Please help
I love your plugin. but I have this error:
Need help about this
]]>Plugin Error. Url requested is not a valid image.
Thanks for your plugin.
It still works with the latest version of WP.
However there is a bug when I use it with woo.
There are two check boxes for the images I want to protect.
In this case:
420 x200 shop
420 x 200 archive
I can check these boxes ok. But when I save the settings it does not save my settings. Thus I cannot add my watermark to these images.
If I select all then everything gets the watermark including my shop and category images.
Any help you can provide here is appreciated greatly.
Kind Regards
]]>Watermark is not centered if image is wide, has a rectangular shape.
]]>Installed the plugin, added a watermark and configured where to apply.
I do not see any changes in the media library or in the front-end.
The watermark does not apply to old or uploaded images.
Hi, I saw that in an earlier support request you mentioned support for NGINX coming 10 months ago.
Has this been added. If so where could I find it? If not suggestions on how I could get it running with NGINX ?
Best Michael
]]>how does the plugin performs on larger websites? is watermarked image generated on each hit or are you caching watermarked versions?
]]>Hi there,
I’m writing you with a question about compatibility or/in .htaccess settings.
I was using your plugin and it was work great. Masterpiece I must say. The problem is (I guess it must be simple solution there as well) regarding to:
– ByREV WP-PICShield
– watermark
working together because of the settings in the .htaccess I think but I’m not 100% sure.
Let me explain:
ByREV WP-PICShield put watermark.png in the root. Working fine, all good. When you activate Watermark and decide the watermark it doesn’t go in the Media library. The name of the file doesn’t really matter. It could be called whatever and it goes god know where. But confuse the watermark ByREV WP-PICShield is using. So if you want to use them both you will have the watermark decided with Watermark plugin. And that is not all.
Google search will still show your pictures with watermark protected with ByREV WP-PICShield but from now on only the sizes you defined with Watermark plugin.
So for now there is no solution. If you decide to protect all images with ByREV WP-PICShield you will have all images on your site (thumbnails, personal, content,… ALL) with watermark what is not really nice or let’s say acceptable.
I’m sending this message to both plugins author. Regarding that both of the plugins are really great, working perfect separately and I still want to use them both I crossing my fingers you will find a solution to use them both.
Thank you for your time and keer a good work.
When images have ??ü? in file name then activating the Watermark plugin breaks images (images are with these characters in names are not displayed).
Hi! I move my wordpress blog to new hoster and have problem, all settings correct, htaccses in wp-content but watermark not placed on image. Hosting use Apache + ngnix.
]]>I just migrated a site and the plug in is not working. It does not allow the larger image to be displayed. If I disable the plugin, the images appear. How can I find out what the source of this issue is? I have checked the server and GD lib and rewrite mod are present. Please help.
]]>Same as :
But i cant reupload 150 images, I tried everything, cache delete, restore files and etc. and still showing that.
]]>I have been using this plugin all year, no problems. but for some reason, after the 14th of December 2014 it stopped working.
I notice that after that point, all my images files have gome from “capitalised” to “lower case”. its very odd.
here is the last image it worked for – HERE
here is the start of when it stopped working – HERE
I have also tried re-setting the plugin ??
Hope you can help ??
]]>Is it possible to exclude single images from beeing watermarked ?
]]>The images are broken when the plugin is activated. Went to the image URL ( via wp-content) and images are broken too. Refreshed cache many times, but nothing.
Tried deactivating all my plugins as well, but doesn’t seem to be the culprit.
Any thoughts what may be the issue?
Been trying to find a watermark plugin like this and would love to get it to work.
]]>I’ve setup the plugin so the watermark shows on large and full-size images only, but it also shows on medium and thumbnail sizes.
How can this be fixed?
Thanks for helping.
]]>didn’t work for me. I am using custom post types may be does not support custom post type or what but no watermark for me ??
]]>Great plugin! But have a problem with cyrillic file names. If name of the image have cyr symbol, image don’t show
]]>Is it possible to only put the watermark on images in a specific folder by editing the .htaccess file of the plugin
Perhaps changing this
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f
To this?
RewriteCond /wp-content/uploads/bfi_thumb/%{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f
]]>Broken media images No watermarks showing
I have a ticket in to make sure I have the GD Library. Deleted the uploads/.htaccess
watermark image succeeded no problem or errors during activation
see no watermarks on images in the browser and none when I download images and look at those
Your plugin and help is greatly appreciated.
I am running into a problem and not sure what the issue is.
The images are not showing up and no errors are reported. The server is pretty standard except uses lightspeed. It has GD Library installed and uses mod rewrite for the permalinks without issue.
Where would I be able to find the error codes?
