I see author revenue sharing option in percentage. What does it mean?
Is that when the ads show up on eg: 80% of impressions on all posts for administrator, and 20% of impressions on all post for author?
Does it have some option to set that author ads only appear on authors post, and admin ads only appear on admins posts? So that depend on who has written the post the ads show up?
I have been having a bit of a problem with the Chitika Ads not displaying, but instead displaying some code from awesome-ads/libs/functions.php as below which you can also see on my blog home page at https://www.guestbloger.com
ch_client = “nathanielb”;
ch_width = 468;
ch_height = 60;
ch_type = “mpu”;
ch_sid = “Chitika+Default”;
ch_backfill = 1;
ch_color_site_link = “#128A00″;
ch_color_title = “#128A00″;
ch_color_border = “#FFFFFF”;
ch_color_text = “#000000″;
ch_color_bg = “#FFFFFF”;
Does anyone know how I can fix this please to get the ads to display rather then the code?
I just installed the plugin with no luck. There are no ads showing at the bottom of the page. All setting seem to be ok… no luck at all. ideas?
]]>How do I place more than one ad and choose size and placement for each. It appears that you choose one size/type and number of same size ads and that’s it. Can any tall skyscraper ads appear in sidebar for example and have a leaderboard ad appear elsewhere?
]]>I have three WordPress sites that use Awesome ads and all three are having the same issue when I try to log in.
After a long lag, I get this error message repeated over and over again down the screen and there is no way to get to my dashboard to update the sites and/or remove Awesome Ads. Please advise/help ASAP!
]]>cant access to wp-admin at all!
after installing the plugin i’m getting a very heavy page with hundreds of error messages:
Warning: fgets(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /home/www/gmailbackups.com/wp-content/plugins/awesome-ads/libs/functions.php on line 174
Warning: feof(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /home/www/gmailbackups.com/wp-content/plugins/awesome-ads/libs/functions.php on line 175
Warning: fgets(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /home/www/gmailbackups.com/wp-content/plugins/awesome-ads/libs/functions.php on line 175
it happened in 3 sites of mine.
solved only after deleting the plugin directory
]]>How do I place Google Adsense in the sidebar to the right?
Why do I see more banners?
cant access to wp-admin at all!
after installing the plugin i’m getting a very heavy page with hundreds of error messages:
Warning: fgets(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /home/www/gmailbackups.com/wp-content/plugins/awesome-ads/libs/functions.php on line 174
Warning: feof(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /home/www/gmailbackups.com/wp-content/plugins/awesome-ads/libs/functions.php on line 175
Warning: fgets(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /home/www/gmailbackups.com/wp-content/plugins/awesome-ads/libs/functions.php on line 175
it happened in 3 sites of mine.
]]>This plugin looks pretty good but WP gives me a warning, “This plugin has not been tested with your current version of WordPress.” I’m using Twenty Eleven theme. What do you think? Has anyone used this plug in with 2011?
]]>Can I have it shown how many pages view for each individual authors?
Let’s say the revenue is generated under each individual authors, but using my own adsens account, then at the end of each month/week, I will distribute (100% to 90%) of the revenue back to each individual authors. All these are done via our site, without going to adsense site?
]]>When I make the Adsense for posts on my blog only (and disable the other two options) the ads show up in the posts content where I want them to. The only issue is that an ad also shows up on the first post’ sneak peak when I click “personal growth articles” for example and 20 posts show up.
How do I make the one ad show up ONLY in single posts?
]]>This is the error I get when I try to login to my WP dashboard. It was working perfectly but happened out of blue.
Fatal error: Call to undefined function verify_adult_content() in /home/thephoto/public_html/wp-content/plugins/awesome-ads/awesome-ads.php on line 55
This is my website
]]>For all posts “continue reading” is shown.
I deactivated all plugins, no help.
When I looked at certain posts I realized:
When I deactivated the Awesome Ad plugin (not tested with WordPress 3.4.), the plugin restored all posts to the second (a very old) version instead of the second LAST version and even left some adds inside even in the editing mode. Result
Restoring the posts was easy: I simply restore the latest Autosave or version. Thanks to the Autosave reminder, wordpress tells me that I have a very old version installed.
Still I had some issues with missing page breaks when restoring the latest version, but this issue did not show up later.
The ads seem too close to the text on the posts. Is there a way to add padding around the ads?
