FIrst of all: thanks for this plugin! I have a question/problem: my thumbs don’t load anymore. They remain white. I can click them though to show the bigger image. The thumbs used to work. I already cleared cache. Do you know what goes wrong or what to do?
Thanks in advance!
]]>I cannot get the width to display at 100% in my sidebar. I tried another flickr widget and it displayed correctly (filled the sidebar space). It could be a theme conflict. Any workaround?
I’m using this theme: https://themeforest.net/item/oshine-creative-multipurpose-wordpress-theme/9545812
]]>Thumbnails on the main tab is displaying correctly, but the others tab most of the times display very small thumbnails. I said most of the times because from time to time they display correctly or when I reload the page…How do I fix this?
Here you have an example https://www.izzietrip.com/izt/spello-perugia/
Thank you for your help
at about one month ago the plugin stopped working.
I tried to reinstall it on another simpler wordpress installation, but I keep getting the error:
- Attempt 1: Photoset not found
- Attempt 2: Photoset not found
- Attempt 2: Photoset not found
- Please recheck your ID(s).
Everything seems ok (flickr api key
this is the flickr album (only 9 photos): https://www.flickr.com/photos/108887929@N03/sets/72157645525487643/
and this is the page showing the error:
The album is public, I checked the API key twice, I even tried to create a new key, no result… any hint?
Some of the albums probably exceed the limit of 30 photos, but no one of them is currently included in my test wp installation.
Thanks for any help,
]]>When I first tried this plugin I couldn’t get 1024px images from Flickr with this plugin, so I messed around with the code and managed to get it to work.
This was a while ago. I have no idea what I did and I can’t get the most recent version to do the same thing. I’m trying to upgrade.
I think the issue might have something to do with the fact that downloading images is disabled on my Flickr account. But this shouldn’t matter, and in fact it is currently working with the old version now. (I do have an API key.)
My site is: https://bit.ly/1y0YH67 (Bit.ly so my site doesn’t get forever associated with this post in Google.)
Maybe my implementation is a non-standard use-case, but I think it looks pretty good and makes the argument for supporting higher resolution files.
]]>I have everything setup to display a single random photo from a user. The problem I see is that its only picking a random photo from the 20 most-recently uploaded photos. Not randomly selected from the user’s entire photo library. Is there a way to fix this? Am I missing a setting somewhere?
]]>Just a heads up – getting the following errors on w3validator:
The hspace attribute on the img element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.
The vspace attribute on the img element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.
The border attribute is obsolete. Consider specifying img { border: 0; } in CSS instead.
Attribute alt not allowed on element a at this point.
Would we be able to see a future release with these issues fixed?
]]>Hi, I have tested this plugin along with the Alpine Instagram plugin, and noticed that the instagram plugin doesn’t load the associated js/css unless it’s the page that the instagram gallery is on.
Unfortunately, it seems that this Flickr plugin loads the js/css on every page regardless of the gallery being on the page, which takes up resources.
Will there be a future version that only loads the js/css on the pages that actually have the Flickr gallery on it?
]]>In error.log of my site https://www.lospaziobianco.it there are several issues: “PHP Fatal error: Class ‘PhotoTileForFlickrPrimary’ not found”.
What is this?
]]>It would be possible to include social share buttons when an image is open with lightbox?
I found 2 small bugs in
We cannot register an API because that line needs to be with https in file alpinebot-admin.php:
$request = 'https://api.flickr.com/services/rest/?method=flickr.test.echo&format=php_serial&api_key='.$key;
Fixed with:
$request = 'https://api.flickr.com/services/rest/?method=flickr.test.echo&format=php_serial&api_key='.$key;
I was also not able display my photos, Chrome Javascript console showed me:
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
});</p> // -- JS CONSOLE: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token <
<p> // Check for on() ( jQuery 1.7+ )
if( jQuery.isFunction( jQuery(window).on ) ){
jQuery(window).on('load', function(){
<p> var alpineLoadPlugin = function(){
galleryHeight:0, // Keep for Compatibility
callback: function(){jQuery( '#id103-AlpinePhotoTiles_container a.AlpinePhotoTiles-lightbox' ).attr( 'rel', 'alpine-prettyphoto[id103]' );if(jQuery().prettyPhoto){jQuery( 'a[rel^=\'alpine-prettyphoto[id103]\']' ).prettyPhoto({ theme:'facebook',social_tools:false, show_title:true });}}
I don’t know what is adding those <p> and </p>, but it’s breaking the Javascript code.
I removed the empty lines in alpinebot-display.php :
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
}); ");
* Get jQuery loading string
* @ Since
function get_loading_call($opts,$wid,$src,$lightbox,$hasLight,$lightScript,$lightStyle){
$return = "
var alpineLoadPlugin = function(){".$this->get_plugin_call($opts,$wid,$src,$hasLight)."}
// Load Alpine Plugin
if( jQuery().AlpinePhotoTilesPlugin ){
and it fixed the issue, no more weird <p> in the middle of a javascript script…!
Flickr/Yahoo is about to got HTTPS only in less than a month for the use of the API.
I received 2 notices from Yahoo/Flickr about this for my website using Alpine Phototile for Flickr.
Will the plugin continue to work? Is it already using SSL?
