Please see the following:
I posted it.
I know the probability of attaining my goal is low, but nothing ventured, nothing gained.
The referenced staging site is not live. If you send an email message to me, I will reply with a Word document which contains screen images. I can revert to the snapshot which contains the test configuration.
Thank you,
Jim Garrigan
]]>I tested trying to add a new popup, but the content field is never saved. After debugging the problem I found the error in the amp_enhancer_pop_up_editor_save_data() function.
The line if( !current_user_can( ‘edit_post’ ) ) should be changed to if( !current_user_can( ‘edit_post’, $post_id ) ).
Hope this helps.
]]>After updating to woocommerce 8.6.0 amp does not work on the product page. Does not display product content.
]]>Woocommerce product page not working amp. Reports that the page is not amp. And in the categories everything is fine. On another site everything works The templates for the amp are the same.
On the first site in the code at the beginning:
On the second:
That is, different amp=””
What could it be? Everything worked before.
Styles are no longer rendered for woocommerce product page
]]>AS we add the content of any kind be it text, image, audio, video or links —
in admin pannel —– as we hit publish the content disappear
on front side —- the white overview with a small box having cross appears….
Have tested on fresh site also that have no other plugin except Amp and AMP Enhancer…
Please do the needful
]]>I just tested a client’s site out with just the official AMP plugin, AMP Enhancer, Elementor, and Elementor Pro activated and I got a critical error. Everything worked with just the core Elementor plugin activated, but activating Elementor Pro as well caused the error.
You should be able to duplicate this with a blank site and the default theme, but please do let me know if you need any more information to duplicate the error. Hopefully the fix won’t be too complicated!
(also, as a side note: I tried sending this to you via the contact form on your site, but I got an error message that said to try again later)
Hi Support,
I tried to enable this plugin, but then I got “There has been a critical error on this website.” My site is built using Elementor so it is supported in the plugin right?
Hi Support,
Maybe can you also add compatibility for Ivory Search Plugin? this is the link to the plugin:
Hope you can help us. by the way, this is the validation data
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JoinChat a partir da vers?o 4.4 n?o é exibido.
Vers?o 4.3 está ok.
After Installing AMP 2.2.4 and AMP Enhancer Drop Down, the menus are not working properly.
]]>After activating AMP Enhancer, dropdown menus are not working, not showing entire menus, but if I deactivate, everything is fine. Please help me to use AMP Enhancer.
]]>A PHP error occurred while trying to prepare the AMP response. This may not be caused by the AMP plugin but by some other active plugin or the current theme. You will need to review the error details to determine the source of the error.
It appears the plugin with slug amp-enhancer is responsible; please contact the author.
]]>Compatibility with woocommerce and others is destroyed when the amp plugin is updated to 2.2.1
]]>A PHP error occurred while trying to prepare the AMP response. This may not be caused by the AMP plugin but by some other active plugin or the current theme. You will need to review the error details to determine the source of the error. - Undefined class constant 'XPATH_MUSTACHE_TEMPLATE_ELEMENTS_QUERY' (0) [Error]
#0 /var/www/htdocs/current/wp-content/plugins/amp-enhancer/class-amp-enhancer-form-sanitizer.php(101): AMP_Enhancer_Form_Sanitizer->ensure_response_message_elements(Object(AmpProject\Dom\Element))
#1 /var/www/htdocs/current/wp-content/plugins/amp/includes/templates/class-amp-content-sanitizer.php(147): AMP_Enhancer_Form_Sanitizer->sanitize()
#2 /var/www/htdocs/current/wp-content/plugins/amp/includes/class-amp-theme-support.php(2035): AMP_Content_Sanitizer::sanitize_document(Object(AmpProject\Dom\Document), Array, Array)
#3 /var/www/htdocs/current/wp-content/plugins/amp/includes/class-amp-theme-support.php(1753): AMP_Theme_Support::prepare_response('<!doctype html>...')
#4 [internal function]: AMP_Theme_Support::finish_output_buffering('<!doctype html>...', 9)
#5 /var/www/htdocs/current/wp-includes/functions.php(5107): ob_end_flush()
#6 /var/www/htdocs/current/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(303): wp_ob_end_flush_all('')
#7 /var/www/htdocs/current/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(327): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array)
#8 /var/www/htdocs/current/wp-includes/plugin.php(470): WP_Hook->do_action(Array)
#9 /var/www/htdocs/current/wp-includes/load.php(1097): do_action('shutdown')
#10 [internal function]: shutdown_action_hook()
#11 {main}
this morning I woke up to a google play console email saying the amp version of my website wasn’t available due to 5xx errors.
the website is up just fine, but when visiting the amp version of the website I was indeed getting some type of wordpress error (instead of my website)
the website error pointed to the amp compatibility plugin as the culprit.
since I had not made any changes to the website (or its plugins) in days-weeks, I was curious what could have caused this issue.
for now, I have disabled this plugin and it has allowed the amp plugin to display the amp version of the website again. let me know how I can fix this issue
]]>Can there be support for Crellyslider to work in AMP?
]]>This plugin supports Woocommerce, but no Storefront theme. Atleast the mobile menu, and product sorting feature do not work. I wanted the AMP atleast for the archive pages for now and work on the single product pages later, but I will keep AMP fully disabled for now.
The plugin works fine, but gives an error after half of the page is printed fine.
Error thrown
Class ‘Amp_Enhancer_Elementor_Support\Widgets\Plugin’ not found
I have tried two Cookie plugins in your site and they are not AMP compatible.
This one and this one . The latter one sent me already an answer, that “Unfortunatelly, the AMP compatibility is not yet suported in Cookie Compliance.”
Please could you check better the plugins in your list.
Instead I would give full marks to this plugin It is workng fluently with amp.
The popup appears, but contact form 7 doesn’t capture the data.
We’re loading the contact form via shortcode – [contact-form-7 id=”11092″]
please support Boei plugin
If you do not select the exact variation in the product settings, the “add to cart” button will appear, but the product will not be added to the cart.
Perhaps this is not a mistake, but I would like the price and the button to appear only after all variations have been selected. Not even exactly indicated.
I am writing with the help of a translator. Sorry for bad English.
]]>I really like this plugin a lot and the popup feature is great. I have a question about it:
I don’t understand this: “Set the Time Interval in Hours, only in numerics ( eg: 12 )”
Is 1 = 1 hour?
If I want one minute how do I set that? Is it 0.016 or 0:01?
Can we set intervals in seconds or minutes or is it only by hour?
I’m using your plugin on a site build with Elementor and its works great, but i have a problem with YouTube video. The players are not images with links sending visitors to the YouTube page of the video instead a media player on my site. Can you help me?
]]>Hello. Thumbnail images from the woocommerce gallery on the single product page are not cropped to ratio 1. Otherwise the gallery works fine. Thank you for your work.
]]>Hello Sir,
Please check the product page. I can not see any basic features which you have mentioned in your plugin.
How can I use the basic feature of WooCommerce?
I just activate the plugin and also can see it active in the WooCommerce in the list.
]]>Hello, first of all, great work with this plugin, I am using it gradually on all my websites, it’s just what is needed.
So, is it possible to have AMP support for TablePress Plugin? The big/long tables etc. look a mess with AMP activated.
Do you think you can find some time to look into TablePress?
]]>Removing items from cart sometimes doesn’t work with or without amp activated on the page. I have done a good amount of testing with it. Sometimes items will get removed but never all of them. Also sometimes if you refresh the page it will update but not all the time.
Also with product variations sometimes the options you choose may say that it’s not available even though it is so you have to reselect it.
]]>popup not working in reader mode, please fix this