please add to query in willy_get_autolist_for_taxonomy() function this 2 lines:
‘orderby’ =>’menu_order’,
‘order’ =>’ASC’,
So we’ll be able to use a post reorder plugin to order the menu items.
]]>I read the description and installation. I’m in Appearance…Menus. Now what? I need a submenu and I want to see if this will do what I want.
thx for this great plugin
the question is : how to fix duplication of the parent menu
my result looks like
Parent 1
->sub 1
->sub 2
Parent 2
->sub 3
->sub 4
Parent 1
Parent 2
so the parent1 and2 are duplicate at the end of my menu
thx for your kind support
]]>This plugin has a nice idea, but not a single review. Perhaps add some screenshots to demonstrate its options.