Would it be possible to ad page header image(s) using the before content hook? Example code? (I cant really code ??
]]>Hi, 1st of all thnk you for the plugin, looks interesting. The problem we are facing is that we use Smartslider plugin, we know how to work with it well, we have being using it plently of years. Today we where testing your plugin and inserted the smartslider SHORTCODE into: After Header (astra_header_after) but it only shows a white space where the slider is placed, with the correct dimensions, but just a white space. We have tested too the option: Before Container (astra_content_before), but same result, blank space where slider should be.
Is there any way for solving this?
Thanks in advance for any help, we didn′t find anything else to place an slider after the header section of our site and we would to have it working.
]]>I am using Astra
Been wondering where or how this only turns up on product pages with Fancy Product Designer in them, but its just a category page that happens to have a customizable product.
Will Astra Hooks fix this? FPD won’t.
Hi there, Facebook is asking me to add a meta tag code to the head section of my Home Page to verify my domain.
Can I use Astra Hook to paste this Facebook code? How?
Thank you!
]]>I’m trying to add js in the wp_footer section in astra hooks. When I console.log() anything including a text string, it doesn’t display in the console. Is there a way to view console logs with this plugin?
]]>My Goal: Show a donate button below each post but not in the archives page.
After Entry Content (astra_entry_content_after) hook is also shown in archive pages. I dont think that makes sense if the archives only show an excerpt of the text. This makes the archive page huge and the hook content is repeated every time. I guess that should be fixed.
]]>I installed the plugin, but I could not find the field to put the astra_body_top hook.
I used add_action in functions.php