We’ve been using events calendar(free version) for years but then it stopped working. Neither upgrading nor downgrading helps. Is there a way to move all the data, events, attachments to a different plugin that would be similar? there are literally 1000s of them but we need to keep them.
it looks like this plugin is loading this ccs:
<link rel=’stylesheet’ id=’jquery-ui-css-css’ href=’https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.8.2/themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.css?ver=5.2.4′ type=’text/css’ media=’all’ />
I switched to https and now I get a warning that my page is loading unsafe script. Where can I change url of the stylesheet from https://ajax.googleapis.com/ go https://ajax.googleapis.com/?
]]>Does This Plugin Still Work?
So I was looking for an events plugin and found this one. The demo looks great but it hasn’t been updated in over a year. Are people still using this plugin on updated versions of wordpress and is it working for you.
I also saw that a lot of people were getting fatal errors after installing the plugin. Is it because of php5 vs php7 issues? If so, which one does it work on?
Thanks for any feedback from anyone using this plugin right now on an updated version of wp. Any other information you can share is appreciated.
Added the calendar and the widget I’m using on my front page only marks the days with a gig in a different color. By clicking on it one lands on the post with the event.
Well, I wanted to know how it looks when there is two events on the same day.
Supposedly it should give me a page with both events, but I get an error:
Calendar Page
Warning: include(/app/public/wp-content/plugins/another-events-calendar/public/partials/events/aec-public-events-day-display.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /app/public/wp-content/plugins/another-events-calendar/public/class-aec-public-events.php on line 217 Warning: include(): Failed opening ‘/app/public/wp-content/plugins/another-events-calendar/public/partials/events/aec-public-events-day-display.php’ for inclusion (include_path=’.:/usr/share/php:/www/wp-content/pear’) in /app/public/wp-content/plugins/another-events-calendar/public/class-aec-public-events.php on line 217
Any ideas how to correct this?
]]>I don’t know when, Another Event Calendar item menu disappeared from my WordPress Admin panel! So I can’t add events anymore.
I can privately provide user name and psw too if you need to login to my back-end.
Will be very graceful if help me to fix this serious issue.
how can I make Upcoming events widget to show also events that are happening today (the day I open page)?
Thank you.
]]>Hi, thanks for the great plugin! Is there a way to order the venue address (street, city, zipcode, country etc..) fields?
I could do it in the plugin files itself but i would like to get my hands on a solution that doesn’t get effected when the plugin is updated.
Thanks in advance!
i am trying to change the way featured images on the events page are linking. currently, the image is clickable and links to the event page. i want to change that so that it links either to a lightbox with the image, or opens the image itself in a new tab.
i need that to happen automatically to every post i upload with an image.
p.s. i also want the venue to link to google maps and not the event page
]]>I know the plugin use the google api to create the maps. And the api I got has the places library.
I need add a place search box to the map. I belive it will not cause impacts on the plugin as it is a feature of the api
I found this on the google maps api site
Would be possible to guide me where I can make changes to add this on the current maps on the plugin.
That is the last thing to conclude my project..
Thanks in advance for your time and support
I’m using ur plugin in my platform. It’s a great plugin, but I’m facing 2 problems:
1- I allowed comments for events page details, but it’s appearing on a page that I use the shortcode for manage events from frontend, is there a way to stop it to show on that page? I would like it only on the events page details.
2- I’m using a page builder template and I would live to have the event page details inside that template, not using the standard post theme template. Is there a shortcode to use it and present the event details content directly on the page (no on the single event post template)
It would be very helpfull if you could help me with that.
Thanks in advance for your time and support
]]>Hi, is there any simple way to change the size (width) of the mini calendar widget?
Thanx in advance,
]]>A lengthy description gets abbreviated with … Is there a way to turn this feature off so the whole description shows?
I am an user of all in one event calendar and I am really tired with the problems and slowing down of my website which this plugin caused. Will you have some tool to transfer events from all in one event calendar to another events calendar? I think that this will be very good for your plugin, because, probably, another users like me will start using your plugin instead.
I am trying to find a way to make my event featured images a reasonable size. They are huge in the widget and events page.
Any suggestions are appreciated.
]]>Calendar looks wonderful.
I often have events that while not “recurring” so to speak, are pretty much the same throughout the month. Would be great to copy/duplicate an event then just change the date. Currently the time it takes to enter in each one makes your calendar prohibitive.
]]>I created a recurring event that for some reason has populated 1 date on my calendar with hundreds of the same event? please advise how to fix asap as it has broken my calendar page!
]]>Hi, just wondered when this option might be available? it currently takes a while to add my events and this would help a lot.
]]>Wondering if anyone has suggestions on themes that work well with this plug in.
]]>1) Is to possible to change the start/end time formats on the event submission form to use the standard times of Am & PM?
]]>Can you tell me if there is a way to display the monthly calendar view starting on Sunday, instead of Monday? That is pretty much the “standard” view for calendars in the US, so it’s confusing seeing it start on Monday. I’d be glad to edit code if necessary?
In your feature list it says “Show Upcoming Events only, Past Events only or Both”.
How does this work? Is this a shortcode? I would love for the user to be able to click on “upcoming” “past” or “both” links or dropdown to see which ones they want.
]]>Great plugin. I ran into one problem though. I added a feature image to my event. When I view the page, I see the image is duplicated, once at the top like a blog post image, and again below to the left of the event detail sidebar.
I want to keep the smaller one by the sidebar and get rid of the large one. I can’t seem to isolate the css to hide it from displaying. Can you advise?
Here’s a reference page.
]]>Is that possible Frontend submission for this plugin?
]]>Hi, I have created a recurring event in my calendar, but for some reason it is not displaying the original date. I created the event for 5/2/17, and set it to repeat weekly, 1 time per week, on Tuesday. But the first occurrence on the calendar happens on 5/9/17. I have double-checked my settings, and all seems correct. If I click to see all occurrences, the original 5/2/17 occurrence is not there either. Have I missed a step somewhere?
]]>Is there any way to disable some fields in front end event submission?
I already disable venues, categories… but these fields are still displayed in front end form submission.
]]>Is it possible to have in Widget, option to Search by City ?
Firstly, great work, really love it. However, having an issue with recurring events, some keep disappearing from the calendar when adding a different recurring event.
Would be grateful if you could look into this please. Thank you
I like the look of your plugin. and see that prices are mentioned in the events what payment processors does this link to please.
I created some extensions for AEC like Pinboard-View, List-View, Printlist (normal & grouped), Venue in Month-Calendar and so on. But I’m tired to modify this after every new Version of AEC.
So I ask for get involved in development of aec.
eg: Long event website break the template.
Solution in helperfunction the_aec_address():
if( $website = get_post_meta( $venue_id, 'website', true ) ) {
$urlname = (strlen($website) > 30 ? substr($website,0,20)."…".substr($website,strlen($website)-10) : $website);
$meta[] = sprintf( '<a href="%s" target="_blank">%s</a>', $website, $urlname );
]]>Hi Guys,
I cant add any event at https://www.eenakters.nl/voeg-eenakterfestival-toe/
It says I dont have rights no matter which role I take.
I also cannot see the plugin settings in the dashboard anymore.
Thanks Jeroen