Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function is_ic_attribute_table_visible() in
parts/product-page/product-attributes.php:19 Stack trace: #0 /home/ethiopia/VCFNZ
/p ilai/wp-co nte nt/p lug ins/post-type-x/core/tem plates/templates-fun ctions.ph 1483):
include() #1 /home/ethiopia/VCFNZ/pilai/wp-content/plugins/attributes-table/modules
/attributes/attributes-functions.php(27): ic_show_template_file(‘product-page/pr…’,
‘/home/ethiopia/…?, 652) #2 /home/ethiopia/VCFNZ/pilai/wp-includes/class-wp-
hook.php(310): show_product_attributes(652) #3 /home/ethiopia/VCFNZ/pilai/wp-
includes/class-wp-hookphp(332): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array) #4
/home/ethiopiaNCFNZ/pilai/wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook- >do_action(Array)
5 /home/ethiopia/VCFNZ/pilai/wp-content/plugins/post-type-x/templates/full/product-
page-inside.php(50): Object(WP_Post), Array) #6
/home/ethiopia/VCFNZ/pilai/wp-content/plugins/post-type-x/core in /home/ethiopia
/VCFNZ/pilai/wp-content/plugins/post-type-x/templates/template- parts/product-
page/product-attributes.php on line 19
There has been a critical error on this website.
Learn more about troubleshooting WordPress.
11 2023 2:00
My site recently updated this plugin. It seems that this release isn’t compatible with Product Catalog Simple Version 1.6.16
I need both plugins to work!
WordPress version 6.1
Active theme: Ceol Aneas – Neve Child (version 1.0.0)
Current plugin: Attributes Table (version 1.2.11)
PHP version 7.4.3
Error Details
An error of type E_COMPILE_ERROR was caused in line 376 of the file
Error message: Cannot redeclare main_helper() (previously declared in
Hello, I’m working on trying to get Printful to sync to my WordPress site; the error identified in the logs as preventing the sync is as follows:
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function ic_get_product_id() in /var/web/site/public_html/wp-content/plugins/attributes-table/modules/attributes/attributes-functions.php:98
Is there a way to get around this call so that the sync can go through?
]]>WP 5.8.2
WC 5.9
Hi, when i add [attributes_table] i no show table.
Mabye i can not using plugin whith your plugin catalog ??