hey i have the new version, why i’m try to add Potential for Account they give me EROR Invalid content type.
anyone know how to fix it?
thanks guy.
I’m trying to install blue origami but I get after plugin install the following message:
can not copy /domains/<<mydomain.nl>>/public_html/wp-content/plugins/application-maker-crm-edition/js/jwysiwyg-master/help/htmlentity/db.csv
when trying to activate, the following message appears:
fatale error:
Warning: opendir(/home/<<name>>/domains/<<mydomain>>/public_html/wp-content/plugins/application-maker-crm-edition/langs/) [function.opendir]: failed to open dir: No such file or directory in /home/<<name>>/domains/<<mydomain>>/public_html/wp-content/plugins/application-maker-crm-edition/application-maker.php on line 33
Sorry but you have a wrong config, the languages by default has been set to “en” but there is not language file corresponding in the folder “langs”.
Please help to solve this problem.
]]>I have installed the plugin and think its excellent (replacing SugarCRM CE)
I have a problem when trying to add a Lead, system just hanges and then I get a timeout.
]]>When creating an invoice, what is the correct way to link to an account?
When I create a new invoice, click on the related to tab, enter the first letter of an account, nothing happens. Also tried adding a couple letters. The cursor will pause (assume a query is running), then nothing happens.
Is the account field linked to the account short name field?
Version 1.5.1
I would like to know how to put a radio button and dropdown list in ORIGAMI BLUE plugin forms
whenever I activate the Blue Origami CRM plugin, the headings in the admin section change font. Once I deactivate the plugin, they are back to normal. This is a bit annoying since the new font is much less readible than the standard font.
By the way, the plugin sections (e.g. where you can add new contacts, etc.) also use the new font, which – because of its unreadibility – makes using the plugin much less fun. Why doesn’t the plugin just leave fonts as they are?
I want to know that how can we send email to selected leads?
Please help me.
]]>Hi there,
I have coincidently found this plugin and try to learn its capabilities and limitations.
Does anyone know how to capture leads using a form?
Thanks in advance.
]]>AutoSuggest field: Start type the 2 first characters to get the Suggestions Not work.
]]>Whenever the CRM plugin is activated, the admin menu editor plugin goes blank…
Admin Menu Editor
Very annoying since i am trying to change the order of the CRM plugin
]]>I have datas on salesforce, contactually and nimble. Is there any chance to migrate it to this plugin? I do not see any options to have CSV import.
]]>Is there any updates that we could add more than two email, social network,mobile and phone on contacts and/or account?
]]>I love that plugin, the only things that are not working (with me) are the comments, description and notes. I think the editing text panel should be appearing, but this is not happening.
Any help is appreciated.
]]>Created a newsletter with proper email template and contacts.
When hits “Send” button rendered newsletter not being sent.
I am using SMTP option in wordpress 3.5
Email function is working fine.
]]>Alway show following verbose message and rendered no data display.
/ -None- / New / Assigned / Closed / Pending Input / Rejected / Duplicate
Inserted: 0 values
Check the new post type “Potential Stages” > Still empty, try to auto fill with values:
/ Prospecting / Qualification / Needs Analysis / Value Proposition / Id. Decision Makers / Perception Analysis / Proposal/Price Quote / Negotiation/Review / Closed Won / Closed Lost / Closed Lost to Competition
Inserted: 0 values
Check the new post type “Potential Amount type” > Still empty, try to auto fill with values:
/ Fix bid / Per hour / Per day / Per week / Per month / Per year / -None-
Inserted: 0 values
Check the new post type “Lead Source” > Still empty, try to auto fill with values:
/ -None- / Advertisement / Cold Call / Employee Referral / External Referral / OnlineStore / Partner / Public Relations / Sales Mail Alias / Seminar Partner / Seminar-Internal / Trade Show / Web Download / Web Research / Web Cases / Web Mail / Web site form
Inserted: 0 values
Check the new post type “Lead Status” > Still empty, try to auto fill with values:
/ -None- / Attempted to Contact / Cold / Contact in Future / Contacted / Hot / Junk Lead / Lost Lead / Not Contacted / Pre Qualified / Qualified / Warm
Inserted: 0 values
Check the new post type “Gender” > Still empty, try to auto fill with values:
/ -None- / Mr. / Mrs. / Ms. / Dr. / Prof.
Inserted: 0 values
Check the new post type “Account Ratings” > Still empty, try to auto fill with values:
/ -None- / Acquired / Active / Market failed / Project Canceled / Shut down / Inactive / Cold / To Forget
Inserted: 0 values
Check the new post type “Account ownership” > Still empty, try to auto fill with values:
/ -None- / Other / Public / Private / Subsidiary
Inserted: 0 values
Check the new post type “Account types” > Still empty, try to auto fill with values:
/ -None- / Analyst / Competitor / Customer / Integrator / Investor / Partner / Press / Prospect / Reseller / Other
Inserted: 0 values
Check the new post type “Industry types” > Still empty, try to auto fill with values:
/ -None- / Apparel / Banking / Biotechnology / Chemicals / Communications / Construction / Consulting / Education / Electronics / Energy / Engineering / Entertainment / Environmental / Finance / Food & Beverage / Government / Healthcare / Hospitality / Insurance / Machinery / Manufacturing / Media / Not For Profit / Recreation / Retail / Shipping / Technology / Telecommunications / Transportation / Utilities / Other
Inserted: 0 values
]]>I’m wondering about how APM – CRM might map to the Gravity Form plugin?
I′m very interested on your plugin but is there any pot, mo or po files for translations?
]]>Hi, we really like your application, but we would like to add a few more fields to the contact and delete some that we don’t use. We couldn’t figure out how to do that. Any help is appreciated.
]]>On plugin activation, WordPress triggers an alert:
“The plugin generated 8 characters of unexpected output during activation. If you notice “headers already sent” messages, problems with syndication feeds or other issues, try deactivating or removing this plugin.”
Plugin then generates headers already sent errors during the course of operation.
]]>Seen when doing various tasks.
For example, when trying to create a new category, receive the error:
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/***user***/public_html/mydomainname.com/blog-test/wp-content/plugins/application-maker-crm-edition/lib/SimpleImage.php:2) in /home/***user***/public_html/mydomainname.com/blog-test/wp-includes/class-wp-ajax-response.php on line 129