I use a theme (Classipress) which enables users to publish ads from the frontend.
However, this plugin hooks to an admin function, so it doesn’t work on any theme that lets a user publish from the frontend.
Does anyone have an idea how to hook it to a front-end submission function like the one Classipress uses?
]]>I extended it myself to Danish.
Just replace the code in auto-clean-url-seo.php with the below.
Why not make it so that it auto-loads the stop words for a language automatically from the Dutch page you refer to?
* Plugin Name: Auto Clean URL for SEO
* Plugin URI: https://apasionados.es
* Description: This plugin removes STOP WORDS from the WordPress Slugs in ENGLISH, SPANISH and GERMAN. For all languages it removes HTML entities and anything that is not a letter, digit, space or apostrophe.
* Version: 1.6
* Author: Apasionados.es
* Author URI: https://apasionados.es
* License: GPL2
* Text Domain: autocleanurlforseo
/* Copyright 2014 Apasionados.es (email: [email protected])
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, as
published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
$plugin_header_translate = array( __('Auto Clean URL for SEO', 'autocleanurlforseo'), __('This plugin removes STOP WORDS from the WordPress Slugs in ENGLISH, SPANISH and GERMAN. For all languages it removes HTML entities and anything that is not a letter, digit, space or apostrophe.', 'autocleanurlforseo') );
add_action( 'admin_init', 'autocleanurlforseo_load_language' );
function autocleanurlforseo_load_language() {
load_plugin_textdomain( 'autocleanurlforseo', false, dirname( plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) ) . '/languages/' );
add_action( 'wp_ajax_sample-permalink', 'ajax_seo_slugs',0);
function ajax_seo_slugs($data) {
$post_id = isset($_POST['post_id']) ? intval($_POST['post_id']) : 0;
$post_name = isset($_POST['new_slug'])? $_POST['new_slug'] : null;
$new_title = isset($_POST['new_title'])? $_POST['new_title'] : null;
$seo_slug = strtolower(stripslashes($new_title));
$seo_slug = preg_replace('/&.+?;/', '', $seo_slug); // Kill HTML entities
$seo_slug_with_stopwords = $seo_slug;
$seo_language = strtolower( substr( get_bloginfo ( 'language' ), 0, 2 ) ); // Check the language; we only want the first two letters
if ( $seo_language == 'en' ) { // Check if blog language is English (en)
$seo_slug_array = array_diff (explode(" ", $seo_slug), seo_slugs_stop_words_en()); // Turn it to an array and strip common/stop word by comparing against ENGLISH array
$seo_slug = join("-", $seo_slug_array); // Turn the sanitized array into a string
} elseif ( $seo_language == 'es' ) { // Check if blog language is Spanish (es)
$seo_slug_array = array_diff (explode(" ", $seo_slug), seo_slugs_stop_words_es()); // Turn it to an array and strip common/stop word by comparing against SPANISH array
$seo_slug = join("-", $seo_slug_array); // Turn the sanitized array into a string
} elseif ( $seo_language == 'de' ) { // Check if blog language is German (de)
$seo_slug_array = array_diff (explode(" ", $seo_slug), seo_slugs_stop_words_de()); // Turn it to an array and strip common/stop word by comparing against GERMAN array
$seo_slug = join("-", $seo_slug_array); // Turn the sanitized array into a string
} elseif ( $seo_language == 'fr' ) { // Check if blog language is German (de)
$seo_slug_array = array_diff (explode(" ", $seo_slug), seo_slugs_stop_words_fr()); // Turn it to an array and strip common/stop word by comparing against GERMAN array
$seo_slug = join("-", $seo_slug_array); // Turn the sanitized array into a string
} elseif ( $seo_language == 'da' ) { // Check if blog language is German (de)
$seo_slug_array = array_diff (explode(" ", $seo_slug), seo_slugs_stop_words_da()); // Turn it to an array and strip common/stop word by comparing against GERMAN array
$seo_slug = join("-", $seo_slug_array); // Turn the sanitized array into a string
$seo_slug = preg_replace ("/[^a-zA-Z0-9 \']-/", "", $seo_slug); // Kill anything that is not a letter, digit, space or apostrophe
// Turn it to an array to count left words. If less than 3 words left, use original slug.
