Dear all,
a new version of Auto Submenu has just been released. This is version 1.0.0. The plugin will be split into a Free and a Premium version.
The Premium version will offer advanced functionality to automatically add subpages to the menu. This change only affects usage via Appearance > Editor (The Gutenberg Block Editor).
Because support for the Gutenberg Block Editor has been newly introduced in v1.0.0, current users will suffer no disadvantages from the split into Free and Premium.
Kind regards,
Dear all,
Version 1.0.0 now provides support for Full Site Editing with the Gutenberg Block Editor via Appearance > Editor.
The plugin now has two distinct pieces of functionality, let’s call them old and new.
Via the new route, you now have full control over which pages in your menu should receive a submenu with the child pages. Also, you can control the nesting depth and the navigation label for the subpages in the submenu. Please refer to the main plugin page and screenshots.
This is experimental, please report any issues you may encounter.
Kind regards,
I’ve noticed that when this plugin is active, and submenu page I update is moved to the bottom of the list of subpages.
So if I have a navigation menu that looks like this
– Submenu 1
– Submenu 2
– Submenu 3
– Submenu 4
and I update the page called Submenu 2, I end up with the navigation menu looking like this
– Submenu 1
– Submenu 3
– Submenu 4
– Submenu 2
After installing plugin, when trying to test it I am unable to publish any pages until plugin turned off. Getting JSON error
]]>Dear all,
this plugin, originally developed by @jamocreations, was abandoned 9 years ago. James was kind enough to allow me to adopt this plugin.
I’ve verified that the plugin works with WordPress 6.3 and have updated the plugin accordingly.
This is a fresh start for the plugin. All issue reports in these support forums stem from 5 or more years ago in older WordPress versions. If you reported any issues years ago and the problem persists, please resubmit it as a new topic on these support forums.
Kind regards,
Make it compatible with WordPress 6.1
]]>This plugin appears to have been abandoned even though it seems to be working. Are there any plans to test it with new versions of WordPress?
]]>I have built a brand new menu and manually added all the top-level pages I have. I then republish all my pages to have all the subpages added to the menu but as soon as I try to manually change anything on the menu by adding or removing an item, after saving it, the menu looses its association with the menu location and the option “Automatically add new top-level pages to this menu” is automatically unchecked, I also loose several menu items when this crash occurs.
If I try adding anything it won’t work. I can only re-enable “Automatically add new top-level pages to this menu” and re-associate the menu with its location. However, as soon as I start adding the missing entries and save it crashes again.
Any thoughts?
Thank you!
Does this works for 3 levels menu (Mega Menu) ?
What do I want:
* top level page is manually added to menu, eventually setting up any item options (as Mega Menu)
* rest of levels are automatically added/removed to submenu, keeping the hierarchy
Does this works for 3 levels menu (Mega Menu) ?
What do I want:
* top level page is manually added to menu, eventually setting up any item options (as Mega Menu)
* rest of levels are automatically added/removed to submenu, keeping the hierarchy
Hi, thanks for this amazing plugin. It doesnt works in my webpage:
The structure should be:
How can I solve it?
]]>I have used this plugin successfully in the past, on WordPress 3.9.1, I’m not able to get this thing working. Anyone else having an issue? They did some work to the menus interface between 3.8 and 3.9, FWIW.
]]>I’m really hoping this plugin may be a solution for me. Unfortunately, I just installed and activated the plugin. I then created a child page and set the parent. When I published the page, there was a new menu but in was on the primary menu – not a submenu.
]]>When we edit a page and we try to change its parent page, but the menu position not changes. the menu be in the same menu/submenu as it was initially at the time of creation of the page.
]]>When we edit a page and we try to change its parent page, but the menu position not changes. the menu be in the same menu/submenu as it was initially at the time of creation of the page.
]]>Installed the plugin and activated.
Created new child page; page was not added to existing custom menu.
Created new top-level page; page was added.
Created new child page under new top-level page; page was not added to menu.
Everything seems to work fine, too bad pages are not automatically removed from a menu when you delete them. I might try to add this feature myself when I have a client with an actual budget for it ??
]]>Can an option be added, so one can choose, which pages / categories it will work on and which not?
]]>Hi! Does this work both with articles & pages?
]]>I already have a custom menu but did not add the last tier of children. There’s 300+! Will this automatically add them?
]]>I would love for this plugin to work for me but it isn’t at the moment. There is no menu option coming up under each menu item, please please please fix this, I love the plugin.
A feature request: I would like to have a separate checkbox that adds only children and not top-level posts.
Shouldn’t be too hard, right? ??
Thank you for a great plugin!
]]>i would love to use this with a hierarchal Custom post type. What should I change to be able to do this? In testing it only works with Pages.
]]>Does it only add pages one level below the designated parent? (e.g. it does not add grand-children pages).
I would love is this plugin did this!
]]>I have multiple very similar custom menus (Level 1, Level 2, etc).
I have the same parent item in each menu. I want to add a child page to each occurrence of the parent in all custom menus.
Auto sub-menu seems to work correctly for the first custom menu, but not the 2nd or 3rd (or more I think).
Am I missing something? Is it possible to auto update all custom menus when I add a child item?
Thanks for the work James. Your idea is useful.
]]>Plugin works just great with pages that are posted immediately, but fails to populate a child menu for pages that are scheduled to post at a future date and time.
I need to know if there is a fix for this.
]]>I like this idea, but it didn’t work for me. The child page didn’t show up as a sub menu for the parent page. Tried it on a few different parent pages (each was in a custom menu).