php errors
]]>I get the following errors when trying to get keywords. I receive more than one of each (i’m assuming one of each for each suggested keyword)
Warning: str_split() [function.str-split]: The length of each segment must be greater than zero in <redacted>wp-content/plugins/auto-tag-suggest/pbptagger.php on line 529
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in <redacted>wp-content/plugins/auto-tag-suggest/autotagsuggest.php on line 176
]]>I installed this plugin and must admit I was intrigued by it’s features and the high ratings.
First impression: Awesome, easy setup, even with links to get the necessary api keys, and I was ready to test it on a sandbox WP Install with only a few articles….
Oh what grief befalls me once I tried to get only one posts’ tag suggestion I get a whole bunch of warnings:
Warning: str_split() [function.str-split]: The length of each segment must be greater than zero in /xxx/xxx/xxx/wp-content/plugins/autotagsuggest/pbptagger.php on line 529
and then a myriad of those:
Warning: stristr() [function.stristr]: Empty delimiter in /xxx/xxx/xxx/wp-content/plugins/autotagsuggest/pbptagger.php on line 610
Once I scroll past all this: I find the area where I can actually work with the found tags.
Either it is just me and my setup or there is something wrong with the script. Great Idea, but not feasible for me at this stage. <bummed out>