// $clean_slug_array = explode( '-', $seo_slug );
// if ( count( $clean_slug_array ) < 3 ) {
// $seo_slug = $seo_slug_with_stopwords;
// }
if (empty($post_name)) { $_POST['new_slug'] = $seo_slug; } // We don't want to change an existing slug
add_filter('name_save_pre', 'seo_slugs', 0);
function seo_slugs($slug) {
if ($slug) return $slug; // We don't want to change an existing slug
global $wpdb;
if ( !empty($_POST['post_title']) ) {
$seo_slug = strtolower(stripslashes($_POST['post_title']));
$seo_slug = preg_replace('/&.+?;/', '', $seo_slug); // Kill HTML entities
$seo_slug_with_stopwords = $seo_slug;
$seo_language = strtolower( substr( get_bloginfo ( 'language' ), 0, 2 ) ); // Check the language; we only want the first two letters
if ( $seo_language == 'en' ) { // Check if blog language is English (en)
$seo_slug_array = array_diff (explode(" ", $seo_slug), seo_slugs_stop_words_en()); // Turn it to an array and strip common/stop word by comparing against ENGLISH array
$seo_slug = join("-", $seo_slug_array); // Turn the sanitized array into a string
} elseif ( $seo_language == 'es' ) { // Check if blog language is Spanish (es)
$seo_slug_array = array_diff (explode(" ", $seo_slug), seo_slugs_stop_words_es()); // Turn it to an array and strip common/stop word by comparing against SPANISH array
$seo_slug = join("-", $seo_slug_array); // Turn the sanitized array into a string
} elseif ( $seo_language == 'de' ) { // Check if blog language is German (de)
$seo_slug_array = array_diff (explode(" ", $seo_slug), seo_slugs_stop_words_de()); // Turn it to an array and strip common/stop word by comparing against GERMAN array
$seo_slug = join("-", $seo_slug_array); // Turn the sanitized array into a string
} elseif ( $seo_language == 'fr' ) { // Check if blog language is German (de)
$seo_slug_array = array_diff (explode(" ", $seo_slug), seo_slugs_stop_words_fr()); // Turn it to an array and strip common/stop word by comparing against GERMAN array
$seo_slug = join("-", $seo_slug_array); // Turn the sanitized array into a string
} elseif ( $seo_language == 'da' ) { // Check if blog language is German (de)
$seo_slug_array = array_diff (explode(" ", $seo_slug), seo_slugs_stop_words_da()); // Turn it to an array and strip common/stop word by comparing against GERMAN array
$seo_slug = join("-", $seo_slug_array); // Turn the sanitized array into a string
$seo_slug = preg_replace ("/[^a-zA-Z0-9 \']-/", "", $seo_slug); // Kill anything that is not a letter, digit, space or apostrophe
// Turn it to an array to count left words. If less than 3 words left, use original slug.
