every time I access a page in the WP admin?
I am using the Pro version of plugin and Recaptcha is working fine But now showing the text as per current lanaguage.
So can you please let me know how can I translate recaptcha ?
please check the attached screenshot where I am using a captcha.
Hello I have an error message that refuses to put in French I give you a screenshot
I would like this
]]>Hi, Max.
var 1. I can’t solve the redirect problem: after logout, user is redirected to the Home Page, even if the option “After Logout Action → Stay On The Page” is activated. What am I doing wrong?
var 2. I understand that different templates may include own features (however, I have a standard theme) and therefore I want to try the “Redirect to custom page” option. What variable should I enter in this case?
]]>Hello Sir,
I want a Custom User ID Feature which can allow Custom User ID Creation from the point of Registration.
This will be different from the User ID that WordPress or WooCommerce creates at Registration.
This one is something that is Custom Created and Custom determined by Site Admin.
It will have a Prefix already determined by Admin, and the numbering system would also be pre-determined by Admin as well.
This Custom ID Feature will have the following Parameters:
1.) ID TITLE: This is the Name that Admin will call the Custom ID. And Admin should be able to create Multiple Types of Custom IDs according to User Type and User Role.
2.) ID PREFIX: A Prefix that will appear, separated by Comma, Dash, Pipe, or any other separator.
3.) NUMBER FORMAT: This is the Format in which the Numbers are applied. It can be numeric, starting from 1 and upwards. Or Admin can set it to have leading Zeros like “000” before the counting starts.
4.) BATCH NUMBER RANGE: This is the Number of Users that will form a Batch, before they are split into a new batch.
This range can be 1 to 1,000(One Thousand), 10(Ten Thousand) and whatever else the Admin decides.
5.)BATCH ID TYPE: This is the Grouping of Users into Batches, and the Type of Data Type used in this Grouping.
It could be:: A to Z, Alphanumeric, Symbol, or Text.
6.) OUTPUT: When these are now pre-determined by Admin, and a User Registers on the website, a Custom User ID should be automatically Generated during User Registration, and should be added to the WooCommerce Account Dashboard as “User ID” or whatever Admin has already prenamed it, as seen here–
So in this Case, as seen from the Image above, Admin has called the Custom ID “Tag Number“.
He has used the Prefix “SP“.
He has used Number format with two leading Zeros “00“, and we can see that the current User is Number 19.
The User’s batch Number is 1, where Batch Number is represented by “BN“.
I want to believe that by now, you understand what I am talking about?
And I am now asking if there’s any WooCommerce Extension that can do that for me?
Needing to hear from you soon.
I am evaluating your plugin and need to translate it into another language using WPML.
The default texts of the plugin are in English. So I want to use the English translation and then just translate it into the new languages.
The problem I have is that when I open the Expression page and change the language to the desired language – for example, Slovak – and translate/rewrite the text and save – the text will be changed in Slovak – but the same Slovak version will also be assigned to the English language. I need to select the English language and rewrite the text again – then, in Slovak, I have a Slovak translation, and in English, the English translation.
How can I make it the way I use for the English your original translation and need just to translate to Slovak or the other languages manually?
]]>Hello –
Trying to access either the Free or Pro demo, getting a security warning upon landing on the site, not able to preview the demo.
]]>Dear dev,
there is missing class emogrifier here:
148 if ( ! class_exists( $emogrifier_class ) ) {
149 include_once WC()->plugin_path() . ‘/includes/libraries/class-emogrifier.php’;
150 }
in class-mailer.php
And than creating of new acount after catch in try catch is not working.
even after disabling condition term it is required in the form, I cannot finish my registration
]]>This plugin is in conflict with Crocoblock. When this is activated, Crocoblock stops rendering its configuration options on the admin dashboard (except Woo Page Builder). It’s only showing me a blank page. Please advice.
]]>Hello there,
I am using the hCaptcha for WordPress plugin and would like to show the hCaptcha on the form. Is this possible please?
Thank you!