i have 2 problems:
Even if i put my category ID in shortcode, i have a long list of years in my dropdown not only my categories post dates.
The other is i donn’t understand what i have to put in slug-to-post-or-page
Hi Andy,
I really like this plugin. Thanks for doing it. I’ve gone over a few of the issues we discussed. I’ve also set it up to work for custom post type selection and custom taxonomy filtering. I’d be happy to share if you’re interested. Is this a project you’re still going to be updating or should I be worrying about that? Thanks again!
I’m using the shortcode in a text widget to display a yearly dropdown in the sidebar, in conjunction with the (free) version of the widget options plugin I can control where ever I want the widget to be displayed however I cant seem to be able to get it to display on the ‘archived posts page’ because of the slug.
my shortcode is [aw_year_links cat=”9″ postslug=”yearly-events-archive” dropdown=”yes”] however depending on the year selected the slug changes to yearly-events-archive/?2017 etc so, is there anyway to display a widget on this page?
Thanks in advance!
]]>Hi Andy,
Is there any way that i can have the destination page show my posts before i click on a yearly link?
Right now I load the links shortcode in the sidebar and put my shortcode 2 on a page “press releases”. When a visitor goes to this page it’s blank and they have to click a year (2018 etc) before any posts are loaded.
Is there any way to load the posts as they get to the page. Either all posts, unfiltered or the most recent year etc?
]]>when I go to the settings page I get these errors:
Notice: Undefined variable: radioButtonValue in /home/rudtekco/public_html/nodal2/wp-content/plugins/aw-yearly-category-archives/aw_yearlyCategory_archives_plugin.php on line 166
Notice: Undefined variable: checkboxchecked in /home/rudtekco/public_html/nodal2/wp-content/plugins/aw-yearly-category-archives/aw_yearlyCategory_archives_plugin.php on line 193
I can’t edit the settings any more.
I tried disabling all other plugins but am still getting the error
]]>I have a category of posts called Articles and those posts should be the only thing listed, right? For some reason all of my pages are showing up in the listings, including the page that displays the listings.
Here’s the code I’m using:
[aw_year_links cat=”Articles” postslug=”article-archives” dropdown=”yes”]
[aw_show_posts cat=”Articles” readmore=”Continue Reading” publishedon=”n/j/Y” showsubheader=”no”]
I have tried using the shortcode in a php template together with do_shortcode.
As in:
<?php echo do_shortcode('[aw_year_links cat="26" postslug="nyheter"]'); ?>
But it outputs ‘The are no posts in this category’.
I guess the aw_year_links shortcode can not be used with do_shortcode?
Or is there maybe a workaround?
Dear Andy,
Thank you for the great plugin! I started to use the AW Yearly plugin to archive posts that list conferences on a site that I maintain which worked like a charm. As it turns out, using normal WP posts for upcoming events is somewhat of a challenge so I am now using the Events Manager plugin (https://wp-events-plugin.com/) which works much better. The problem is that since this plugin uses its own taxonomy for categories, they are not listed as a standard WP category which breaks the AW Yearly plugin. What’s more, it also uses a separate calendar for the actual event date(s). Do you know if it would be possible to pull in the Events Manager category taxonomy and the event date (rather than the post date) to the AW Yearly plugin so I can still list archive events on this site? I assume some PHP code would do the trick, but I wanted to hear your thoughts.
Thanks again,
Plugin is awesome. it fetching years in the dropdown list perfectly, but when I select any year, it points to the same post. Please Help..
All the year link as “Post-1 (Post Title) as prefix.
Also, I would like have the post count for each year. ( i.e 2010(5)
Link generated by the plugin for the years doesn’t work. It shows the category post, but doesn’t filter per year. What’s going on? How can I solve that?
Good day,
Is this plugin compatible with the WPML multilanguage plugin? If so, in what way can I set this up so that it works. Right now when I am on another language, when I click on a year it redirects me back to the primaire language which is English.
Kind regards,
]]>Hi Andy,
this is really a great plugin, just what I needed for this very complex website gangway.de
There is just one problem and I cannot figure out how to solve it.
Your plugin does work fine, when I am logged in as administrator. The plugin shows the category archive from the selected year, just as it should. Even my own formatting words fine.
When I log out and try the same, I get following message instead of the proper output:
The are no posts in this category click here to return to the home page.
