Please consider updating the plugin using mb_convert_encoding instead of html_entity_decode to support native UTF-8 for Cyrillic and other fonts. It’s just a 2-line change:
$auto_image_post_title = mb_convert_encoding(get_the_title($post->ID), ‘HTML-ENTITIES’, ‘UTF-8’);
$auto_image_post_title = preg_replace(‘~^(&([a-zA-Z0-9]);)~’,htmlentities(‘${1}’),$auto_image_post_title);
I recently purchased the Pro version, but I’m having trouble getting it to work with PHP 8.0. It works fine with PHP 7.4, but another plugin I use requires PHP 8.2. This has created a conflict since your Pro version only supports 7.4.
Could you please update the Pro version to be compatible with PHP 8.2?
]]>i don’t find a compatible ttf can you like some one ?
]]>Bulk generating images is getting stuck after around 15 posts (purchased the pro plugin). I’ve increased PHP memory and timeout periods, but i think it’s a bug in the code (the page stops refreshing too and even though it freezes, no images are being generated in the background).
I’ve even tried updating posts in batches of, say, 5 just to generate the images that way. But that doesn’t work either.
Please can you provide some support?
how to support rtl for title
]]>Bangla/Bengali/????? text is not supporting
]]>Hello, I’m using PRO version, and it’s very useful, thanks,
I wonder how to enable line breaks if the title is long,
I want a long title to be automatically wrapped.
Is it possible to add common text for top right courner of every image. For an example, I need to add “” text right bottom courner for all images?
]]>hello admin ?? i wrtoe to u by email but maybe u have too many emails to see it. I just bought pro version and im ready to pay even more for special feature. I want to give the opportunity to create images not jut to me as admin but to every user, is there any chance to add this fature to plugin?
Ill be very greatful. Thanks with advance.
Remigiusz Soja
]]>When i try to write a new post it automatically created image with auto draft. And when I give a post name it doesn’t get updated. How to fix it?
]]>Hey Chris
Hope all is well mate
Is there any way to bulk process posts without manually triggering it from admin?
Dusting off an old project with your Pro version and trying to nut out a method of triggering bulk clean up of posts which dont have a feature image after import has been completed.
Doing my best to smooth and throttle server resources.
Currently running the import via cli so any means of server side processing would be amazing, if not keen for any workarounds that are easy to implement and stable enough to play with.
hi. its not possible to read the text over the image. the plugin is missing a transparent layer option to cover images so that the text can be read more easily. hope u can add this. thanks!
]]>my Post Title is in Hindi Language. when trying to generate thumbnail it completely change title in unreadable symbolic font.
please solve my query.
I just installed the plugin and i like it. It’s very usefull and ideal for our new website. I just have only one problem with him, the plugin didn’t create thumb image every time. I mean once works, once not… may be around 40-50% of the posts are published without thumb image. Do you know how to fix the problem?
]]>Hello. Now I’m trying your trial pro version of plugin and noticed for cyrylic titles your plugin creates also cyrilic file names. Can this be avoided? May be it possible to transliterate images file names to english?
]]>Plugin not working as is and not updated for some 2 years now
If support has abandoned it, pls consider removing from repository
Otherwise, an update is needed soon for the free plugin to actually works
First of all I want to thank you for your work, the plugin is very useful, but I have seen that you are updating your plugin on your site, but not in the official repository (currently on we have v2.3 and on your site v2.9), and there are some issues with the generation of the images + many other features that you have added in the past years, but no update here.
Can you please update the free/light version also here on the wp repository?
Thank you !
CC: @brochris
I have suggest you a feature for this plugin. can you add option to add text background color. I mean we have background image and also want to give some background color to text here is example : look like this we can add some background color to text.
image link :
]]>Got this error
Warning: imagejpeg(/home/ /public_html/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/the-human-soul-is-hungry-for-beauty-we-seek-it-everywhere–in-landscape-music-art-clothes-furniture-gardening-companionship-love-religion-and-in-ourselves.-no-one-would-desire-not-to-be-beautiful.-when-we-experience-the-beautiful-there-is-a-sense-of-homecoming..jpg): failed to open stream: File name too long in /home/ /public_html/wp-content/plugins/auto-featured-image-from-title-pro/auto-featured-image-from-title-pro.php on line 693
Hi, thanks for this beautiful plugin.
i just want to that here is option in plugin so its work only when post become publish. i have bulk Scheduled posts, and i also make bulk Schedule posts on my blog so its make all this very slow and even all posts not get images and showing 500 Internal Server Error. so is their any way i can set option only make feature image when Scheduled post become publish in other words is their any way to make feature image only when post status become publish.
hope this make sense and you understand what i want to say. thanks in advance hope get positive reply from your side.
