I’m using the Media Library Categories plugin and would like to display my User Files in by category. Is this possible?
I’m getting an error that stops this plugin from being installed “The plugin does not have a valid header”. I can see the assign-user-files folder exists in my WP plugins folder with user-files folder below it, but it won’t activate and does not appear in my Plugins list within WP. I manually deleted the folder to force WP to consider the plugin uninstalled.
I’m running a local development install (WP is in C:\easyphp\www\wordpress) so maybe that’s the pathing problem and this plugin will only work on a web host?
I’ve got about 10 other plugins installed and this is the first time I’ve hit this though so if there’s anything you can do to address it on your next update that would be much appreciated as it sounds like exactly the functionality I’ve been looking for!