After activating the plugin and clicking “Enable FREE and Unlimited Access” I get “502 Bad Gateway”.
Since WP 6.4.2 I’m getting Mails “Your Webseite has a technical problem”.
The Website itself runs normally. Backend is accessible.
More Infos at the end.
is it still save to run the Plugin?
]]>Wenn du Hilfe bei diesem Problem suchst, wirst du m?glicherweise nach einigen der folgenden Informationen gefragt:
WordPress-Version 6.3.2
Aktives Theme: uuu (Version 1.0)
Aktuelles Plugin: Aspose.Words (Version 6.3.1)
PHP-Version 8.1.25Fehler-Details
Ein Fehler vom Typ E_ERROR wurde in der Zeile 2305 der Datei /home/evipizof/www/uuuu/wp-content/plugins/aspose-doc-exporter/vendor/aspose-cloud/aspose-words-cloud/src/Aspose/Words/WordsApi.php verursacht. Fehlermeldung: Uncaught Aspose\Words\ApiException: [504] Error connecting to the API ( in /home/evipizof/www/uuuu/wp-content/plugins/aspose-doc-exporter/vendor/aspose-cloud/aspose-words-cloud/src/Aspose/Words/WordsApi.php:2305
Stack trace:
#0 /home/evipizof/www/uuuu/wp-content/plugins/aspose-doc-exporter/vendor/aspose-cloud/aspose-words-cloud/src/Aspose/Words/WordsApi.php(2264): Aspose\Words\WordsApi->convertDocumentWithHttpInfo(Object(Aspose\Words\Model\Requests\ConvertDocumentRequest))
#1 /home/evipizof/www/uuuu/wp-content/plugins/aspose-doc-exporter/src/AsposeWords/ExportEngine.php(87): Aspose\Words\WordsApi->convertDocument(Object(Aspose\Words\Model\Requests\ConvertDocumentRequest))
#2 /home/evipizof/www/uuuu/wp-content/plugins/aspose-doc-exporter/src/AsposeWords/BulkExportUI.php(66): AsposeWords\ExportEngine->convert()
#3 /home/evipizof/www/uuuu/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(310): AsposeWords\BulkExportUI->exportBulkAction(‘/uuuu/wp…’, ‘AsposeDocExport…’, Array)
#4 /home/evipizof/www/uuuu/uuuu/wp-includes/plugin.php(205): WP_Hook->apply_filters(‘/uuuu/wp…’, Array)
#5 /home/evipizof/www/uuu/uuuu/wp-admin/edit.php(222): apply_filters(‘handle_bulk_act…’, ‘/uuuu/wp…’, ‘AsposeDocExport…’, Array)
#6 {main}
502 Bad Gateway
I get the above error when trying to activate Version 6.3.1?on WP Version 6.4.1 today.
Est-ce que c’est possible de faire l’export de page et sous page en cochant seulement la page principale en utilisant Aspose.Words �C Import and Export word documents
]]>I got error after clicking the button “Enable FREE and Unlimited Access” to access your server
Fatal error: Uncaught Firebase\JWT\SignatureInvalidException: Signature verification failed in /home/site/domains/ Stack trace: #0 /home/site/domains/ Firebase\JWT\JWT::decode() #1 /home/site/domains/ AsposeWords\Activation->getToken() #2 /home/site/domains/ AsposeWords\Activation->callback() #3 /home/site/domains/ WP_Hook->apply_filters() #4 /home/site/domains/ WP_Hook->do_action() #5 /home/site/domains/ do_action() #6 /home/site/domains/ require_once('��') #7 /home/site/domains/ require_once('��') #8 /home/site/domains/ require_once('��') #9 /home/site/domains/ require('��') #10 {main} thrown in /home/site/domains/ on line 136
It worked on the second time I clicked the button, why this?
I am using your plugin to export all posts (180) of them and have website installed locally on a VM that is only accessible thru a VPN – so not publicly. I read your FAQ and can see that it does not work like that. Can I ask why? Does it not work locally on wordpress and can I do something to fix that?
I would like to test-drive the plugin on my local machine before moving to the prod server – when I try to activate the free version i get an error from the “activator” page. How can I proceed? thanks!
]]>We’re activating this plugin on a client’s site to perform an export of her blog posts content. However, each time the plugin is activated, we receive a 502 Bad Gateway error message. We have deactivated, deleted, and reinstalled the plugin multiple times, cleared the server cache, and deactivated all other plugins to avoid a conflict. Please advise.
