There’re two problems with the current plugin…
ayah_cf7.php is not included from global. And the global var declared there isn’t visible from inside any functions. I haven’t checked fully but this maybe a problem with other things that uses global vars.
contactform’s result doesn’t use the ‘valid’ flag. I’ve changed it to use $result->invalidate(…) instead.
This problems are noticeable when the areyouahuman site goes down and spammers are able to get through the site. You can test it out by doing something like changing the /ws/scoreGame url to something that doesn’t work. Without the patch, your message will go through without any errors even though the score has not been retreived.
Here’s a patch that fixes these problems…
When people go to my blog and want to place a comment, the AreYouAHuman game never show up, I have it set on embedded,and after SEND/SUBMIT, they just get the message “we couldn’t verify you’re a human! go back”.
It works fine on my contactform 7.
]]>Nice plugin!
I get some delay on display of my sidebars as the page loads. I think it is due to the blocking nature of the javascript file requested by the plugin. This file is large 215KB uncompressed and 74.3KB uncompressed.
Is there a way to make this script load async?
Also, is it possible to have this plugin on the login page?
I’m really excited to use this plugin, but once I enabled it, it doesn’t show up on my registration page.
Could you please help me to fix it?
I just installed the plugin in my WordPress 4.0 installation. I pasted my Publisher Key and Scoring Key and enabled PlayThru for the Registration Form, the Lost Password Form, and the Comment Form, but it doesn’t show up. However I can find a script tag which references a script from the Are You A Human website, and the address of that link is valid. The Game Just doesn’t show up in both Opium (Chromium-based Opera) and Firefox, and probably also in other browsers since these two cover the most used layout/rendering engines today. Please fix that.
]]>Anyone using this on WP 4.x?
Just wanted to check before I upgrade.
I have a contact form page and would like to use this there. Is there a way to do so?
I am getting this error message “AYAH::scoreResult: Unable to score the result. Please check that your ayah_config.php file contains your correct publisher key and scoring key.”
I noticed the other forum post regarding this issue, but I did not see a solution.
Any help resolving this issue would appreciated!
I’m using WP 3.9.2 and AYAH 1.4.10
]]>Is there any chance this plugin allows custom shortcode in posts to lock certain content out?
]]>Please see my emails sent to the tech dept. Thanks!
]]>We had successfully been using Are You a Human with Contact Form 7. We upgraded WordPress to the latest version and Contact Form 7 as well. After upgrade, our Contact Form 7 forms that had Are You a Human in them worked fine, but our forms that didn’t use Are You a Human failed to provide the success message back to the user interface after the user submitted the form. Rolling back to the previous version of Contact Form 7 didn’t fix it, so it appears to be a WordPress version problem. Disabling the Are You a Human plugin fixes our forms, but we’d really like to be able to use Are You a Human.
]]>I don’t know if the update to 3.8.1 is the reason. But I’m getting:
Unable to load the Are You a Human PlayThru?. Please contact the site owner to report the problem.
Also the integration in Contact Form 7 was very buggy and was just working if I play the CAPTCHA before once clicking submit. When hit Submit and getting the error message and then play the game correctly I’m never able anymore to send it.
For me Contact Form 7 also never said a message has been sent. I don’t know which plugin isn’t working properly, but that’s really annoying.
I really like this CAPTCHA. Please help me out with this bug.
]]>Hi There,
On the registration page for users on my multisite(
the games do not show,users can just sign up.
as well as that on comments on pages it doesn’t show either.
It works fine on post comments.
Thanks for any suggestions, and keep up the cool work.
P.S-i have setup recaptica AFTER finding out playthru dosent work on the multisite registration.
Is there a way my visitors could see the information in spanish?
]]>Is there a way my visitors could see the information in spanish?
Awesome plugin and service, just letting you know your Changelog is out of date for the plugin. Only up to version 1.4.2 description is available and version 1.4.6 is available to download.
Would like to know what changes and what files were edited for newer versions before updating.
Does not show up on registration page or contact form once properly set-up…
]]>After installing AYAH on one of my sites, I started receiving the following page error:
Type Issue
‘null’ is not an object (evaluation ‘el.parentNode’)
It seems to be referencing line 330/331 of the AYAH source code:
var el = document.getElementById(‘ayah-comment-after’);
Any ideas on how to resolve this?
]]>Hi! I need the game to be in Romanian. Can I translate it for you.
]]>[20-Feb-2013 08:17:15 UTC] AYAH::scoreResult: Unable to score the result. Please check that your ayah_config.php file contains your correct publisher key and scoring key.
Started to get this yesterday. Happened twice about an hour apart. Then one today so far. Did a search on the server for the ayah_config, but did not find anything. Where should it be?
I want to setup the lightbox option for my buddypress registration page (found here: I’ve gone through the whole process but nothing appears?? Is it broken?
Any help appreciated.
]]>I cannot get the plugin to work on sub-sites in a multi-site install.
Any thought?
]]>I love the quick games it plays for someone to send a message. Fun for users. However I would like to be able to add it to another page not listed in the options.
I have a separate form page for people to apply to my site to be an article contributor and I can’t figure out how to make it use Are You Human.
Any instructions very appreciated and keep up the awesome work.
]]>I have this error message.
Unable to load the Are You a Human PlayThru?. Please contact the site owner to report the proble.
Keys pasted in setup.
Any suggestions?
]]>I recently changed my WordPress theme to one with an integrated comment form. My site is When people go to post, the AreYouAHuman things never show up, and they just get redirected to the “we couldn’t verify you’re a human!” page without ever having had a chance.
I really like my theme and I spent hours personalizing it. I’d like to not have to change it if I at all can. Help please?
]]>Thank for your team for developing this great service and the plugin.
It can be perfectly integrated into Contact Form 7.
]]>My site is now DOA with an hhtp 500 error. Great!
]]>Had to use a different WP Plugin “SI CAPTCHA Anti-Spam” I’ve installed the plugin and registered for the keys but nothing appeared under my comment form via Admin settings.
]]>This is a really cool idea! I hate recaptcha and I know my visitors hate it tool. I am glad that PlayThru works out for my site so I can stop frustrating my users! Love it!
]]>I complained about this a couple of months ago, and just downloaded the newest version. Now it seems to work for me. Six things:
1.) My problem could have been all of the WordPress Plugins that I was using, so maybe it worked for others.
2.) I just installed it today, and it seems to work without any problems now.
3.) It doesn’t place any error messages below my post like it did before.
4.) It seems to leave your comments section uncluttered until after the viewer post his/her comment, and then a pop-up window opens with a quick game to play. When the game is successfully finished, the comment is allowed to post, and the pop-up window disappears.
5.) Quick, uncluttered, and Fun to use.
6.) I’m wondering if this takes place on a proxy server…not sure. I hope other WordPress users try it out.