The site with this output: https://gangway.de/archive-team-marzahn/
Any idea how I can resolve this issue?
Would appreciate any help.
Kind regards
]]>Is there a way to filter out the years on the archive drop down? It shows all the years and I am trying to build a timeline for a collaborative story I am doing.
]]>I tried posting on my old account but am having issues, so i hope this isn’t a repost.
Thank you for this plugin! I’m having a problem though.
I have my widget shortcode as this:
[aw_year_links cat="3" postslug="press-release-2"]
and this displays fine everywhere EXCEPT on the actual page with slug press-release-2
if i don’t have the sort code on this page the sidebar displays properly, however when i add the page short code:
[aw_show_posts cat="3" readmore="Learn More" publishedon="n/j/Y" showsubheader="no"]
i get other widgets showing up (wordpress-default-archives, pages, categories) which are NOT loaded anywhere on my site. Taking the short code back off the page and the sidebar loads with my archives again
what could be the problem? I’m using the enfold theme if that matters.
]]>Thank you for this plugin! I’m having a problem though.
I have my widget shortcode as this:
[aw_year_links cat="3" postslug="press-release-2"]
and this displays fine everywhere EXCEPT on the actual page with slug press-release-2
if i don’t have the sort code on this page the sidebar displays properly, however when i add the page short code:
[aw_show_posts cat=”3″ readmore=”Learn More” publishedon=”n/j/Y” showsubheader=”no”]
i get other widgets showing up (wordpress-default-archives, pages, categories) which are NOT loaded anywhere on my site. Taking the short code back off the page and the sidebar loads with my archives again
what could be the problem? I’m using the enfold theme if that matters.
]]>I love what you done with the plugin. It makes thing easier.
I obviously don’t want to modified the core files. I have done so just to test.
is there a way you could implement a suffix on the year links? As I have 2 yearly codes on the same page for 2 different categories so the user sees each year twice.
I added a ‘suffix’ attribute to your shortcode so my yearly links shortcode for now looks like this
[aw_year_links cat="x" postslug="whataever" suffix="Whatever"]
Again this is not an ideal solution, but for now it will suffice. If you decide to implement this solution it would be of great help.
Thank you again for your great work!!
]]>Hi, I’ve tried specifying slug-name and category ID and in both cases, the filter includes everthing – including NON-posts (events). https://www.slasystems.com/wordpress
]]>Hi Andy,
in the plugin you’re using site_url() for creating the year links in the widget. I’m using WordPress in a hidden folder and that function includes the folder in the url. I had to change it to home_url().
I installed your plugin in my website and it’s working as expected ??
I tried to add a subtitle to the archive page, for example: “Year archives: 2014” but I didn’t succeed. I revised the plugin code but I didn’t find how it gets the year parameter. It’s not present in the WP_Query attributes, and I couldn’t find how WordPress handles this kind of filter.
I don’t want to modify the page title itself but to add a subtitle containing the year, before the post list. Is that possible?
Thanks a lot!
]]>When I make a widget with the shortcode, to show a dropdown per year of a certain category in the sidebar, the dropdown always appears above the title of the widget. Also happens when I choose list instead of dropdown.
Apart from this issue: great plugin!
I have entered the two shortcodes into my two respective pages:
[aw_year_links cat=”17″ postslug=”podcast-archive” dropdown=”yes”]
[aw_show_posts cat=”17″ readmore=”Continue Reading” publishedon=”n/j/Y”]
I can view the pulldown which shows the correct years based on the category attribute, but the page I created for the archives shows all posts instead of posts in the category with id #17.
Here is the page where I have the pulldown:
Thanks in advance for your help,
]]>Hi – I have implemented oyur plug in however, when I click on a year, it does not filter the posts by my category ID. It shows me all posts AND pages for the year.
Here are the two shortcodes I am using:
[aw_year_links cat=”2″ postslug=”archives-by-year” dropdown=”no”]
Page (archives-by-year)
[aw_show_posts cat=”2″ readmore=”Continue Reading” publishedon=”n/j/Y”]
Also – is there a way to change the order of the year links. Currently It starts with oldest year rather than latest Year.
]]>Hi.. I install the plugin.. and create the page with name cat-test .. and add this code
[aw_year_links cat=”2″ postslug=”cat-test” dropdown=”yes”]
its show me year.. but when I click on year.. I did not get any output of any posts…