Rating: 5 stars
There are very few plugins I would install immediately, no matter the site. This is one of them! Comes with so many amazing basic features that Gutenberg should have out of the box!
]]>Rating: 4 stars
I wish it supported more than one navigation bar and menu.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
I played with it for about 5 minutes, and I see nothing wrong with it. I use very similar things with my custom ACF Blocks, animations, etc… but as far as shadows, polygons, etc… I’m using fixed css classes. This will speed things up, and probably force me to remove my similar animations and CSS styles.
Excellent work, and I’m almost certain you used clippy for the polygons, at least that’s what I did !
The only thing I would request is to have a RESET EVERYTHING in the General Styles panel, it would make things so much better…