]]>My regular ads have “ca-pub” in front of the id and the ones from the plugin only have “pub”. Is this correct? Also I don’t see the custom channel I set up in the plugin on my adsense site. Should I?
]]>It seems about one out of every 20 page loads another Adsense Publisher ID is used, 4268725654361605.
This is not my ID nor any of my writers, currently only have other ID entered, so it must be the plug-in developer taking a share for himself.
User beware.
]]>Hi! Firstly sorry for my weak English.
How can i place ads randomly?
The first ad is top of the post.
Second ad is randomly placed in content.
Last one is bottom of the post.
WP 3.1.1
When I set the ad location to center, left or right, my related articles plugin no loner displays. But if I use top or bottom with any alignment, then it works.
The issue is I want the ads to display randomly in the center. Any ideas?
]]>Is there a way to turn off google adsense for certain pages? I would like to place them on some pages but not for others, my contact us page. Thanks!
]]>Warning: fsockopen() [function.fsockopen]: unable to connect to awsmteam.com:80 (Permission denied) in /home/www/gxxx.co.uk/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/awesome-ads/libs/functions.php on line 172
Warning: fputs(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /home/www/gxxx.co.uk/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/awesome-ads/libs/functions.php on line 173
Warning: fgets(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /home/www/gxxx.co.uk/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/awesome-ads/libs/functions.php on line 174
]]>Hi when I attempt to log into my site all I am getting is a browser full of this;
Warning: fsockopen() [function.fsockopen]: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Temporary failure in name resolution in /home/techmas1/public_html/wp-content/plugins/awesome-ads/libs/functions.php on line 172
Any ideas, what can be done as I am unable to get onto my at all!
]]>Was working great for a while, but now my ads just stopped showing up. Haven’t installed any new plugins so not sure what’s up.
https://projectcamelot.info. Otherwise great plug in when it was working.
I just want the Google Adsense on posts and pages, have made the selections and saved, yet the ads are showing up at the top of my blog in my slider. Are there any changes I can make in the editor to fix this? Thanks
]]>Hi, I was wondering if this plugin could be made to ad an ad in the sidebar as well? I mean if that was an extra pay for feature i have np paying for it.
]]>Is there a way to edit the size of ads? The leaderboard at 728 x 90 is close, but I’d prefer 728 x 15, or 728 x 20, shooting for one line of ads. Trying to make them unobtrusive as possible.
I edited awesome_google_ads.php adding in a 728×15 option, but it does not work when selected.
Is there a way I can do this?
]]>Awesome ads gave me a 404 when I tried to edit the settings for Google or Chikita
]]>Awesome Ads has earned me a bundle (I think–I’ve got finalized earnings in line with my experience thus far, though I haven’t gotten a payment yet). The problem: after eight days, my AdSense ad units go “Idle.” The only way that I can keep my account active and continue to get credit and money for clicks is to make sure to create another ad unit every week. Such a unit will appear as “New” and then will go “Idle,” and I’ll get no credit for a click or an impression.
I notice that all I have to do, or even can do, is put in a pub ID. I cannot specify an Ad Unit ID.
For that matter, ads do not appear on my Home Page. (All of my posts have More tags so that more posts and excerpts will appear in the main column.) Ads do appear in posts–every post, and in proper context. (And I know that people are clicking them.)
Why does AdSense take down an ad unit as “Idle”? Why do I get “no data” in an Ad Unit performance report? (However, my Ad Type performance report has plenty of data, in line with the overview.) Why do I have to make sure to create another ad unit every week to make sure that I will always have a “New” ad unit on-line, in order to get credit and money?
]]>Hi Dev Team,
I want to manually insert code in certain position in my template. Is it possible?
]]>This plug-in was easy to set up however:
The ads showed up and then disappeared.
So I went to the Google Adsense page of the plug-in where I notice my PUB ID has a “+” added to the beginning and at the end of my ID there is a “%” symbol and two extra numbers 09 added to my pub ID
Also when the ads did appear…they only appeared on one post. Nothing ever showed up for any other posts or pages..although the plug-in clearly created “space” for the ads..but they are not there.
Unfortunately I will have to go back to manually adding adsense. This is the 3rd adsense plug-in I’ve tried.
Thanks anyway.
]]>Notice: has_cap was called with an argument that is deprecated since version 2.0! Usage of user levels by plugins and themes is deprecated. Use roles and capabilities instead. in /var/www/html/site.com/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3387