My bad, just posted on the wrong support page O_o
]]>Hello, I just recently installed Gutenberg Blocks for AMP. But I didn’t see any blocks available on the Gutenberg editor. I checked Block Manager and Preferences but didn’t see any section that shows blocks from this plugin.
I also have cleared cache, both on the website and browser, and even trying on a different browser but nothing to avail. Perhaps it was caused by the WordPress version since the plugin page showing a notice that it may not be compatible with my site.
Could you help me fix the issue?
Thank you.
]]>Hello, I’m finding this plugin very interesting and it helps a lot by making my sites much faster.
I would like to know how I can make or use the anchor in the menu on a single page and I would like to make a note in the menu within the same page.
I have a menu item “Quem somos.” How can I or what are the rules for appointment.
Can I use HTML anchors?
I’m sorry if I missed something in the grammar because I’m Brazilian and I still don’t fully master your language.
Thank you
Big hug
The plugin has everything I needed. But the only problem is that it just mess up the back end when I write a post. Here are those issue.
1. The spacing get reduced between blocks. What I mean is that in default gutenberg, when you press enter you get enough space between two blocks. But with this plugin no space is available.
2. In between two blocks even though there is no contents, this plugin shows some default text.
If you guys fix these back end issue, the plugin would be great.
]]>I have a 2020 themed website, Gutenberg plugin, AMP, all updated.
When trying to use the AMP Blocks plugin, I see that the back end, when editing the posts, is all messed up, with the spacing between the missing blocks, greatly impairing the editing and usability.