Hi, your plugin is fantastic and I have always used it, but with some plugins the links are inhibited and are not clickable. I specify plugin because with the same theme, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. Lately it happens with Salient theme
when the site has sticky menus you won’t be able to press or open the items on ur site sticky menu even when you use the arrow.
also when you insert the Keyboard shortcut the auto hide should stop or be able to stop it when you have kb shortcut.
thanks great plugin
I have checked out ca. all 10-15 admin bar show/hide/customization WordPress plugins that there are. Your Auto Hide Admin Bar and Better Admin Bar came closest to my needs. But so far none met my requirements enough.
Is it maybe possible to extend the possible type of triggers for showing/hiding the admin bar and to select which of those triggers shall be active?
? Every logged-in role should have access to the admin bar but not see it all time necessarily.
? For certain roles like the admin it’s ok to see the admin bar at all times.
? But other roles like lectors who need to go over drafts or entire websites locked for anonymous visitors behind a login wall like My Private Site or other similar staging/production workflows/plugins: They only shall browse through the website and it’s pages, here and there make an edit or remark. But during that activity they should have a UX as closely as normal anonymous users have it and only toggle the massively intrusive admin bar on demand.
REQUIREMENTS vs. features of your & other available plugins
1) Role based in/exclusion for the desired behavior.
– Many plugins offer this.
– Yours included. Works well.
2) Toggle admin bar via button or designated menu item.
a) Either a fixed position toggle button (like Floating Admin Button)
b) Or better a simple “custom link” menu item (as you create them at Appearance > Menus) whose target is a certain to be defined anchor link like #toggleAdminBarVisibility or a javascript:toggleAdminBar() call.
As a generic custom link menu item it would:
b1) be touch-device compatible,
b2) have utmost theme compatibility,
b3) give you total freedom into which menu position or sidebar or footer widget you place it and how it’s styled, simply whatever the theme foresees (icon and/or text).
Note: Function 2 would of course work hand in hand with the role-dependency from #1 thus showing/hiding the button or designated menu entry.
– Admin Bar Toggle is only tested until WordPress 4.2.30 and not available for installation in my WordPress 5.8.
– Floating Admin Button is exactly 2b. But it does not toggle the admin bar on/off but instead simply leads you to a certain link, by default the Dashboard. Not my goal, because I want the page-specific options, such as “Edit Page”.
3) Hover zone and hover time treshhold
If triggered by a hover, I’d prefer the flexibility:
a) to define the hover-zone in detail, ideally vw and vh and reference point (left/mid/right and top/center/bottom).
– Better Admin Bar allows you this minimally (y-axis in pixels)
b) a user-defineable treshhold in which the mouse must remain still within the hover-zone to toggle the admin bar on.
– Your plugin has the hover-zone and the hover-time-treshhold hardcoded which both heavily interfere with my normal menu.
4) Activate the trigger(s) of your choice.
Hover, Keyboard-Shortcut, Floating button, Menu item.
? I’d like to hear if you can consider any of these suggestions.
? As a minimal change #4 with activating Keyboard-Shortcut already does it for me. I would simply tell me lectors to use that shortcut, and that’s it. And show it for admin always.
Is this option planned? Currently we’re using WP Asset Cleanup to achieve this but it’s pretty clunky to manage due to the inline script that accompanies the ahab.js file.
I really love the plugin though! This is my only complaint.
Thank you for sharing your work!
]]>Plugin works great unless WP litespeed cache is enabled. I went through js, css, and lazy load setting of litespeed plugin, and nothing seems to work.
Anyone know the fix for this?
]]>Dear Marcel,
How are you doing?
What can be the issue?
Arrow doesn’t show T.T
thank you very much for developing and maintaining this plugin.
After upgrading to php 7.4, I see this error message on some admin pages:
Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in .../wp-content/plugins/auto-hide-admin-bar/auto-hide-admin-bar.php on line 287
I’m sure you will know how to fix it ??
Best regards
Any chance of updating the plugin to make it compatible with WP 5.4.1? It won’t autohide anymore. I really love this plugin!
Thank you!
]]>With the new update the new $options don’t exist until you’ve saved the settings
if ( ( $options[ 'arrow' ] != '' ) && ( is_numeric( $options[ 'arrow' ] ) ) ) {
if ( ( $options[ 'arrow_pos' ] != '' ) && ( is_string( $options[ 'arrow_pos' ] ) ) ) {
Surely the better way to do these checks instead of != ''
would be to use !empty($options[ 'arrow' ])
That way it’d make sure the key exists and that it’s not blank.
]]>Hi, I translate the plugin in french, you can download my po/mo files here:
If anything is in the space the bar fills it becomes inaccessible (i.e. a sticky navigation menu).
However, if you allow for a configurable height it allows the user to get around these sorts of issues.
I’ve currently changed my activation height in the JS to 10px for example.
Alternatively, you could allow the hit div to be configured as a square box instead and allow top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right configurations?
]]>Would it be possible to make the plugin show a small arrow pointing down in the top where the bar used to be, when the bar is hidden?
