What reason, if any, did www.ads-software.com provide for they removing the plugin? If none, what do you think prompted their decision to remove it.
]]>Does Automatic Plugin Updates update each plugin EVERY time that a new version is available or just for smaller updates?
For example, if a plugin is on the latest version (say 1.2.4) and a big change is made and version 2.0.0 becomes available, will the plugin auto-update?
]]>Hi, Not working at all,
https://prntscr.com/j84sqs https://prntscr.com/j84sx4
This is the only on I found that DOES work:
Easy Updates Magager
The plugin is really nice, but we’re getting the following email every day
without any plugins actually being updated.
Any ideas how we can fix that?
]]>Hi there,
I have setup and used your plugin with success, however, I had marked one plugin to not be updated, and it has been.
Any ideas why it updated when I ticked the checkbox for it not to be?
Many thanks,
I installed the plugin but it doesn’t seem to be working. I got a notification from Wordfence that my plugins need updated so I waited for a couple days and they are still needing updates.
]]>I’m wondering why my WordPress theme is being updated daily.. I’m getting a notification email as well (below)… Any suggestions?
I receive this email every single day.
WordPress site: https://ledbetter-company.org/
The following themes were successfully updated:
Updating theme: Divi
The theme is at the latest version.
Error: [fs_unavailable] Could not access filesystem.
I just began using this plugin and have ran into an odd issue. If I have more than one plugin that needs updated, all but one will fail to update. The first one on the list updates correctly but the remaining fail with this emailed error:
Jetpack by WordPress.com
Updating plugin: Jetpack by WordPress.com
The plugin is at the latest version.
Error: [fs_unavailable] Could not access filesystem.
Does this plugin work on multisite?
I have installed it on a couple of sites and it has worked great, but wondering if it works on multisite before I install it on a multisite.
Thank you.
]]>Is it possible to set the update time? eg set for the middle of the night when I know the site is hardly used.
I don’t want updates to be running when the site is actively being used
I wonder if you’d consider inversing the way this plugin works, so that one would opt in to plugin upgrades instead of opting out of them. We love the way this plugin works, but we find that we might add plugins and forget to opt out; and we don’t want every plugin auto updating.
We’ve made the modifications to the plugin for it to work this way on one of our websites, and tested it, but would like to hear if you’d think about either making it work this way, or alternatively, adding an “enable / disable” choice at the top, so the user could use it either way.
Best wishes,
]]>One of my plugins is failing to update. What permissions does this plugin require to be able to update other plugins?
It’s all-in-one-wp-migration, from servmask.com
]]>I just activated the plugin. No updates were immediately made. When should I expect the updates to take place?