When you select masonary with a random order, the images are random, but the links and titles are not randomised and therefore are displayed in the original order.
]]>How can I determine the number of rows and columns in a mobile display? (grid layout with animation)
]]>I am trying to create a grid gallery with some spacing between each photo. The plugin says that I can change the “gap between photos” from a range of 0 – 15, but no matter what I set it to the grid is exactly the same with no gap between the images.
]]>Is there a way to slow down the animation transitions between the photos so they don’t move so quickly?
]]>[From a smartphone] When i scroll the page, it scroll back to top automatically. How can i fix this?
]]>Where I can change transparency of the lightbox overlay?
]]>Hi there,
is it possible to reseize the image sizes?
Have a god day!
I purchased the pro version but it appears incompatible with php 8.
Please advise
]]>Hello, I see no animation. I’d like it to look like rotating cubes like a rubik’s cube. But I dont see any animation. Maybe I missed something here but I cannot find what. I have a pro version.
]]>The method used to link with Instagram (through a token) no longer works. This is what is stated on the link provided in your app:
“Instagram Access Token Generator deactivated
The Instagram Access Token Generator was a free tool to connect themes with Instagram accounts. This is no longer available for use. This deactivation is permanent and the tool will not be replaced.”
Is there another way to get this to work? Or is the Instagram option completely out of the question?
I like your plugin, now a long time I was looking for this kind of feature.
But, is there anyway to keep the image ratio of rectangular pictures used in the Square gallery ? (they are deformed on this layout).
Or the only way is cropping them before submitting them to your plugin ?
Thanks for your support.
Hi there,
Is it correct that this plugin no longer works… I’ve just installed the plugin and it mentions I need to create an access token via pixelunion… but that is not possible. The link/site does not work anymore.
I am testing the plugin and it works perfectly while I am logged in as a wordpress admin.
When I am not logged out, the gallery is not shown.
Thanks in advance
]]>How to add separate images for thumbnail and popup images?
In the page loading, all images are loading. Are there any way to load popup gallery images, after clicking on thumbnail?
I just downloaded the plugin and am encountering a number of issues.
I have created an animated wall grid layout at the attached link. When I try to configure it, the toggle for the “Stop animation” has the descriptor “Set gap between photos / images”, the same descriptor that’s beneath “Gap Between Photos”. If I try to toggle “Gap Between Photos”, it toggles the “Stop Animation” and I would like to turn on the gaps.
There appears to be no speed controls and everything is changing too fast. Is that a Pro option only?
When an image is clicked on and the lightbox comes up, it comes up twice. After I close the first instance, I can go through the image slide show, but the number of total images keeps changing.
My thumbnails for the images are often squished.
Finally, there’s a strange alignment issue with the first image in that it’s slightly higher than the rest. Switching around the images does not fix this.
I am using Elementor as my primary block editor if that makes a difference.
]]>I have an animated wall at the bottom of my homepage. Usually all that shows up is a gray background. Sometimes the photos will display though. Any advise to make sure they show up all the time?
Great plugin!
1. I have lightbox enabled, but it’s still redirecting to Flickr. Why? I need lightbox.
2. Can I add pagination?
3. The gallery only shows 41 images.. but we have more. Why isn’t it showing all of our images?
4. For some reason, our photos page wipes out all of our website icons… is the script inside the plugin conflicting with our website icons? See here: https://imgur.com/a/1KAe2xo