// $clean_slug_array = explode( '-', $seo_slug );
// if ( count( $clean_slug_array ) < 3 ) {
// $seo_slug = $seo_slug_with_stopwords;
// }
return $seo_slug;
function seo_slugs_stop_words_en () {
return array ("a", "able", "about", "above", "abroad", "according", "accordingly", "across", "actually", "adj", "after", "afterwards", "again", "against", "ago", "ahead", "ain't", "all", "allow", "allows", "almost", "alone", "along", "alongside", "already", "also", "although", "always", "am", "amid", "amidst", "among", "amongst", "an", "and", "another", "any", "anybody", "anyhow", "anyone", "anything", "anyway", "anyways", "anywhere", "apart", "appear", "appreciate", "appropriate", "are", "aren't", "around", "as", "a's", "aside", "ask", "asking", "associated", "at", "available", "away", "awfully", "b", "back", "backward", "backwards", "be", "became", "because", "become", "becomes", "becoming", "been", "before", "beforehand", "begin", "behind", "being", "believe", "below", "beside", "besides", "best", "better", "between", "beyond", "both", "brief", "but", "by", "c", "came", "can", "cannot", "cant", "can't", "caption", "cause", "causes", "certain", "certainly", "changes", "clearly", "c'mon", "co", "co.", "com", "come", "comes", "concerning", "consequently", "consider", "considering", "contain", "containing", "contains", "corresponding", "could", "couldn't", "course", "c's", "currently", "d", "dare", "daren't", "definitely", "described", "despite", "did", "didn't", "different", "directly", "do", "does", "doesn't", "doing", "done", "don't", "down", "downwards", "during", "e", "each", "edu", "eg", "eight", "eighty", "either", "else", "elsewhere", "end", "ending", "enough", "entirely", "especially", "et", "etc", "even", "ever", "evermore", "every", "everybody", "everyone", "everything", "everywhere", "ex", "exactly", "example", "except", "f", "fairly", "far", "farther", "few", "fewer", "fifth", "first", "five", "followed", "following", "follows", "for", "forever", "former", "formerly", "forth", "forward", "found", "four", "from", "further", "furthermore", "g", "get", "gets", "getting", "given", "gives", "go", "goes", "going", "gone", "got", "gotten", "greetings", "h", "had", "hadn't", "half", "happens", "hardly", "has", "hasn't", "have", "haven't", "having", "he", "he'd", "he'll", "hello", "help", "hence", "her", "here", "hereafter", "hereby", "herein", "here's", "hereupon", "hers", "herself", "he's", "hi", "him", "himself", "his", "hither", "hopefully", "how", "howbeit", "however", "hundred", "i", "i'd", "ie", "if", "ignored", "i'll", "i'm", "immediate", "in", "inasmuch", "inc", "inc.", "indeed", "indicate", "indicated", "indicates", "inner", "inside", "insofar", "instead", "into", "inward", "is", "isn't", "it", "it'd", "it'll", "its", "it's", "itself", "i've", "j", "just", "k", "keep", "keeps", "kept", "know", "known", "knows", "l", "last", "lately", "later", "latter", "latterly", "least", "less", "lest", "let", "let's", "like", "liked", "likely", "likewise", "little", "look", "looking", "looks", "low", "lower", "ltd", "m", "made", "mainly", "make", "makes", "many", "may", "maybe", "mayn't", "me", "mean", "meantime", "meanwhile", "merely", "might", "mightn't", "mine", "minus", "miss", "more", "moreover", "most", "mostly", "mr", "mrs", "much", "must", "mustn't", "my", "myself", "n", "name", "namely", "nd", "near", "nearly", "necessary", "need", "needn't", "needs", "neither", "never", "neverf", "neverless", "nevertheless", "new", "next", "nine", "ninety", "no", "nobody", "non", "none", "nonetheless", "noone", "no-one", "nor", "normally", "not", "nothing", "notwithstanding", "novel", "now", "nowhere", "o", "obviously", "of", "off", "often", "oh", "ok", "okay", "old", "on", "once", "one", "ones", "one's", "only", "onto", "opposite", "or", "other", "others", "otherwise", "ought