FYI: Your plugin seems to be the cause of this warning in the site health screen:
“A PHP session was created by a session_start() function call. This interferes with REST API and loopback requests. The session should be closed by session_write_close() before making any HTTP requests.”
]]>My pictures from London, Paris and Athens show up fine. But the photos from South Korea and Vietnam doesn’t show. The Asian pictures show broken photo icons. But when you click them, it shows the photograph from my Flickr account. How do I fix this?
Awesome Flickr Gallery version 3.5.6
compatible with PHP 7.2?
I have been using your plugin for quite some time now. It was working fine.
Last week out of nowhere a error started coming on every page right above website navigation bar.
I started debugging it and ultimately found out that it was your plugin which was causing the error. I have deactivated your plugin and since then the error is gone now.
I have attached a screenshot showing the exact error.
Link to the screenshot : Image
Please go through it and patch it or let me know what could be the reason causing this error.
]]>Hi there
I’ve used your plugin on our old site for a long while and think it’s really great!
I’m setting up a new site now, and I’ve followed the steps to create a new API and have copied them over to the AFG settings. When I go to Grant Access with the secret box filled in I’m taken to a ‘Permission denied’ screen on the Flickr site.
The API seems to have been accepted as I can see details of non-private photos and galleries.
Any ideas how I can fix this? I’ve double and triple checked that the secret key is correct!
Thanks for your help
]]>It’s me or the plugin cleaning chache process seems to don’t work?
]]>Testing awesome-flickr-gallery-plugin: The loopback request to your site failed, this may prevent WP_Cron from working, along with theme and plugin editors.
I am trying to find out which plugin that prevent me from updating file on editor by using health check, it shows this error while checking.
]]>Hi, i configured the plugin to display a specific photoset but the plugin displays the entire photostream. No other problems, size and number of photos per page are correct.. just the photoset selection seems to be unuseful.
I am using AFG 3.5.6 with WP4.9.6.
Many thanks,
]]>I have been using the plugin for some time, and I love it.
Only problem I have is when I set Size of Photos to CUSTOM .
No thumbnails are loaded and this is the error in console:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
Any idea?
]]>Hello Ronak/Support,
How long does it still take to solve the “grant access” button?
You leave us in the cold now for several months.
Nowhere we will be heared even on GitHub, no reactions at all…
Please solve this problem.
]]>Hi have several galleries, and the problem is that they do not load the images, I have a 504 error(gateway timeout).
The error is:
“Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 504 ()”
Could you help me with this?
I’d like to change the title of the photos on the slideshow (adding the photo owner for example). Is it possible to have some filters for customization in a next version?
This could be easely accomplished with wordpress filters and it would be transparent:
in index.php line 380 remplace the if content with
if ($slideshow_option != 'none') {
$slideshow_photo_title = $photo['title'];
$slideshow_photo_title = apply_filters( 'afg_slideshow_photo_title', $slideshow_photo_title, $photo );
if (isset($rel))
$disp_gallery .= "<a $class $rel $click_event href='{$photo_page_url}' title=\"{$slideshow_photo_title}\">";
$disp_gallery .= "<a $class $click_event href='{$photo_page_url}' title=\"{$slideshow_photo_title}\">";
than the title can be hooked in function.php like :
function slideshow_photo_title($title, $photo) {
$photo_title = $photo['title'];
$owner_name = $photo['ownername'];
$owner_id = $photo['owner'];
$owner_profile = "$owner_id";
$owner_link = "<a href='$owner_profile'>par $owner_name</a>";
return "$photo_title $owner_link";
add_filter('afg_slideshow_photo_title', 'slideshow_photo_title', 10, 2);
The “Grant Acces” authentication URL seems to be incorrect? I can no longer authenticate this plugin to my Flickr application, because it looks like you have to use an oauth authorization nowadays. After I click on “Grant Access” it just redirects me to
Also, for Internet Explorer there seems to be a problem which I can not find out why it is happening. If you open an image with the quickview and you close it with the upper right close button (the X) and you want to visit another page on your website (it doesn’t matter if you click on a link or fill in the link of your website yourself), it redirects you to the image URL which you opened before closing the quickview. This only seems to happen on Internet Explorer. Even though Internet Explorer is crap, most of the visitors of this blog are from an older generation whom only know how to use Internet Explorer.
Could you check these two issues? I forcefully am changing 79.000 photos to public in order to view the images on the site.
Is there any way to move my Saved Galleries from one website to another? Exporting the .xml file with WordPress did not work. I have 30 galleries, I want to duplicate them and add them to my new website (without migrating my entire wordpress database). Please advise, thank you
]]>Hi! And thanks for the great plugin.
I’m getting these errors. They’re reported on the plugin’s “Edit Galleries” page at the top. None of my galleries work right now. The pages themselves don’t show any error messages.
Notice: Undefined index: group in /home/iltakoulrb/www/wp-content/plugins/awesome-flickr-gallery-plugin/afg_libs.php on line 160
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/iltakoulrb/www/wp-content/plugins/awesome-flickr-gallery-plugin/afg_libs.php on line 160
What should be done?