]]>Love this plugin, but recently I’ve been having an issue where the downloaded word version is an older version of the post, typically the original post and not the updated story. This did not seem to be a problem before and I don’t recall any recent updates to wordpress or PHP that might have changed this behavior.
Anyone else experiencing this problem?
this plugin is really useful and work fine on a WP (Even 6.1 version) but it’s not possible to make it work if we use php 8+
Fatal error: Uncaught Firebase\JWT\SignatureInvalidException: Signature verification failed in .../wp-content/plugins/aspose-doc-exporter/vendor/firebase/php-jwt/src/JWT
hoy can we fix this issue ?
Great plugin but I don’t know why exported files do not have names so exported files look like dox.dov, docx (1).docx, etc. In ZIP file only one .doc
Has anyone had the same issue?
Also, is it possible to specify which additional fields to export?
I exported documents and sent them to review, and I got them back.
If I upload them will the content on the site replaced by the new content from the documents or I need to copy and paste the changes for every page?
When I upload a Word file as an article, HTML tags appear in the title. Fortunately, they are not visible after the publication of the entry. But they still bother.
There seems to be a bug as this plugin fills up the /tmp folder of the main system for large websites. Please look into it. It creates files even if not needed.
]]>I am trying to export content from a website, but I am having the same issue as another user noted before ( Namely, the exported Word file does not have line breaks in all the places I expect them to be.
As an example, if you go to the post I’ve linked on this thread, and if you scroll down to the “Example phrases and sentences” section, you’ll see there are a bunch of sentences all on separate lines. In the Word doc, the whole section is one paragraph.
I did not add explicit <p> or <br> markings in the code editor of WordPress, but rather just put each item on its own line in the code editor. WordPress automatically adds <p> and <br> markings to make it work out properly.
]]>Hi when I try to export a document using Aspose.words and have MPL-Publisher active, there seems to be a conflict, because I get this fatal error:
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method GuzzleHttp\Utils::chooseHandler() in /home/wordprin/
Stack trace:
#0 /home/wordprin/ GuzzleHttp\choose_handler() #1 /home/wordprin/ GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack::create() #2 /home/wordprin/ GuzzleHttp\Client->__construct()
#3 /home/wordprin/ Aspose\Words\WordsApi->__construct('875775BC-8A52-4...', '69f869e481bfde1...', 'https://api.asp...')
#4 /home/wordprin/ AsposeWords\Util::getWordsApi()
#5 /home/wordpri in /home/wordprin/ on line 61
[26-Aug-2022 17:39:42 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method GuzzleHttp\Utils::chooseHandler() in /home/wordprin/
Stack trace:
#0 /home/wordprin/ GuzzleHttp\choose_handler() #1 /home/wordprin/ GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack::create() #2 /home/wordprin/ GuzzleHttp\Client->__construct()
#3 /home/wordprin/ Aspose\Words\WordsApi->__construct('875775BC-8A52-4...', '69f869e481bfde1...', 'https://api.asp...')
#4 /home/wordprin/ AsposeWords\Util::getWordsApi()
#5 /home/wordpri in /home/wordprin/ on line 61
If I deactivate MPL-Publisher, Aspose.words works fine.
I think the error is coming up because both plugins use the Guzzle PHP library, but different versions of it.
One solution could be for either plugin to instead use the WordPress HTTP library (e.g., functions like wp_remote_get
We are trying to export a page on the website Be-okay (staging) and if we do this, we get an export from another website Gaverzicht (staging). The 2 sites are similar, but how is it possible if we export a doc from one site we get the content of the other?
]]>Hello, the plugin does not work on the WordPress 6.0 version. Is there a compatibility update planned, when? Thank you in advance for the answer.
]]>Hello Support,
Thank you for the wonderful plugin! We’ve been trying to export some posts to word to no avail
We’ve checked around in previous support requests and found a similar issue but not solution had been provided.