", "oughtn't", "our", "ours", "ourselves", "out", "outside", "over", "overall", "own", "p", "particular", "particularly", "past", "per", "perhaps", "placed", "please", "plus", "possible", "presumably", "probably", "provided", "provides", "q", "que", "quite", "qv", "r", "rather", "rd", "re", "really", "reasonably", "recent", "recently", "regarding", "regardless", "regards", "relatively", "respectively", "right", "round", "s", "said", "same", "saw", "say", "saying", "says", "second", "secondly", "see", "seeing", "seem", "seemed", "seeming", "seems", "seen", "self", "selves", "sensible", "sent", "serious", "seriously", "seven", "several", "shall", "shan't", "she", "she'd", "she'll", "she's", "should", "shouldn't", "since", "six", "so", "some", "somebody", "someday", "somehow", "someone", "something", "sometime", "sometimes", "somewhat", "somewhere", "soon", "sorry", "specified", "specify", "specifying", "still", "sub", "such", "sup", "sure", "t", "take", "taken", "taking", "tell", "tends", "th", "than", "thank", "thanks", "thanx", "that", "that'll", "thats", "that's", "that've", "the", "their", "theirs", "them", "themselves", "then", "thence", "there", "thereafter", "thereby", "there'd", "therefore", "therein", "there'll", "there're", "theres", "there's", "thereupon", "there've", "these", "they", "they'd", "they'll", "they're", "they've", "thing", "things", "think", "third", "thirty", "this", "thorough", "thoroughly", "those", "though", "three", "through", "throughout", "thru", "thus", "till", "to", "together", "too", "took", "toward", "towards", "tried", "tries", "truly", "try", "trying", "t's", "twice", "two", "u", "un", "under", "underneath", "undoing", "unfortunately", "unless", "unlike", "unlikely", "until", "unto", "up", "upon", "upwards", "us", "use", "used", "useful", "uses", "using", "usually", "v", "value", "various", "versus", "very", "via", "viz", "vs", "w", "want", "wants", "was", "wasn't", "way", "we", "we'd", "welcome", "well", "we'll", "went", "were", "we're", "weren't", "we've", "what", "whatever", "what'll", "what's", "what've", "when", "whence", "whenever", "where", "whereafter", "whereas", "whereby", "wherein", "where's", "whereupon", "wherever", "whether", "which", "whichever", "while", "whilst", "whither", "who", "who'd", "whoever", "whole", "who'll", "whom", "whomever", "who's", "whose", "why", "will", "willing", "wish", "with", "within", "without", "wonder", "won't", "would", "wouldn't", "x", "y", "yes", "yet", "you", "you'd", "you'll", "your", "you're", "yours", "yourself", "yourselves", "you've", "z", "zero");
function seo_slugs_stop_words_es () {
return array ("a", "algún", "alguna", "algunas", "alguno", "algunos", "ambos", "ampleamos", "ante", "antes", "aquel", "aquellas", "aquellos", "aqui", "arriba", "atras", "b", "bajo", "bastante", "bien", "c", "cada", "cierta", "ciertas", "ciertos", "como", "con", "conseguimos", "conseguir", "consigo", "consigue", "consiguen", "consigues", "cual", "cuando", "d", "dentro", "donde", "dos", "e", "el", "ellas", "ellos", "empleais", "emplean", "emplear", "empleas", "empleo", "en", "encima", "entonces", "entre", "era", "eramos", "eran", "eras", "eres", "es", "esta", "estaba", "estado", "estais", "estamos", "estan", "estoy", "f", "fin", "fue", "fueron", "fui", "fuimos", "g", "gueno", "h", "ha", "hace", "haceis", "hacemos", "hacen", "hacer", "haces", "hago", "i", "incluso", "intenta", "intentais", "intentamos", "intentan", "intentar", "intentas", "intento", "ir", "j", "k", "l", "la", "largo", "las", "lo", "los", "m", "mientras", "mio", "modo", "muchos", "muy", "n", "nos", "nosotros", "o", "otro", "p", "para", "pero", "podeis", "podemos", "poder", "podria", "podriais", "podriamos", "podrian", "podrias", "por qué", "por", "porque", "primero