I realize the plugin is not available for download, is over a decade old and the original coder’s URL is dead, but I like this plugin and it just works, as it has for a decade.
I tested the exploit as written up:
<your URL>/wp-content/plugins/auto-thickbox-plus/download.min.php?file=%3Cscript%3Ealert%281%29%3C/script%3E
And sure enough the code executes.
If you go into the settings of Auto Thickbox Plus, it turns out the that “download the image” was a beta feature and probably should not have been released with production code. The hard way to fix this is to submit download.min.php to ChatGPT v4.0 and it will fix the code for you. I tested the code it generated and the file URL above doesn’t execute. After doing that I realized you can simply remove line 156 from auto-thickbox.php where it uses download.min.php, then delete download.min.php!
Problem solved. Another decade of use! Much thanks to “ethicalhack3r” for pointing out the problem.
]]>I ran the PHP Compatibility Checker plugin https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/php-compatibility-checker/
checking for PHP 7 compatibility and got this result for this plugin:
FILE: wp-content/plugins/auto-thickbox-plus/auto-thickbox-utils.php
12 | WARNING | Method name "auto_thickbox_utils::__" is discouraged; PHP has reserved all method names with a double underscore prefix for future use
26 | WARNING | Method name "auto_thickbox_utils::___" is discouraged; PHP has reserved all method names with a double underscore prefix for future use
I am using Nextgen gallery with Auto thickbox plus. When I have Nextgen gallery set to display thumbnails, the results work very well, as in this example: https://letrangere.net/artist/katharina-marszewski/
However, when I use Nextgen’s Imagebrowser setting, the Auto thickbox next/previous buttons do not show and the counter counts only 1 image: https://letrangere.net/exhibitions/
I posted about this in the nextgen forum, but the reply suggests that there may be an issue with Auto thickbox plus:
Perhaps i’m missing something and there is a simple solution here.. any clues much appreciated.
]]>my site have two feature.
one is masonry grid style and next is allowing people to post with images and content.
I think user wouldn’t use some code. So, coding should be made in the background.(php, js)
Currently, when someone click home’s image, ‘auto thickbox plus’ show featured iamge and title.
I hope when user click home’s image, ‘auto thickbox plus’ show not only image and title but also content.
I’d appreciate it if someone help me in detail.
]]>I want to use Auto Thickbox Plus only for galleries. I know I can insert “nothickbox” class into each link that I want to open independently, but I already have an established site with many links that are now all opening in the thickbox instead of on their own, as they were meant to. It’s far too time consuming to go back and add that class to every link.
Is there some way you (or I) could add somewhere in the code, or in an option, the direction to only use thickbox for galleries? It should be a simple “fix” but I can’t find the right place in your code to make the change. Help?
I want to only show the auto-thickbox for individual images, not for galleries, as it conflicts with a gallery plugin that I am using.
How can I disable the auto thickbox on [gallery] OR barring that, disable it altogether on certain types of pages, like a custom post type.
Hello guys,
I still have a problem. Since the NextGen-Update to Version 2.x.x the AutoThickboxPlus doesn’t show the image. I only get the background layer, see at: https://www.maho-photography.com/galleries/shootings/model-sabina/
I can’t fix the problem with my HTML/PHP knowledge, so please help me.
I’m using Simple Event Attendance (SEATT) to show an event that people can attend/unattend. The command I’m giving on a page is [seatt-form event_id=1], and it shows the event and several options in the page.
Is it possible to show the event in a ThickBox popup? I’m trying to attach the event to a button or a date in a calendar.
]]>Hello there,
i really love the simple design and the easy handling of your plugin. But i have one problem. I would like to make a link to another site in the title. The -tag is being ignored.
My tile of the picutre is for example:
Click <a href="...">here</a>
but in the thickbox it is only shown the following:
Is there any way to get that working?
Thanks in advance and have a nice weekend!
Image pop up box does not open when viewing with a Kindle Fire. The screen dims as if it’s about to open the image in the pop up window, but don’t get past this point. Any help would be appreciated!
]]>I’ve been trying to put the ‘sign up to our newsletter’ box and button from MailChimp into the thickbox, but I haven’t been very successful.
Is it possible to have things other than pictures and urls displayed in the thickbox?
Am I just doing it wrong, or is it not possible?
]]>Hello! So I use Thickbox for this page, however, the pop-up does not seem to be loading when you click on the pictures.
Can anyone help me diagnose the problem? Thank you!
Also, the slider on the header was broken at around the same time (it’s another plugin). Do you think they are caused by the same issue?
]]>The plugin is firing just fine. However, the thickbox pops up down in the bottom right corner of the screen. How do I position it over the image they have clicked? I’d like it centered on my page. Where is this option?
I feel comfortable modifying the css, if I could only figure out where the code is for the position of the window…
Any help?
my website is beta.cleantelligent.com
The video is on the final slide of the slider.
For normal posts the thickbox is working just fine,
but for custom post types the thickbox wont show the content, eventhough the lines are exactly the same :
in regular post title input:
<a href="#TB_inline?inlineId=test" class="thickbox" title="132465">Anchor</a>
and in the regular post content input:
<div id="test" style="display: none">
<div>Here is inline content.</div>
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/mezvt0n4huo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<a href="#TB_inline?inlineId=test" class="thickbox" title="132465">Anchor</a>
edit1: But this code will work on regular posts but not on the custom post types, I cant find any information why this piece of code is only working on normal posts… anyone help pls :<
edit2: wrapping around <p> tags wont work, also tried to change the ? into &, didnt work either. Combination of those two, didnt work either.
