First, Congrats for the great plugin.
I’ll use the plugin across our website, on posts, pages and products. On posts and pages, we’ll use the horizontal format, but on the products page, we want it to be displayed inside sidebar as a widget.
How can we make it vertical only in that case?
]]>The search function only searches for the post title. Is there a way to add dunctionality so that it searches for post content and excerpt as well?
]]>HI, This is exactly what I am looking for but it says it isn’t tested with my version of WP.
The links don’t show up under the posts. Not sure if I’m doing something wrong but it seems straight forward.
]]>Nice plugin. How might I include the post excerpt in the display? Or even better (in my case) how might I include custom fields data, such as a call-to-action, in the display?
]]>This plugin is exactly what I’ve been looking for! I’m excited about adding it to all my pages but I can’t get the thumbnails to show up next to the links – like in the screenshots found on the plugin’s site.
I was not able to find anything in the settings page regarding thumbnails – am I missing something?