desde", "puede", "pueden", "puedo", "q", "quien", "r", "s", "sabe", "sabeis", "sabemos", "saben", "saber", "sabes", "ser", "si", "siendo", "sin", "sobre", "sois", "solamente", "solo", "somos", "soy", "su", "sus", "t", "también", "teneis", "tenemos", "tener", "tengo", "tiempo", "tiene", "tienen", "todo", "trabaja", "trabajais", "trabajamos", "trabajan", "trabajar", "trabajas", "trabajo", "tras", "tuyo", "u", "ultimo", "un", "una", "unas", "uno", "unos", "usa", "usais", "usamos", "usan", "usar", "usas", "uso", "v", "va", "vais", "valor", "vamos", "van", "vaya", "verdad", "verdadera cierto", "verdadero", "vosotras", "vosotros", "voy", "w", "x", "y", "yo", "z");
} // Stop word list from: https://www.ranks.nl/stopwords/spanish
function seo_slugs_stop_words_de () {
return array (
"a", "aber", "als", "am", "an", "auch", "auf", "aus", "b", "bei", "bin", "bis", "bist", "c", "d", "da", "dadurch", "daher", "darum", "das", "da?", "dass", "dein", "deine", "dem", "den", "der", "des", "deshalb", "dessen", "die", "dies", "dieser", "dieses", "doch", "dort", "du", "durch", "e", "ein", "eine", "einem", "einen", "einer", "eines", "er", "es", "euer", "eure", "f", "für", "g", "h", "hatte", "hatten", "hattest", "hattet", "hier hinter", "i", "ich", "ihr", "ihre", "im", "in", "ist", "j", "ja", "jede", "jedem", "jeden", "jeder", "jedes", "jener", "jenes", "jetzt", "k", "kann", "kannst", "k?nnen", "k?nnt", "l", "m", "machen", "mein", "meine", "mit", "mu?", "müssen", "mu?t", "musst", "mü?t", "n", "nach", "nachdem", "nein", "nicht", "nun", "o", "oder", "p", "q", "r", "s", "seid", "sein", "seine", "sich", "sie", "sind", "soll", "sollen", "sollst", "sollt", "sonst", "soweit", "sowie", "t", "u", "über", "und", "unser unsere", "unter", "v", "vom", "von", "vor", "w", "wann", "warum", "was", "weiter", "weitere", "wenn", "wer", "werde", "werden", "werdet", "weshalb", "wie", "wieder", "wieso", "wir", "wird", "wirst", "wo", "woher", "wohin", "x", "y", "z", "zu", "zum", "zur");
} // Stop word list from: https://www.ranks.nl/stopwords/german
function seo_slugs_stop_words_fr () {
return array (
"alors", "au", "aucuns", "aussi", "autre", "avant", "avec", "avoir", "bon", "car", "ce", "cela", "ces", "ceux", "chaque", "ci", "comme", "comment", "dans", "des", "du", "dedans", "dehors", "depuis", "deux", "devrait", "doit", "donc", "dos", "droite", "début", "elle", "elles", "en", "encore", "essai", "est", "et", "eu", "fait", "faites", "fois", "font", "force", "haut", "hors", "ici", "il", "ils", "je juste", "la", "le", "les", "leur", "là", "ma", "maintenant", "mais", "mes", "mine", "moins", "mon", "mot", "même", "ni", "nommés", "notre", "nous", "nouveaux", "ou", "où", "par", "parce", "parole", "pas", "personnes", "peut", "peu", "pièce", "plupart", "pour", "pourquoi", "quand", "que", "quel", "quelle", "quelles", "quels", "qui", "sa", "sans", "ses", "seulement", "si", "sien", "son", "sont", "sous", "soyez sujet", "sur", "ta", "tandis", "tellement", "tels", "tes", "ton", "tous", "tout", "trop", "très", "tu", "valeur", "voie", "voient", "vont", "votre", "vous", "vu", "?a", "étaient", "état", "étions", "été", "être");
} // Stop word list from: https://www.ranks.nl/stopwords/french
function seo_slugs_stop_words_da () {
return array (
"ad", "af", "aldrig", "alle", "alt", "anden", "andet", "andre", "at", "bare", "begge", "blev", "blive", "bliver", "da", "de", "dem", "den", "denne", "der", "deres", "det", "dette", "dig", "din", "dine", "disse", "dit", "dog", "du", "efter", "ej", "eller", "en", "end", "ene", "eneste", "enhver", "er", "et", "far", "fem", "fik", "fire", "flere", "fleste", "for", "fordi", "forrige", "fra", "f?", "f?r", "f?r", "god", "godt", "ham", "han", "hans", "har", "havde", "have", "hej", "helt", "hende", "hendes", "her", "hos", "hun", "hvad", "hvem", "hver", "hvilken", "hvis", "hvor", "hvordan", "hvorfor", "hvorn?r", "i", "ikke", "ind", "ingen", "intet", "ja