I’m working on a site which sells custom cakes. Customers choose their cake (5 flavors), filling (5 flavors), and frosting (5 flavors) in 4 different sizes. Instead of creating 500 separate products, I created 5 products based on cake flavor, each with 100 variations. Some fillings and frostings add additional allergens. As an example, a Nutella frosting adds hazelnuts and soy in addition to the eggs, dairy, and wheat already present in the cake itself.
What’s the best way to proceed?
After removing this plugin from WordPress, has anyone found another plugin with same functionality ?
Thank you
I was trying to insert a sidebar with the allergen filter widget. They are displayed one below the other :
– check
– icon – name
Is it possible to get them all displayed on the same line
check+icon+name ?
please let me know how solve this problem
I’m sure this is very simple, but how do I alter the size of the icons in one uniform way and what is your default size? Thank you ??
]]>On allergens-list/libs/widgets/allergen-filter.php line 62 i’m changing
$html .= '<div class="allergens-filter">' . implode('</div><div>', $list) . '</div>';
$html .= '<div class="allergens-filter">' . implode('</div><div class="allergens-filter">', $list) . '</div>';
in order to have the class on each <div> with allergen filter in it, as in the original code only the first one has class.
… Am I breaking something? ??
Thanks a lot for this plugin!
Thanks for creating this plugin! Is it possible to display the allergen icons with text as well as just the icon? (otherwise many customers may struggle to understand what the different icons mean without using a legend and on a phone browser will not be able to hover over them to get a tooltip).
Fist, thank you for this great plugin !
The icons are well displayed on the product page, but unfortunately they also show on my products archive page, which is not supposed to happen. Since the web page I mentioned above is public, I couldn’t let the icons activated, but what happens is that the icons are displayed below the price, and at the same size as the product featured image.
My theme is Neve.
Do you have any clue how to fix this ?
Best regards,
Hello and thank you for your wonderful plugin. It suits my needs perfectly.
I’m trying to show the allergens in the woocommerce category block. It doesn’t use a hook so I have to override its content ??
I try to do this using the method allergens_list_910_show_allergen_with_id
, as it is used in hooks.php: there’s a line that says
$html = allergens_list_910_show_allergen_with_id($product_id);
…but it doesn’t work, simply because in the method, the result $html isn’t returned but “echoed”:
$html = apply_filters('allergens_list_modify_display', $html); echo $html;
I believe that it should be return $html;
. Then the method works! And I believe the shortcode doesn’t work because of this reason as well…
I’d modify it myself and submit a pull request, but the code is in svn, not git and I don’t have any svn client set up anymore, hence this support ticket
I hope this suggestion is an improvement.
Kind regards!
Hello there. This plugin really comes in handy for a test project. A client of mine wants to test if there is a market for an idea he has so toying about with a great and free plugin is absolutely great.
We do have a couple of questions.
1. Would it be possible to provide a small text field to add a title? Some of our users are confused what the icons mean. Regardless of the fact the icons speak for itself ??
2. What do I need to do to also display the allergene list on the product overview loop? The page where the shop holds all the products. It would be great to see the allergens there. As it is good user experience.
Congratulations for the plugin, it’s really usefull.
Is there some way to import allergens using the Woocommerce Product CSV Importer?