We enabled this plugin with word-limit n for auto pagination. The pagination works ok but the featured/header image for the post disappears on all paginated pages (even the first page of a paginated post).
We had to disable the plugin because of this.
Deleting is not working
]]>In these articles between 300 to 400 words is not paginating. Do you know if it could be something with paragraphs, skipping lines or something that is creating this problem?
First of all, thanks for this simple n yet great plugin. It works like a charm.
I only have one issue here, i.e. fetching one line text from next page content for teaser purpose. When I used manual –nextpage– tag, the code can fetch text from next page content . But when –nextpage– tag is generated automatically by your plugin, the code can not fetch it, thus it returns null.
Did I miss something? Here’s the code to fetch text for teaser:
if ($page < $numpages) {
$nextpage = intval($page) + 1;
$next_link = get_permalink() . '/' . $nextpage;
$content = get_post_field('post_content', get_the_ID());
$content_parts = explode('<! --nextpage-- >', $content);
$teaser = strip_tags($content_parts[$page]);
$teaser = substr($teaser, 0, 30). "...";
echo '<p>'. $next_link . $teaser . '</p>';
thanks for your help
]]>The Automatically Paginate Posts plugin did a lousy job of counting words; it canceled out the Table of Contents Plus plugin; and it placed the pagination numbers at the bottom of all the content, in my case, below the related posts.
Worst part was when I tried to delete the plugin, I get this message: “Deletion failed: There has been a critical error on this website. Learn more about troubleshooting WordPress.”
So I come here to find that support is not responding to complaints or requests for support.
What gives?
]]>There are problems with the word count on this. I want to show 300 words per page, so that my posts will be split into 3 pages at most, but it splits into 8 pages, and often there are blank pages as well.
]]>I put the following shortcode into one of my posts:
And WP just ignored it.
]]>I’ve installed the plugin and followed instructions, doesn’t seem to work though.
Please advise.
Good Morning Admin, how do I add a display button for all posts, after the last post page? in Automatically Paginate Posts plugin?
I just installed the plugin and it did a great job for my site. However when I tried to split post by word count, I think it count all words in the whole page not only words in the content.
I saw that there is filter to modify which block I want to use for word counting (autopaging_supported_block_types_for_word_counts). Unfortunatelly I didn’t have much knowledge to implement it.
Could you help me to give a sample how to implement that filter to only count words inside paragraph block?
]]>I installed the plugin, I tried it, then I uninstalled it.
Now, all my posts in worpress admin are showing from oldest to newest and also if I clic the date column to reorder them in ascending or descending order, this does not work, also the ordering is not working even if I click the title column in order to prder posts by title. Order is always shown from oldest post to newest post. I am getting crazy! Please tell me why this plugin broke my post ordering function of wordpress admin. The problem only happens in admin post lists, not in homepage.
]]>Hi there,
I’m working on a site for a colleague, and he noticed that the pagination got all messed up after the last plugin update. I tried changing the setting from 500 to 1200 words per page, but most pages are still showing far fewer words than that (mostly fewer than 500 per page, still). Some of his posts are very, very long so it makes for a really unmanageably large number of pages. I’ve done some basic troubleshooting, enough to establish that it’s not a plugin conflict. Could you please either let me know how to download a copy of the previous version of your plugin, or see if you can do something to fix the issue? I’d much appreciate it!
Why “Automatically Paginate” developers didn’t consider this fix in their new version?
]]>Automatically Paginate Posts used by us on one of our websites to break long posts into short pages, It is creating troubles, The main problem is I am facing that, Automatically Paginate Posts plugin in 90 percent cases put a –nextpage– tag where post end, and creating empty post pages, an urgent solution needed, please.
When I implemented the automatically paginate function.
It broke my articles’ format.
All words are not combine into one paragraph.
Anyone has the solution for it?
]]>Hi Developer,
ERROR: Your “Requires at least” is below 4.6. so you need to set a Text Domain in automatically-paginate-posts.php and it needs to be automatically-paginate-posts to correctly internationalize your plugin! (see https://developer.www.ads-software.com/plugins/internationalization/how-to-internationalize-your-plugin/#text-domains)
Alex Lion
]]>As you can see on the page it’s broken down to individual paragraphs. When I activated the plugin the <p> and </p> go missing and turns the post in to one big paragraph. The pagination does work though.
]]>Tried this plugin on the 5.4 version of WordPress, no luck.
I have 4 posts pages in one category that I wanted to paginate.
Does not work with the pages=2 setting, not with the words=99 setting,
also not with the <!–nextpage–> “quick tag”.
The pagination is not working, even when the shortcode is inserted manually. Please help.
]]>Hello, I’m from Hong Kong. Your plug-in is very good, but the page number of the article “1 2 3 4 5 6” The gap between them is too small. It’s easy to click other page numbers when browsing the web by mobile phone. Can you add a button for the Previous/Next page? For example, “Page Number: Previous|First page|…1 | 2 | 3 | Next |Last page “
]]>The first problem was related to this line:
$content = $the_post->post_content;
WordPress must have changed the output of post_content at some point, and now post_content return only text, without html paragraph notation ( <p></p> ).
But this plugin require them, because it does a series of checks and in his subroutine changes the paragraph html notation with a double new line (just to count the paragraphs, the plug-in does not make any changes to your text).
So, this problem can be easily solved changing line #370 to:
$content = wpautop( $the_post->post_content );
But there may be another problem. The plug-in checks the notation <p> … </p>
but not also the inline-style paragraph notations like <p style=”text-align: center;>…</p>
So, it’s better to eventually stripe the inline-style part adding another control just after:
“//Normalize post content to simplify paragraph counting and automatic paging. Accounts for content that hasn’t been cleaned up by TinyMCE.” (line #372)
$content = preg_replace( ‘/(?=<p )(.*?)(>)/i’, ‘<p>’, $content );
The file to change is located in “plugins/automatically-paginate-posts/automatically-paginate-posts.php”
]]>Maybe my mistake, but seems that nextpage tag is no longer inserted.
Tested on
Wordpress 5.2.3
Php 7.3.9-1~deb10u1 and 7.0.33-0+deb9u5
Tested with many themes, also with Twenty Nineteen
wp_link_pages is present in single.php and page.php
On one site the blog was not changed, simply the pagination is disappeared, but I didn’t notice when.
No errors in nginx or php log
]]>The paginate links follow to a 404 page that looks as post_slug/number:
Please, help!
]]>Hi, I would like to edit the “Previous post” and “Next post” links so they say something different. Is there an en.po file I can run through Poedit to rename them?
My requirement is to paginate multiple post types but this is restricting me to only post-type “post”. Can you help me to make it generic.Thanks in Advance
Love the plugin and it works like a charm, i do have a question though..
What do i need to edit in the backend of the plugin to allow to plugin to split a post with 30 images … Now the limit is 10, how can i set this limit higher?
Hope to hear from you,
Thank you in advance,
]]>Please help us change the look of the page numbers from
to something like this:
How can I change the “Pages” text in:
Pages: 1 2
with a different text please?
And is there a way to replace the numbers with ‘Next’ and ‘Previous’ ?
How please?
Pagination is coming on the end(after comment box) of each post.
]]>Doesn’t work when post is uploaded from WordPress app.
When I write my post using the WordPress app for Android, autopagination doesn’t work. However, if I save the post as a draft and then publish it from the WordPress dashboard, everything works.
Can you please make this work with posts uploaded from the WordPress app.