", "jeg", "jer", "jeres", "jo", "kan", "kom", "komme", "kommer", "kun", "kunne", "lad", "lav", "lidt", "lige", "lille", "man", "mand", "mange", "med", "meget", "men", "mens", "mere", "mig", "min", "mine", "mit", "mod", "m?", "ned", "nej", "ni", "nogen", "noget", "nogle", "nu", "ny", "nyt", "n?r", "n?r", "n?ste", "n?sten", "og", "ogs?", "okay", "om", "op", "os", "otte", "over", "p?", "se", "seks", "selv", "ser", "ses", "sig", "sige", "sin", "sine", "sit", "skal", "skulle", "som", "stor", "store", "syv", "s?", "s?dan", "tag", "tage", "thi", "ti", "til", "to", "tre", "ud", "under", "var", "ved", "vi", "vil", "ville", "vor", "vores", "v?re", "v?ret", "alene", "allerede", "alligevel", "altid", "bag", "blandt", "burde", "b?r", "dens", "derefter", "derfor", "derfra", "deri", "dermed", "derp?", "derved", "egen", "ellers", "endnu", "ens", "enten", "flest", "foran", "f?rst", "gennem", "gjorde", "gjort", "g?r", "g?re", "g?rende", "hel", "heller", "hen", "henover", "herefter", "heri", "hermed", "herp?", "hvilke", "hvilkes", "hvorefter", "hvorfra", "hvorhen", "hvori", "hvorimod", "hvorved", "igen", "igennem", "imellem", "imens", "imod", "indtil", "langs", "lave", "lavet", "ligesom", "l?ngere", "mellem", "mest", "mindre", "mindst", "m?ske", "nemlig", "nogensinde", "nok", "omkring", "overalt", "samme", "sammen", "selvom", "senere", "siden", "stadig", "synes", "syntes", "s?ledes", "temmelig", "tidligere", "tilbage", "tit", "uden", "udover", "undtagen", "via", "vore", "v?r", "?vrigt");
As I’ve recently installed this plugin because Yoast SEO removed their “remove stopwords” function, I want to know if this plugin will be updated any time soon???
]]>Hi guys…
Great plugin…
However, I am wondering if there are any known issues with using the Tidy plugin to create Warrior Plus affiliate links?
I installed the Tidy plugin and created four (4) links. Three of them work just fine but the one I wanted to use it on the most just shows a blank page when I click on the generated link.
So I went to a different domain of mine and it does the same thing. I deleted all generated links and started over (on both domains). Same thing, other links work fine and the Warrior Plus link still shows a blank page.
I used the Cloaking method.
I compared the code of a working page to the code on a non working page and they are exactly the same. (except for link of course)
I’m stumped. can you please help me out here? I promote WP affiliate pages more than anything else and I like the plugin but I just could not see my way clear to upgrade when what I wanted it the most for isn’t working for me ??
You are more than welcome to have my WP login info in an email if you care to email me ??
Thank you for your time and consideration,
John Dumas
john at jaxehost dot com
my webhosting is now in php 7 and when saving a post, your plugin blocks saving – blank page. When the plugin is desactivated, everything works.
I’m french, so excuses my mistakes language…
My blog is a vector library where I import a lot of posts from others websites.
But each title post contains informations like “1.85MB” which is transcribed consequently in the post slug.
Overall I can not access the url because of this “.”.
Here is an example : https://grapheez.com/3d-square-background-vector-free-vector-713.43kb-156/
Finally, I have to find a solution for deleting “.” automatically.
Have you a solution for this?
Thanks a lot for your return.
]]>Hi Guys!
I see that some characters in spanish are generate some problems in the URL
For example:
When are a “,” in the title, it generates thats the words come together skipping the “-“
When a word finish with a character that has “′” for example “ó” replaces it with an “a” and come together with the next word, skipping the “-“
Live examples:
Will it be difficult to adapt the plugin for French ?