]]>When i open image in lightbox and save it on pc, size is only 1024 px.How to enable users to see full size image?In Flickr i enable image size to 2000 px.
]]>We have the plugin setup to pull three images at random from the user account. However, the plugin is always only pulling the random images from the most recent album for that user. How do we get it to select the random images from all albums?
]]>Hello, thank you for this awesome plug, i’m using it in every site a build.
Now i need to install it in a Multisite network. I tried both activating the plug in a single site, or over the entire network: everything works, except i’m not able to save the Api Key.
Can you help me ?
Thank you!
]]>I am using the plugin with a Flickr group, but I get the next error message: “Flickr feed was successfully retrieved, but no photos found “. I have pictures available at the group and I tested with several groups with differents groupID, but the erros is always the same. What can be happening…?. The plugin works fine with Flickr User
]]>First I want to say this is a great plugin so thank you for all your hard work.
I have the widget on my website and have set the custom lightbox rel to “lightbox” in the widget but it doesn’t seem to get generated into the code so images just open up in a new window.
Setting the custom rel in on the settings page works ok with the proper rel setting allowing lightbox to work.
Thanks for looking into this.
]]>i love this plugin – compliments!
it works perfectly for all images that are exactly square shaped, but i have an issue with rectangular images: they are randomly cropped on the wall preview and i would need them to all be in the same format (ideally simply downsized from their original format without cropping).
is this possible? please let me know how! you see the result (very weird looking) at the bottom section of this page (all the images in this wall are actually the same format and should also be displayed in this way…
thanks so much for the great work! the plugins are the best i found so far. ??
]]>After the latest plugin update to version the “Lightbox” option in the widget settings stopped working. Instead of lightbox the picture is opened to a new tab; all other options continue to work as expected. Please see here
]]>Using latest plugin, and issue occurs on both WP 3.7 and 3.8.
Proper API used from flickr.
Plugin settings don’t ask for Secret Key so it is not used.
I’m finding some examples where a set will display less than all images in the set, even sometimes LESS than 20 showing, which even without API should work.
Doesn’t happen with all sets.
Any clue bits on where to track down the issue?
]]>How do I get the CSS styles and JS scripts of this plugin? And what is the procedure (how) to load the plugin CSS styles and JS scripts in the head of every page.
Is it possible to view photos by album? or have a page where you view all the albums?
]]>Hi. The author is away. Can someone help?
I’m using the generated shortcode in my new Page, but nothing shows up on the site. What’s up?
Appreciate any pointers.
I was wondering if you could add support for Flickr Collections, i.e. a call to display photos from a specific Collection? Photonic plugin does this, among others, but we prefer to use your plugin as it’s configurable. That one addition would make it perfect! ??
Thank you.
]]>the shortcode it generated gave me this error message “Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /var/www/_domain_/wordpress/wp-content/themes/orange-fab/page-test-home-test.php on line 69”
This is the code i used to insert the shortcode into my php file:
<?php echo do_shortcode(“[alpine-phototile-for-flickr src=”user” uid=”61763374@N05″ imgl=”fancybox” style=”wall” row=”5″ size=”75″ num=”15″ highlight=”1″ max=”100″ nocredit=”1″]”); ?>
]]>First of all let me just say that I love this plugin! I’ve tried different Flickr widgets and none have been as versatile as this one! Thank you for a great product! ??
I have an issue with my widget though. Every time I load my page the widget loads different sized tiles. Most of the time they’re tiny and sometimes they’re large.
Is there a way to have them come up as the size that I want them, say 40 x 40? I’ve tried messing around with the CSS but to no avail. Also I’d like to add a 5px padding between all the tiles. When I add it to the CSS it adds it to my entire menu and not just to the tiles. Is there a way to do this in the settings?
For an example of what I’m talking about please visit https://www.hellenicministries.com and hover over the NEWS tab in the menu.
]]>I am displaying a particular set from my flickr feed and that works fine, but if I set the widget to link to the flickr page it is producing an incorrect URL.
For example, one of my current photos when clicked links to this page:
The correct page link should be:
As you can see it is omitting the user id from the link. Is this something wrong in my settings?
(site is still in development, the flickr feed is currently in the footer)
Thanks for your help!
]]>Overall, very pleased with this plug-in’s possibilities.
Is there a way to associate each image with a unique, user-assigned URL? For a tiled set I want to use, my goal is to link each image in the tile to a unique link elsewhere on my web site. Currently, the only selectable option in Alpine is to link all images to a single, user-assigned URL.
]]>Hi, when I click on the image, and it opens in the lightbox, the image is too small, not much bigger than 800px. Is it possible to load a larger image?
]]>First off, this plugin is fantastic. I’ve tried a ton of different Flickr galleries but none of them really fit what I was looking for until I found Alpine PhotoTile. Great job!
Anyway, I think I ran into a bug. When embedding pictures without an API key applied in the settings, 800px images are pulled from Flickr as expected; however, after applying an API key, the plugin seems to be pulling full sized images instead of limiting the images to the 800px size I set in the shortcode. As you would expect, this makes the page the gallery is displayed on extremely heavy and, on less powerful machines, basically unusable. If you’d like to see the problem, you can take a look at this page. It may also be worth noting that I am using a Flickr Pro account.
Thanks for your help!
~ Swiftman