]]>The plugin was causing an SSL mixed content issue. Any chance of fixing this in the next version? The following is what fixed the issue for me but I’ll have to fix it every time there’s an update.
In the function: ahab_add_jquery_stuff()
wp_register_script( ‘jquery-hoverintent’, $plugin_path . ‘js/jquery.hoverIntent.minified.js’ );
wp_register_script( ‘jquery-hoverintent’, plugins_url(‘js/jquery.hoverIntent.minified.js’, __FILE__) );
wp_register_script( ‘ahab’, $plugin_path . ‘js/ahab.js’ );
wp_register_script( ‘ahab’, plugins_url(‘js/ahab.js’, __FILE__) );
The Beaver Builder plugin recently moved to version 2 and now admin bar rarely works. It may work the first time I go to a page, but after I edit that page in Beaver Builder, it doesn’t work anymore. Just thought I’d mention it.
Please enable apply for backend and “sroll to top” in admin backend also.
BUT keep left Top, which is same size with “admin menu on left” show wordpress logo + site name.
]]>Hello, I have been using the plugin for awhile and love it. However today it stopped working and the admin bar is only visible on the dashboard, it’s completely gone on the front end. Any assistance you can provide will be appreciated. Thanks
]]>Hi Marcel
I just noticed the ‘Keyboard Shortcut Settings’ are displaying strangely – with numbers rather than ALT, SHIFT, etc. Although it seems to work OK !
Thanks. ??
Hi Marcel
I had just become used to the keyboard shortcut (thanks for the great feature add!), but now it seems to have stopped working.
It was working well (v1.2), but subsequent update/s seem to have broken/removed the functionality (at least for me and my site, using latest Chrome/Win10).
I tried saving my settings, and disable/re-enabling the plugin, but to no avail.
Note that mouse up to the top is working OK.
Thanks, and keep up the great work. ??
When I’m logged in, the bar hides as it should, but it leaves a blank space where it was, which you can see in this screenshot above the main menu:
What should happen is the menu should be at the very top of the page (I’m using the Beaver Builder theme and plugin).
]]>I use this on probably 10 websites and it’s stopped working for me on many of those sites in the last week or two. Any idea why that might be?
]]>Hi Marcel,
I upgraded all of my ten WordPress installations yesterday to Auto Hide Admin Bar v1.20, and since then I’m encountering database errors on several sites and during various occasions (like writing posts or editing comments). Typically, there are lots (dozends) of error messages like
Warning: array_key_exists() expects parameter 2 to be array, boolean given in /www/htdocs/xxxxxxx/yyyyyyy/wp-content/plugins/auto-hide-admin-bar/auto-hide-admin-bar.php on line 105
on the bottem of any backend screen. Can you reproduce this issue and offer a fix? In the meantime, I’m reverting to the previous version wich worked like a charm without any problems at all!
Breaks header (on Optimizer theme)
and conflicts with ‘Admin Bar Disabler’ plugin
(it overrides those settings)
Multi-site setup with three sites. I’m using a plugin called Force Login that requires users to log in to view the site. Interestingly, If I enable the option to hide on admin screens, it does work, but only in the dashboard view where I don’t want to hide the bar.
Does the plugin have an option to disable the bar from even loading to all members except admin?
There is a ticket for improving the top admin menu links: https://core.trac.www.ads-software.com/ticket/32678
It is on a standstill and need some additional developer eyes.
Perhaps you guys can take a look and help out?
It would be great to get this into core.
]]>Hi Marcel,
your plugin is not working for non-standard themes. You seem to rely on the .logged-in
class on the body tag. This would require theme developers to add that class to the body
I’d choose a more general approach. Isn’t the sheer presence of the admin bar enough to give your plugin something to work on? Are there any security concerns related to this?
I changed your plug-ins selector/condition in auto-hide-admin-bar.php line 156 to $('#wpadminbar').length ===1
and now it works perfectly.
I read another support issue of this and that was a year ago and looks as if you aren’t going to fix that issue. I have the same issue with Newspaper tagdiv theme. Also better admin bar that has auto hide does exact same thing. So there basically isn’t a plugin to auto hide admin bar without gap except this one and the other.
So there is no other option to use auto hide admin bar. I am using Content.ad on my site but can’t use it because of the admin bar in way of the departure exit button click hiding behind admin bar. The gap with sticky bar is fugly. I am not going to go to non sticky menu because you won’t fix it. Good luck with those who will.
I am using Virtue theme, in its free version – a gorgeus theme, it has more tham 70.000 active installs.
When the plugin is activated, the topbar menu does not show the drop-down items anymore.
I already rated five stars to your plugin, and it works perfectly even in a multisite install: could you just try to explain and solve this little conflict?
]]>Version 0.9.1
Now the toolbar is always hidden, even when logged in, but worse is, links near the top of the page are not clickable. From Firefox console:
ReferenceError: adminBarIn is not defined
Hi Marcel,
I enjoyed using your plugin but it seems to be conflicting with my theme or other plugins. I have deleted your plugin however the coding still remains in my pages. It essentially causes my menu header to increase or decrease by 32pixels on random pages. Is there an easy way to remove all your coding or do I need to manually delete it from each page?