]]>This plugin would be perfect if it had one more feature.
It’s great that you can have images harvested from the web when you don’t have any. It’s crucial that you have the “fist attached image” option. So that’s all great! (:
Some post start with videos though and you want people to see there’s more to a post than just words an images if you’ve taken the time to make a video for it. So… How about a video thumbnail image feature just like the Automatic Featured Images from Videos plugin.
By uniting these features into one plugin you’d have the most powerful option around and there’d be no conflicts between plugins.
Finally, the thumbnail should ID the image as a video thumbnail with one f those play triangles watermarked on it if that’s not how it works by default then it should certainly be obvious that the image represents a video.
]]>Hello, Chris,
Please add the following in order to make manipulating and aligning the image(s) much easier:
1. ability to assign a CSS class to the generated img tags? That will enable us to easily do cool things to the images, such as adding rounded corners (for example, border-radius:25px);
2. ability to enclose the generated image in a div, with the critical option to add a CSS class to the div. That will enable us to horizontally and vertically align the image (margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto), among many other helpful things.
Please advise.
Hello, Chris,
I contacted you via your Web site, but I have received no response.
I paid for the premium version of “Auto Featured Image From Title.” I want to use the “Resize to Fit Text” option to maintain as much differentiation as possible between the dimensions of each post’s featured image (which is good for SEO “uniqueness/naturalness”). Unfortunately, I can’t.
PROBLEMS (in order of importance):
1. When I choose the “Resize to Fit Text (Both)” option, lengthy titles (i.e., titles of approximately 6+ words) generate a very long/wide image. That is very bad because — when the image becomes responsive — the text becomes too small to read on mobile devices, especially phones.
2. The image is too wide to use for schema and certain types of social sharing.
3. File size is unnecessarily larger. For example, the file size for a 10-word title on 1 line will almost always be larger than for a 10-word title on 2 lines (5 words per line).
Please add a “Maximum Number of Words Per Line” setting. (Alternatively or additionally/separately, you could add a “Maximum Image Width” sub-setting specifically/solely for the “Resize to Fit Text” option.)
Please advise.
Thank you,
My setting
Auto Generate Images for Pages: No
Auto Generate Images for Posts: Yes
I would like to Auto Generate just for posts. But it generate for everything. For new topic, forum, reply (bbpress), members (buddypress) and more.
How can I disable this and enable just for posts??
]]>I like your plugin, but can you change font for something more workable?
It does not work for example with: ?????yáíéú??
]]>Hi Chris,
thank you for the great plugin which can save a lot of time.
I’m trying the trial-pro-version and if everything works, I would like to buy it.
There are 2-3 issues I want to ask about:
1. The prefix / after-text to add on the image:
Is it possible to add some html on it? I would like to have 1-2 line breaks and a make the text smaller.. I tried it out in the php, but I couldn’t figure it out.
2. The Auto-Selection of the first image dosn’t work for me. It makes the image with the background-color or with one of the uploaded pictures instead. Would be glad If there is any solution.
3. If I do bulk-editing, not all of the posts get an featured image – also if the don’t have a featured image yet. Is there a limit?
4. Finally I have an feature-request:
Would it be possible to have semitransparent layers of color on first selected image, to get a better background?
Thanks for your help!
]]>this plugin not working with arabic and persian characters
how to fix it?
]]>I love this plugin for what it does for posts but I would like to take my WordPress site off multisite and then use this plugin within the 1 WordPress site.
The problem I have is that the plugin also posts images to my products that I am posting to my WordPress site and posts this plugins images as the first image of products and post types.
Is there anyway to disable the product post-type so that only images work with posts through this plugin, disabling the posting of any auto-featured-images to the products?
Thanks in advance!
]]>I don’t want the titled images to show on my blog. I only want them to show on other social media platforms when someone shares my post.
]]>Easy way to create Prefix to the post title?
Like the name of the website or so?
Where in the code this could be added?