[ Please do not bump, that’s not permitted here. ]
I can’t figure it out how to implement facebook like or facebook share button at the bottom where stays “Image 1 of 22”.
Any sugestions?
Thanks in advance.
]]>Is there a way to link multiple iframes on a page to one another? So the user can use the arrow navigation to move between the different iframe thickboxes.
Great plugin!
]]>My Auto ThickBox Plus suddenly stopped working.It directly opens image in the Browser & not as a popup anymore.
I am just not sure how to debug or fix this.Can someone please help ?
The last thing that I did was installed “Share Buttons” plugin.
Website : https://studyautomation.com/wp/monkeytalk-mobile-testautomation-android/
WP : 3.6.1
Theme : AccentBox
Plugins :
1. Auto ThickBox Plus
2. Contact Form 7
3. Simple Share Buttons Adder
4. Sliding Social Icons
I cannot see changes to the way my images display. I am using NextGen Gallery. What do I need to do to integrate these please?
]]>When I click a photo thumbnail to enlarge it, the large image appears in the lower right corner of the page and some of it is not visible. I would like to get it to come up in the center.
]]>Hi guys,
since i updated to ngg 2.0 or higher, my galleries/thickbox will not show any of my pictures, I just get the transparency dark background of the thickbox but not the picture in bigger size.
I don’t know what’s happend. Could you help me?
Hi, I have thickbox on a clients site, when the title tag of a link contains apostrophes it seems to break the image link inside the thickbox.
For example, one image has the title ‘This diamond was perfect in every way’, when you select the image the thickbox caption displays correctly but the image code breaks and displays ‘/>
I used my inspector and for some reason the image code conains <br=”” alt=”‘This diamond was perfect in every way” with the second ‘ missing from the end.
Any ideas how we can fix this??
]]>I stuck with my menu items for last 48 hours and I tried lots of plugins nothing worked out. I think ATP will solve my issue.
Ref site: https://bit.ly/oSnOs
When you click on the city Vancouver at top right corner one lightbox will open I need the same option on my menu item so if some one click on my Menu Item 1 then thickbox should open with the list of categories/tags with it.
I still not host my website due to this issue.
Please help me!
]]>redacted on account of dumbassery
]]>I’m having issues with Auto ThickBox Plus in that it seems to be conflicting with Slider PRO (https://codecanyon.net/item/slider-pro-wordpress-premium-slider-plugin/253501).
The UI for Slider PRO does not work properly with Auto Thickbox Plus is activated. I need Auto Thickbox more than I do the slider (even though I paid for the slider plugin).
I’m hoping someone here has experienced this and knows how to work around it. Thanks!
]]>First off, thanks for this plugin!
I am trying to get it to work with my product images as I don’t like the latest lightbox that WooCommerce are now using.
Unfortunately, with WooCommerce lightbox disabled and your plugin enabled, when you click on a product image it just whirrs round and round and doesn’t display the image. I works find with all other images, just not the product images.
Is this something that you might look at?
]]>I would like to use thinkbox for my free elearning session.
I use storyline from Articulate and I uploaded a html content.
The code I use is the following:
Now I get a text on my side “Example” to klick on.
Is it also possible to enbed a image or a to get a thumbnail of the course (video).
]]>I was just wondering if there was a way of disabling the various calls to ATP and the inline JS on all WordPress Pages and Posts *except* those that have the standard WP Gallery within them?
If anyone has any thoughts/solutions for this, I’d be hugely grateful ??
I added a script simply for translate the calendar jQuery and the buttons of Auto ThickBox Plus does not work.
Here the example of code jQuery:
$.datepicker.regional['pt'] = {
closeText: 'Fechar',
prevText: 'Anterior',
nextText: 'Próximo',
currentText: 'Hoje',
monthNames: ['Janeiro','Fevereiro','Mar?o','Abril','Maio','Junho','Julho','Agosto','Setembro','Outubro','Novembro','Dezembro'],
monthNamesShort: ['Jan','Fev','Mar','Abr','Mai','Jun','Jul','Ago','Set','Out','Nov','Dez'],
dayNames: ['Domingo','Segunda-Feira','Ter?a-Feira','Quarta-Feira','Quinta-Feira','Sexta-Feira','Sábado'],
dayNamesShort: ['Dom','Seg','Ter','Qua','Qui','Sex','Sáb'],
dayNamesMin: ['Dom','Seg','Ter','Qua','Qui','Sex','Sáb'],
weekHeader: 'KW',
dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yy',
firstDay: 1,
isRTL: false,
showMonthAfterYear: false,
yearSuffix: ''};
This script is called by the function wp_enqueue_script().
Any idea how to fix this?
]]>Auto Thickbox Plus does a fine job created a lightbox when viewed on my Mac. But on my iPhone the box is a fixed size but has no scroll bars even though the content doesn’t fit in the window. How can I fix this?
]]>I have a few issues with your plugin which on the whole I have found to be better than many others I tried. My site is https://www.amwphotos.co.uk/wp/ and I’m gradually setting all my ‘featured images’ to open as a thickbox.
1. Neither Title nor Caption appear on the image.
2. Each image appears twice in when clicking previous next, presumably because I am using ‘Page links to’ so it recognises the link and image, but if I disable the auto thickbox feature they just load as an image not in a thickbox.
3. ‘Single image’ and ‘Gallery images’ both show all photos on the page.
4. How can I change the appearance of ‘Modified thickbox’ so that it looks like the ‘built in thickbox’ but has the fade in effect of the former.
A lot of questions I know, but probably stuff that many people have tried to sort out.
Thanks in advance.