First of all – thanks very much for this great plug-in! Designed and done in an elegant way, behaving very well. As always, if there is something good it longs for more…
My most desperate need is to be able to control the sequence of posts in an articalized group of posts. I have the impression this is currently done through the date the posts have been published: fine for the navigation when inside one of the post, not so good when listing all posts in an articalized group (e.g. through the URL ) where newest entry are listed at the top (that’s the opposite order form what is done in the navogation inside posts. Of course I can see while this behaves as it does.
Still, it would be nice to have some mechanism to be able to arrange posts within a group of posts, and to be able to this from within the Articalize admin function…
]]>Thank you for the great plugin! I noticed that the articalise navigation appears in my “grouped” posts just fine but the name of the articalise (given when adding a a new articalise) is a link that goes to but nothing is there (404 error) – was that folder/page supposed to be created automatically by the script or do I create that? Everything else seems to work just fine although I think the plugin needs to incorporate positional settings in the admin widget allowing a user to easily move the articalise navigation to the top of the post or the bottom, left or right justified etc…