I want to develope a stand alone astore with content of my own like what you can see in the https://shopping.globalinfoonline.com/shop-with-amazon-for-apple-computers-reliable-and-secure/. I want the astore at the top then the content. While using the iframe code,I find lot of gap between content and the products for different displays. It looks awkward for certain pages to have empty space. I want a way to have a responsive iframe or dynamic height adjustment of height so that I can place the astore on the top and my content beneath. With this I will enjoy google ranking for content and feel of stores to the visitors. When products are displayed, the gap between my content and product display must be responsive.
]]>Images don’t get imported in wordpress front page, just in categories(featured pictures).
I have to go and manually import product pictures.
Also when trying to create page via Amazon Store Pages, i get only 1-5 products.
]]>Does not install gets stuck on validation
]]>So, the plugin works locally (using Xampp on Windows 7) but not online.
I got the error (restriction) from WordPress telling me I have no right to access the plugin’s option page: “options-general.php?page=ov-aws-menu”.
Also, no links to the option page or “tools.php?page=ov-import-menu” or “tools.php?page=ov-page-menu” appear in the Wp admin panel.
I suspect (though I’m not an expert) that the plugin is poorly coded and it doesn’t pass the suhosin or, maybe, is not compatible with other plugins
This plugin creator (OnlineVelocity) makes it sound like they listen to all their users and apply fixes, but heres the thing. They are not active at all in their own forums, ignoring customer questions, bug request fixes, etc. Yes, we are customers since they make money off of us.
I am also a bit concerned and would love it if someone could take a look at the coding to make sure it is correct. But I had 88 unique clickthroughs to Amazon via this plugin and 0 sales. I just find that really weird because my conversion rates for affiliate programs and e-commerce are not even that bad, nor have they even gotten that close to being that bad. So my question is, does the coding truly take 1 in 5 sales, or is it bugged and taking all of them?
I strongly believe in supporting a person or company who stands behind their product and provides strong customer based support. If this were a free program then I would be a bit more patient with the lack of support, but since they are making money from this, I expect nothing less than awsome customer support.
In summary, until they can become more active in their own forums and address customer questions, concerns, etc. I would strongly suggest not even installing this plugin.