I have the site running fin on a local machine with MAMP.
here is the htaccess file:
# BEGIN alti-watermark Plugin
<ifModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f
RewriteRule ^(.*(-([1-1][\d]{1,3}|[\d]{1,3})x1024|-1024x([1-1][\d]{1,3}|[\d]{1,3})|-([1-1][\d]{1,3}|[\d]{1,3})x683|-1058x([1-6][\d]{1,2}|[\d]{1,3})|-([1-1][\d]{1,3}|[\d]{1,3})x1200|-1200x([1-1][\d]{1,3}|[\d]{1,3})|-382x312)\.jpg|.*(?<!-\dx\d)(?<!-\d\dx\d)(?<!-\dx\d\d)(?<!-\d\dx\d\d)(?<!-\d\d\dx\d\d)(?<!-\d\dx\d\d\d)(?<!-\d\d\dx\d\d\d)(?<!-\d\d\d\dx\d\d\d)(?<!-\d\d\d\dx\d\d)(?<!-\d\d\dx\d\d\d\d)(?<!-\d\d\d\dx\d\d\d\d)(?<!-\d\d\d\dx\d\d\d)(?<!-\d\d\d\dx\d\d)(?<!-\d\d\d\d\dx\d\d\d\d\d)\.jpg){1}((\?|\&)([^\.\?\ ]+))*$ ../plugins/alti-watermark/public/views/alti-watermark-public-bridge.php?imageRequested=$1 [PT]
# [date=2015-04-09 15:42.09] [php=5.3.29] [width=1024x1024|1058x683|1200x1200|382x312|fullsize] [plugin_name=alti-watermark] [version=0.3]
# END alti-watermark Plugin
when I activate the plugin, all the fullsize pictures of my blog aren’t displayed. When I try to display a picture with its URL, the message “The picture can’t be displayed becaus it’s contains some errors” appears.
Everything is OK when I disable the plugin. All my images are JPG.
The .htaccess in the \wp-content\upload directory contains the following lines :
# BEGIN alti-watermark Plugin
<ifModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^(?!.*\-([0-9]{3,5})(x)([0-9]{2,5})\.jpg(^\?([a-z0-9-_=&]+)){0,}$)(.+)(\.jpg)((\?[a-z0-9-_=\&]*)*)$ ../plugins/alti-watermark/watermark.php?imageRequested=$6$7&watermarkName=https://www.objectif-balade.ch/wp-content/plugins/alti-watermark-data/watermark.png
# END alti-watermark Plugin. (generated on 2015-03-13 14:45.40 with php 5.4.35) [width=9999]
I’ve tried to disable all others plugin, but the problem is not resolved…
Any idea ?
Thanks !
]]>Hi there,
First off, thanks for a nice plugin that keeps the original images.
I’ve uploaded a .jpg-image and it shows fine in the media-library (with watermark). Now when i add it on a page the watermark isn’t there.
Add: last week it worked on all .jpg’s and i haven’t updated anything else – be it wordpress or plugins)
I tried clearing my cache, but of no avail. Any idea?
Cheers, Ed’
]]>Hi … is there a setting to position the watermark and to make it semi-transparent (reduce opacity) ?
]]>I don’t get to see any watermarks. I suspect it’s because .htaccess doesn’t kick in.
Could this be because of cloudflare and/or the w3 total cache plugin?
hi, I liked this plugin because its really easy, my logo is 200 x 85px and I modify all the sizes at the plugin settings but I always got my logo with a watermark
]]>This is a great plugin considering the watermark is not added to the image. I have some issues with the plugin however, the watermark is added to images that I do not want to show watermarks yet they are large fullsize images.
Homepage > https://www.owenprescott.com/
Watermark added to homepage branding image (right corner of header image)
Blog > https://www.owenprescott.com/blog
Watermark added to featured images
Portfolio > https://www.owenprescott.com/portfolio
Watermark added to featured images
To fix this perhaps you could add options to only use watermarks on specific post types? If I could set the watermark to only show on posts items and portfolio items (custom post type) then this would prevent watermarks showing on images which typically do not need to be watermarked. Perhaps even just adding an option to disable watermarks on pages might fix the problem.
I will have to disable the plugin for now as the watermark on my homepage and featured images effects the overall design. I hope you take this into consideration as I would like to use this plugin. ??
]]>If this plugin is activated on the main site in multisite, it breaks ALL images in ALL subsites, even if the plugin is not activated in the sub sites.
]]>Hi, I was of the impression that the watermark would only be visible if someone downloaded the image, ie, it wouldnt display on images on the site.
]]>If I enable this plugin, then on my website (https://cookery.warhangel.ru/) all the pictures stopped to show. When trying open any of them by click on it – I get “Error 500”. Disable all other plugins does not help. Changes that plugin makes an empty file /wp-content/upload/.htaccess I see. Primary file .htaccess – empty. Web Hosting Control Panel says that GD library is connected. What could be the problem?