Thanks in advance!
]]>Hi there,
Since the wordpress updated (4.8.1 and 4.8.2), Awesome Flickr Gallery is not working fine,
Flickr Gallery Shortcode doesn’t displaying Gallery in the post, It’s just empty,
Could you please resolve this issue as soon as possible,
I had placed the Awesome Flickr Gallery ShortCodes in posts of my site, they were working fine earlier, now there is nothing displayed,
Please resolve this,
Thank You…!
]]>Awesome Flickr Gallery Error – Photoset not found
This has appeared after updating to 4.8.1
]]>I was having an issue with the plugin not being able to access gallery pages past the first one, because for some odd reason the plugin author added the port number into the URL for each subsequent page. There’s no reason to do this since he’s already checking whether the URL should start with http or https. The port shouldn’t matter.
Anyway, if you have this problem you can fix it by editing the file afg_libs.php in the plugin folder. Get rid of lines 181 and 182, and on line 183 remove .$port after [“HTTP_HOST”]:
$url = ($isHTTPS ? 'https://' : 'https://').$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"].$port.$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];
Here comes a fix for afgFlickr.php, as the plugin uses mysql_ function which is deprecated since PHP 5.5 and removed in PHP 7.
Just replace the code below and plugin is working with PHP 7 again.
I miss one thing heavily. And that is a possibility how to disable the native css. Coz it is kinda nonsense to fight with it with !important rules over !important rules.
]]>I was forced to convert my multisite installation into single site, by merging my subsites (one of which was using AFG) into one.
I installed AFG in my “new” site but cannot grant access in order to view my private images. Public images are viewed as expected.
My UserID, API Key & Secret are setup and saved, Flickr App’s Callback URL is also as requested but when I press “Grant Access” I am redirected to “” and cannot authenticate my site to view my private flickr images.
I set up another app with different API key & Secret and the result was the same.
Is there a solution to this?
I have a site (multisite installation) where I have AFG installed and running. I want to export my whole site to another, I use WP export tool and import all my posts from my old site to the new one. AFG posts have only the shortcode (e.g. [AFG_gallery id=’433′]). Unfortunately on the new site NO AFG galleries exist so the current shortcodes, imported from the old site do not work.
My question is: Is there a way in which I can import all the necessary information to the new site? If not, where does AFG store the galleries info in the database?
I have created more than 400 galleries in my old site and it would be helpful to avoid creating them from the start.
Kind Regards
I have set the cache refresh interval at 6 hours, but after 8 hours it din’t refresh. The album stil showed me 1 photo instead of 2.
Can you tel me what I can do about It?
And is there a way to set a album cover and title?
]]>seems like the author is not going to fix the plugin.
is anybody else able to fix this?
checked the afgFlickr.php code online:
<br />
<b>Deprecated</b>: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; afgFlickr has a deprecated constructor in <b>[…][…]</b> on line <b>22</b><br />
<br />
<b>Deprecated</b>: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; afgFlickr_pager has a deprecated constructor in <b>[…][…]</b> on line <b>1691</b><br />
<br />
<b>Warning</b>: class_exists() has been disabled for security reasons in <b>[…][…]</b> on line <b>17</b><br />
<br />
<b>Warning</b>: session_id() has been disabled for security reasons in <b>[…][…]</b> on line <b>18</b><br />
<br />
<b>Warning</b>: class_exists() has been disabled for security reasons in <b>[…][…]</b> on line <b>1690</b><br />
I want to create a gallery with album/photoset – where you could pick one album to see the collection of photos inside.
Right now, I tried add galleries but what come up is something like
(So, I want all of them represented by one picture only) is it possible? Am I making any sense?
]]>I am running WordPess 4.7 and I am testing php 7 with Awesome Flickr Gallery.
I am getting the following error. Can someone help about this?
FILE: /nas/content/staging/yowangdu/wp-content/plugins/awesome-flickr-gallery-plugin/afgFlickr/afgFlickr.php
58 | WARNING | Use of deprecated PHP4 style class constructor is not supported since PHP 7.
82 | ERROR | Extension ‘mysql_’ is deprecated since PHP 5.5 and removed since PHP 7.0 – use mysqli instead.
I am having trouble with the photo gallery being responsive in IE 11.0.9600. The Table gallery is resizing properly in all other browsers but in IE it is not responsive at all an d is stuck at the fixed max width. Any assistance with this would be greatly appreciated.
The plugin has been working perfectly but, suddenly, it doesn’t. Now appears the next sentence:
Awesome Flickr Gallery Error- SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate
What can I do?
Hi, I have a problem that I’d like to outline below to give you an idea of where I’m at.
Any ideas? Why would it only show that one screenshot for the Flickr App and not all of my photos that I’ve set to public?
Any ideas would be very much appreciated.
]]>i have enabled pagination once i click the next page button whole page reloads .is there any way i can view the second page without loading the whole page.. ?