I created two posts on a testing site I have with links I could then kill. The last link in this post (https://metestingthings.com/2016/02/03/one-more-time/) I killed, but Amber dashboard says it is still up.
In this other post a link to a tweet I have yet to kill is given to me as “down” on the Amber dashboard despite still being very much visible on twitter https://metestingthings.com/2016/02/03/does-it-work-with-old-tweets/
thanks for your help, really excited about this plugin!
]]>Just testing Amber link. Several of the links I saved (including amberlink.org itself) don’t seem to have a screenshot in the dashboard.
I’ve clicked both the scan button and the snap button but it won’t save amberlink.org
Same with a tweet, doesn’t seem to have snapped it (this one: https://twitter.com/Mantzarlis/status/693909124556419072)
There is no message on the side about robots.txt blocking so what is going on?
]]>On activating the plug-in, I see the following Dashboard message:
“Permalinks must be enabled (set to something other than “Default”) for Amber to work properly.”
But they are enabled. I use a Custom Structure:
So I can’t currently use Amber.