This is the output that we are getting:
[av_section min_height='' min_height_pc='25' min_height_px='500px' padding='default' shadow='no-border-styling' bottom_border='no-border-styling' bottom_border_diagonal_color='#333333' bottom_border_diagonal_direction='scroll' bottom_border_style='scroll' margin='' custom_margin='0px' scroll_down='' custom_arrow_bg='' id='' color='main_color' background='bg_color' custom_bg='' background_gradient_color1='' background_gradient_color2='' background_gradient_direction='vertical' src='' attach='scroll' position='top left' repeat='no-repeat' video='' video_ratio='16:9' video_mobile_disabled='' overlay_enable='' overlay_opacity='0.5' overlay_color='' overlay_pattern='' overlay_custom_pattern='' av-desktop-hide='' av-medium-hide='' av-small-hide='' av-mini-hide='' av_element_hidden_in_editor='0' av_uid='av-3lobl9'][av_layout_row border='' min_height_percent='' min_height_pc='25' min_height='10px' color='main_color' mobile='av-flex-cells' id='' av_element_hidden_in_editor='0' mobile_breaking='' av_uid='av-jxbx04fv' custom_class=''] [av_section min_height='' min_height_pc='25' min_height_px='500px'
In case you would like to debug deeper, we have a staging site
I can export posts just fine with Aspose, but when I export a page all the html is included in the Word file. Is there a way to export only the text?
]]>I installed the plugin and clicked the plugin to sign up. After I did that I got the message “There has been a critical error on this website. Please check your site admin email inbox for instructions.” I do not have access to hosting or FTP access for this client, I am reaching out to them now.
The front end of the site is still up, thankfully, but nothing works in the back end. Any idea what could have caused this issue? I’m thinking that it’s a conflict with a security plugin or another export plugin? If I delete the plugin via FTP should it fix this issue? A quick response would be greatly appreciated.
]]>when i insert a file .docx into a page or post is does not offer a way to convert
]]>I instilled and activated the plugin but when I tried to enable free and unlimited access by clicking that link, I was led to a new page showing 502 “Bad Gateway nginx”.
Please advise how to resolve this issue as I need to export web contents to a DOCX file over the next few days. Thank you very much.
]]>Can you enable right-to-left language support?
I installed the plugin
But I could not find how to Import word documents as posts and pages
We are not able to active the plugin as it returns the following error:
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method Dotenv\Dotenv::createImmutable() in /home/httpd/vhosts/web/app/plugins/aspose-doc-exporter/plugin.php:22
Stack trace:
#0 /home/httpd/vhosts/web/wp/wp-admin/includes/plugin.php(2286): include_once()
#1 /home/httpd/vhosts/web/wp/wp-admin/plugins.php(191): plugin_sandbox_scrape('aspose-doc-expo...')
#2 {main}
thrown in /home/httpd/vhosts/web/app/plugins/aspose-doc-exporter/plugin.php on line 22
Any idea?
Hello, I am getting a Fatal Error every single time I try to export a blog into Word. Any idea what is happening? Thank you!
This is what I am getting:
Fatal error : Uncaught TypeError: Argument 1 passed to GuzzleHttp\Client::send() must be an instance of GuzzleHttp\Message\RequestInterface, instance of GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request given, called in /srv/users/gardengrove/apps/gardengrovearchive/public/wp-content/plugins/aspose-doc-exporter/vendor/aspose-cloud/aspose-words-cloud/src/Aspose/Words/WordsApi.php on line 48515 and defined in /srv/users/gardengrove/apps/gardengrovearchive/public/wp-content/plugins/constant-contact-forms/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/Client.php:158 Stack trace: #0 /srv/users/gardengrove/apps/gardengrovearchive/public/wp-content/plugins/aspose-doc-exporter/vendor/aspose-cloud/aspose-words-cloud/src/Aspose/Words/WordsApi.php(48515): GuzzleHttp\Client->send(Object(GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request)) #1 /srv/users/gardengrove/apps/gardengrovearchive/public/wp-content/plugins/aspose-doc-exporter/vendor/aspose-cloud/aspose-words-cloud/src/Aspose/Words/WordsApi.php(48523): Aspose\Words\WordsApi->_requestToken() #2 /srv/users/gardengrove/apps/gardengrovearchive/public/w in /srv/users/gardengrove/apps/gardengrovearchive/public/wp-content/plugins/constant-contact-forms/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/Client.php on line 158
]]>Hi, this is really stupid! I cannot figure out where the exported DOCX file ends up. What good is exporting it if it goes into a black hole? I cannot find this information anywhere! Really poor documentation. Please let me know if you know where it ends up.
Thank you,
Hi thank u for this great plugin. I use <br> and <i> tags in my wordpress post titles. When exporting to docx it shows these tags in the title.
]]>I’m trying to activate the plugin but I’m getting this message:
Composer detected issues in your platform: Your Composer dependencies require a PHP version >= 7.4.0.
In the plugin description it says PHP Version:7.2 or higher